
In 1952, in the Battle of Shangganling, Gao Shouyu single-handedly annihilated more than 120 enemies, repelled 6 enemy attacks in a row, and even the U.S. army crowned him the "Murder Demon King".

author:Chifumi Hira

In 1952, in the Battle of Shangganling, Gao Shouyu single-handedly annihilated more than 120 enemies, repelled 6 enemy attacks in a row, and even the U.S. army gave him the title of "Murder Demon King"!

(Source: The Central Committee of the Communist Youth League - "Shangganling's "Complementary Combination": Blind Volunteer Army Soldiers Fight with Broken Legs on Their Backs|Qingping" 2020-11-09, "Qingting | Shangganling: Bullies are repulsed" 2019-05-18)

In the autumn of 1952, when the sky over the Korean Peninsula was filled with gunsmoke, an earth-shattering battle was also being staged in this war-torn land, and the originally unknown hill became the focus of the world's attention of the Chinese People's Volunteer Army.

And the place where this battle took place, in Shangganling, which will always be mentioned by people, in the cool battle, there are countless heroes who can sing and cry, with their stories, touched countless people who have heard it.

There is such a special pair of comrades-in-arms, their stories are not only moving, but also left miracles on the battlefield, and they are Wang Heliang and Xue Zhigao, one lost his eyes and the other broke his legs, but they became life and death partners on the battlefield.

The two soldiers at that time were also about 20 years old, although they did not have any proud achievements, but they were also indispensable heroes in the Shangganling War, relying on each other's mutual support to complete their desire to protect their families and defend the country.

It was a gloomy morning, the enemy's artillery fire poured down like raindrops, Wang Heliang's eyes were hit by shrapnel, and immediately blood flowed, just as he groped to retreat, he heard Xue Zhigao's groan.

It turned out that Xue Zhigao's legs had been blown off, and at this moment of life and death, the two crippled warriors made an astonishing decision, and the two decided to use complementary bodies to become each other's help to go to war.

One can't see the road, the other can't walk, and there is a magical combination of "I am your eyes, you are my legs", and the two actually launched a charge against the enemy, such a complementary combination, until the last moment, they are sacrificing themselves to achieve comrades.

Relying on this unique combination, they not only held their positions, but also dealt a heavy blow to the enemy, and they did it by relying on each other, and when they only had the last grenade in their hands, they chose to fight back against the enemy and die with them.

And their deeds soon spread among the volunteers and became a vivid teaching material to stimulate morale, but this is only one of the countless touching stories in the Battle of Shangganling, and the heroes also chose to sacrifice themselves in the end for the victory of the war.

On a position on the 537.7 heights, the heroic performance of another young soldier was equally impressive, and he was Gao Shouyu, because the position was lost on November 19, and the Volunteer Army sent a squad of soldiers to recapture the position.

And Gao Shouyu and his younger brother Gao Shourong were among them, and in the fierce battle, the squad leader and most of his comrades also died one after another, and in the end, only Gao Shouyu was left to defend the position, and in the face of an enemy several times his size, Gao Shouyu did not flinch.

He was like an enraged lion, launching a frantic counterattack against the enemy with the weapon in his hand, and during that time, he alone repelled 6 enemy charges and annihilated more than 120 enemies, which can be described as a remarkable achievement.

And the seemingly impossible task of dying has become a reality in the hands of Gao Shouyu, and the Americans, after witnessing Gao Shouyu's heroic performance, are also surprised to find that this young Chinese soldier seems to be incarnated as a god of war.

You can shuttle back and forth in the rain of bullets alone, and every time you shoot, you can also take away the life of the enemy, so there are war correspondents of the US military, after being shocked by the behavior of Chinese soldiers, they wrote a report with ""Murder Demon King" Gao Shouyu", so that the world knows the heroic deeds of this Chinese soldier.

And Gao Shouyu's heroic performance is only the tip of the iceberg of the volunteer soldiers who are fighting bravely as American reporters are seeing, and there are countless soldiers who are using their actions to write touching and shocking stories.

In this protracted battle, the volunteer soldiers gave full play to their advantages in close combat, and with only the 45th Division of the 15th Army, they could consume 106,500 grenades, 46,000 grenades and more than 1,500 blasting canisters in 23 days of fighting.

After the grenade became the most powerful weapon of the volunteers, although it seemed simple and not so large, it also used such a small weapon to create one war miracle after another, relying on the spirit of sacrifice to make the US military afraid.

But the cruelty of the war is far more than that, in the Shangganling Battle, the test for the volunteer soldiers is not only the fierce attack of the enemy, but also the extremely harsh living environment, and the severe test of water and food shortage at any time.

No matter how difficult the conditions were, the soldiers relied on their wisdom to solve one problem after another, and none of the warriors who still insisted on fighting chose to retreat at that time, and the US military had to be amazed by this tenacious willpower.

That is, when the US military somewhat underestimated the will to fight of the volunteers and underestimated the determination of the Chinese soldiers to fight, it did use reality to deal a heavy blow to the US army, and the result that the US army suffered casualties as high as 25,000 after the battle lasted 43 days.

Finally ended the battle, under the huge losses of the US troops not only did not take advantage, but also saw the Chinese soldiers, the decisive and brave side, not only failed to capture this small mountain, but also suffered a hard lesson.

This battle of Shangganling, while not achieving the expected goal of the United States, also became a huge shame for the US military on the Korean battlefield, they themselves knew it in their hearts, but they also had to admit that the defense line of the volunteers was so impregnable.

The patriotic spirit of the Chinese People's Volunteers who are not afraid of a strong enemy and sacrifice their lives is a courage that other countries can hardly experience except the Chinese; on the battlefield filled with gunsmoke, the soldiers are all heroes, and they have forged an immortal monument with their blood and lives.

In 1952, in the Battle of Shangganling, Gao Shouyu single-handedly annihilated more than 120 enemies, repelled 6 enemy attacks in a row, and even the U.S. army crowned him the "Murder Demon King".
In 1952, in the Battle of Shangganling, Gao Shouyu single-handedly annihilated more than 120 enemies, repelled 6 enemy attacks in a row, and even the U.S. army crowned him the "Murder Demon King".
In 1952, in the Battle of Shangganling, Gao Shouyu single-handedly annihilated more than 120 enemies, repelled 6 enemy attacks in a row, and even the U.S. army crowned him the "Murder Demon King".

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