
The husband who has spent 21 years becoming popular would rather leave the house than divorce, and he doesn't even want child custody

author:Kotsuki Finding Office
The husband who has spent 21 years becoming popular would rather leave the house than divorce, and he doesn't even want child custody
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The husband who has spent 21 years becoming popular would rather leave the house than divorce, and he doesn't even want child custody

Behind the glitz and glamour of the entertainment industry, there are often embarrassing stories being staged. Cheng Su's experience is undoubtedly one of the most touching scenes. , a once radiant drama star, resolutely gave up her stage dream in order to achieve her husband Fu Chengpeng's acting career.

For 21 years, she paid in obscurity and finally pushed her husband to the pinnacle of his career. However, just when she thought she could finally share the fruits of success with her beloved, Fu Chengpeng chose to leave.

Not only did he insist on divorce, but he did not hesitate to leave the house, and even gave up the custody of the children without hesitation.

In 1996, the spring was bright, and 18-year-old Cheng Su successfully entered the Shanghai Theater Center with his outstanding performance. As a young woman, with a love for the performing arts and a vision for the future, she stepped into this palace full of opportunities.

The husband who has spent 21 years becoming popular would rather leave the house than divorce, and he doesn't even want child custody

However, fate always likes to joke, and a seemingly ordinary encounter completely changes the trajectory of her life.

On campus, Cheng Su met Fu Chengpeng, an outstanding graduate who returned to his alma mater for publicity and recruitment. His calm temperament and outstanding talent, like a magnet, deeply attracted this energetic girl.

Under the persuasion of Fu Chengpeng, Cheng Su made an important decision: to give up the original plan, join the Nanjing Military Region Repertory Troupe, and start her acting career.

Although the two did not intersect much during their time at school, Fu Chengpeng launched a gentle and firm pursuit of Cheng Su during their time together. His thoughtfulness and careful care, like the warm sun in spring, melted the ice in Cheng Su's heart.

The husband who has spent 21 years becoming popular would rather leave the house than divorce, and he doesn't even want child custody

Whenever Cheng Su rehearses, Fu Chengpeng can always be seen silently supporting him in the audience. His attention to detail and preference for Cheng Su made the young girl fall in love unknowingly.

Although the outside world has long been aware of the ambiguity between the two, they have always maintained a distance. It wasn't until a certain New Year that Fu Chengpeng finally mustered up the courage to express his heart to Cheng Su through a carefully prepared gift.

Two young hearts finally come together and start their love journey.

At that time, although Cheng Su had not yet become a household name, he was already a rising star in the repertory troupe. Her acting talent and dedication have earned her praise from her colleagues and many additional job opportunities.

The husband who has spent 21 years becoming popular would rather leave the house than divorce, and he doesn't even want child custody

In contrast, Fu Chengpeng's career development is relatively stable, but his characteristic of "being able to afford soft rice and doing well is the last word" makes Cheng Su feel at ease and reliable.

The honeymoon period of marriage passed quickly, and Cheng Su gradually discovered that Fu Chengpeng had an unspeakable inferiority complex hidden deep in his heart. As the pillar of the repertory troupe, Cheng Su's star career is bright, but Fu Chengpeng's career development is mediocre.

This pattern of strong women and weak men has become an invisible thorn in their marriage, stinging Fu Chengpeng's self-esteem all the time.

Cheng Su was keenly aware of her husband's inner torment. She loved this man so much that she couldn't bear to see him tormented. So, she made a decision that was incomprehensible to others: quit the showbiz and wholeheartedly support her husband's career.

The husband who has spent 21 years becoming popular would rather leave the house than divorce, and he doesn't even want child custody

This decision made many people regret, but Cheng Su was unswerving. She gave up her dream and devoted all her energy to promoting Fu Chengpeng.

Since then, Cheng Su has started her behind-the-scenes career. She traveled everywhere, recommending her husband to directors and fighting for every possible opportunity for him. She incarnated as Fu Chengpeng's most loyal fan and most effective assistant, and spared no effort to pave the way for him.

Whenever Fu Chengpeng was frustrated because of failure, Cheng Su was always the first to stand up to comfort him and encourage him.

With Cheng Su's unremitting efforts, Fu Chengpeng's career finally began to improve. Every small progress made Cheng Su ecstatic. She seems to have pinned her dreams on her husband, and his success is her greatest satisfaction.

The husband who has spent 21 years becoming popular would rather leave the house than divorce, and he doesn't even want child custody

Watching her husband succeed step by step, Cheng Su felt that all the efforts were worth it.

However, life is not all about career. When their child arrived, Cheng Su once again chose to devote himself to the family without hesitation. She became a stay-at-home mom and took care of her children's development.

Every sleepless night, every careful care, made Cheng Su feel the happiness and responsibility of being a mother. Fu Chengpeng took this as a driving force to work harder to expand his career territory.

In the past 21 years, Cheng Su has not only been a good wife and mother, but also a learner who has been improving. She took advantage of the gap between taking care of her family to self-study and successfully obtained a master's degree in fine arts from Nanjing University, demonstrating her extraordinary intellect and perseverance.

The husband who has spent 21 years becoming popular would rather leave the house than divorce, and he doesn't even want child custody

However, this academic qualification did not allow her to return to the stage, but became another bargaining chip for her to support her husband. She applied what she learned to help her husband improve his acting skills and image, and contributed to his career development.

Day after day, year after year, Cheng Su dedicated his youth and talent to this family without reservation. Her efforts finally paid off, and Fu Chengpeng's fame gradually climbed and became a well-known actor.

Whenever she saw her husband's radiant appearance on the screen, Cheng Su would smile with satisfaction. She felt that it was all worth it.

Little did she know, however, that just as she was rejoicing in her husband's success, a storm was brewing that would destroy her 21 years of hard work. Fate once again played a cruel joke on her, and this time, the price will be all her giving and sacrificing.

The husband who has spent 21 years becoming popular would rather leave the house than divorce, and he doesn't even want child custody

In the past 21 years, Cheng Su seems to have forgotten that she was also a girl with dreams. She pinned all her hopes on her husband, but neglected her own values and needs.

She thinks that her efforts will be rewarded in the end, but she doesn't know that love is sometimes like a big gamble, winning everything, or losing everything.

When the storm is coming, Cheng Su is still immersed in the illusion of happiness she has woven with her own hands, completely unaware of the heartbreak and betrayal she is about to face. Her story becomes a profound allegory of love, sacrifice and self-worth.

2017 was a nightmare year for Cheng Su. Her world fell apart in an instant. At first, she noticed that her husband Fu Chengpeng and the actress Zhou Liqi of the "Undercover" crew were getting closer and closer.

The husband who has spent 21 years becoming popular would rather leave the house than divorce, and he doesn't even want child custody

She tried to convince herself that it was just a normal work relationship. However, as time passed, a sense of unease grew in her mind.

When Cheng Su finally mustered up the courage to meet Fu Chengpeng frankly, the answer he got was like a bolt from the blue. Fu Chengpeng calmly told her that he was in love with Zhou Liqi and wanted to end this 21-year marriage.

At that moment, Cheng Su felt that his heart was torn to pieces.

She couldn't come to terms with this harsh reality. Years of hard work, is it just like this in vain? Cheng Su begged bitterly, hoping to save this precarious marriage for the sake of his children.

The husband who has spent 21 years becoming popular would rather leave the house than divorce, and he doesn't even want child custody

She reminded Fu Chengpeng of the years they had walked together, wanting to awaken a trace of guilt or pity in his heart.

However, Fu Chengpeng's determination is as firm as a rock. He not only insisted on divorce, but also expressed his willingness to leave the house, and even gave up the custody of the children without hesitation.

This decision completely crushed Cheng Su. She couldn't understand that she had worked hard for 21 years in exchange for such a cold ending.

The divorce process was like a long nightmare. Fu Chengpeng even changed his name in order to end this marriage as soon as possible. This move made Cheng Su feel like a knife, as if the years they spent together had become worthless in Fu Chengpeng's eyes.

The husband who has spent 21 years becoming popular would rather leave the house than divorce, and he doesn't even want child custody

She felt betrayed, deceived, and even more powerless. The man who once shone like the sun in her eyes was now an indifferent stranger.

In 2018, when Cheng Su was still mourning for her broken marriage, the news of Fu Chengpeng and Zhou Liqi's marriage came. This news was like the last straw, which completely crushed Cheng Su.

She finally understood that her efforts over the years were nothing more than making wedding clothes for others.

In this great change in feelings, Cheng Su went through a difficult process from disbelief to painful struggle, and finally had to accept reality. She used to think that with enough love and sacrifice, she could buy eternal happiness.

The husband who has spent 21 years becoming popular would rather leave the house than divorce, and he doesn't even want child custody

However, reality inexorably tells her that love is not an equivalent exchange.

This experience made Cheng Su deeply realize the importance of maintaining oneself in marriage. She realizes that excessive sacrifice may not only not be cherished by the other party, but may also make her lose her heart.

Although this is a painful lesson, it has also become an opportunity for Cheng Su to re-understand himself and start a new life.

The collapse of the marriage did not completely crush Cheng Su. On the contrary, this major setback in her life inspired her inner strength. After experiencing the initial grief and confusion, Cheng Su is determined to start over, not only for herself, but also for her children.

The husband who has spent 21 years becoming popular would rather leave the house than divorce, and he doesn't even want child custody

As a single mother, Cheng Su devotes a lot of time and energy to her children. She is well aware that she is now both a mother and a father, and that she has double the responsibility.

This sense of responsibility has made her stronger and more mature. She strives to create a warm and positive family environment for her children, and interprets the greatness of maternal love with her actions.

With the help and encouragement of his friends, Cheng Su began to re-examine his life. She realized that she wasn't just a wife and mother, she was also a talented artist.

The experience and knowledge accumulated over the years did not disappear with the end of the marriage, but became a valuable asset for her to start anew.

The husband who has spent 21 years becoming popular would rather leave the house than divorce, and he doesn't even want child custody

With his own strength and hard work, Cheng Su successfully served as the dean of Nanguang University. This new role allowed her to rediscover the stage of her life. Although she no longer appears on screen, she continues to shine in her own way, nurturing a new generation of artistic talent with knowledge and experience.

Cheng Su faces life with a positive attitude and uses his own experience to inspire and help others. Her story became a light in the hearts of many, illuminating souls who were struggling in the darkness.

She proved with practical actions that even if she has experienced a low point in her life, she can stand up again and create a wonderful life of her own.

At the same time, Fu Chengpeng's life was not satisfactory. Although he has a beloved son with his young and beautiful new wife, his career and reputation have taken a heavy hit. Without Cheng Su's support, he seemed to have returned to his ordinary self in the past.

The husband who has spent 21 years becoming popular would rather leave the house than divorce, and he doesn't even want child custody

His former image of a "good man" has completely collapsed, and his status in the entertainment industry has plummeted.

Cheng Su's road to rebirth is not only a story about self-redemption, but also a vivid interpretation of women's power. She used her own experience to tell the world that true happiness comes from self-respect and unremitting efforts, rather than blind dedication and sacrifice.

Cheng Su's story is not only a narrative of love and betrayal, but also a profound allegory of self-growth and rebirth. It tells us that love, while important, should not be the whole meaning of a person's existence.

In marriage, giving is necessary, but it is also necessary to keep yourself. Blind sacrifice may not only not be rewarded by the other party, but may also lead to self-loss.

The husband who has spent 21 years becoming popular would rather leave the house than divorce, and he doesn't even want child custody

At the same time, this story also reveals the fragility of marriage in the entertainment industry. In Vanity Fair, love often doesn't stand the test of time and temptation. But more importantly, no matter what the environment, maintaining an independent personality and values is the foundation of a long-term relationship.

Cheng Su's road to rebirth tells us that even if we experience a low point in life, as long as we don't give up hope, there is always a chance to get back on our feet. Life may hit us hard, but it can also inadvertently open new doors for us.

Ultimately, true happiness comes from self-awareness and unremitting effort, rather than blind dependence on others.

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