
Chen Qiaoen got up early to take a selfie, and the Internet celebrity filter rubbing caused blurred facial features, which did not look like him

author:Xi Xi Gui Circle


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Chen Qiaoen got up early to take a selfie, and the Internet celebrity filter rubbing caused blurred facial features, which did not look like him

Text: Xixi Guiquan


The filter is too big and the character collapses? Chen Qiaoen's selfie sparked a heated discussion about the authenticity of the star's image. But, dear friends, have we neglected a more important question: what kind of beauty are we pursuing in this era when everyone is beautifying?

Is it illusory perfection, or is it the true self? Let's talk about the issues behind Chen Qiaoen's news, which are worth thinking about.

Chen Qiaoen got up early to take a selfie, and the Internet celebrity filter rubbing caused blurred facial features, which did not look like him

Chen Qiaoen: A new peak in his career, a new controversy in the filter

There has never been a shortage of topics in the entertainment industry, and Chen Qiaoen recently brought us a topic worth pondering. The actress, who is over forty years old, not only hit a new high in her career, but also sparked heated discussions among netizens because of a selfie video. Let's first take a look at the recent dynamics of this "goddess of immortality".

Chen Qiaoen can be described as a spring breeze and a horse's hoof. took over two costume dramas in a row, and the work schedule was full. Just a few days ago, she also posted a video of getting up early to start work on social platforms.

Before dawn, when most people were still asleep, Chen Qiaoen was already fully armed and sat in the crew's car ready to go. This kind of professionalism has to be said to be admirable.

"We started work at six o'clock, Chen Qiaoen really worked hard! She is worthy of being our goddess of the workplace! A netizen commented.

However, it is such a seemingly ordinary daily work video, but it has caused controversy because of the filter effect used by Chen Qiaoen. Some netizens pointed out that Chen Qiaoen in the video has blurred his facial features due to excessive use of beauty filters, and he doesn't look like himself.

Chen Qiaoen got up early to take a selfie, and the Internet celebrity filter rubbing caused blurred facial features, which did not look like him

Filter Battle: Authenticity vs. Perfection

This discussion about filters actually reflects a contradiction in the pursuit and cognition of beauty in the current society. On the one hand, we crave to see the stars in their truest form; On the other hand, we have near-perfect expectations for their image.

Jon Chen's fans have mixed opinions on this. It has been argued that:

"Sister Jon can shoot as much as she wants, she just needs to be happy!"

It was also stated that:

"Actually, Jon is also beautiful without makeup, and he doesn't need to open such a big filter at all."

Isn't this contradictory voice a reflection of each of us? In this era where everyone can become an "Internet celebrity", do we often hover between truth and perfection?

Chen Qiaoen got up early to take a selfie, and the Internet celebrity filter rubbing caused blurred facial features, which did not look like him

Acting skills and appearance: the self-cultivation of the powerful faction

Having said that, Chen Qiaoen's strength is beyond doubt. Her recent works with Wu Jinyan are quite good in terms of word-of-mouth and popularity. Although Chen Qiaoen is only a supporting actress in the play, the audience highly recognized her acting skills.

According to statistics, the score of the show on Douban is as high as 8.2 points, and many of the praises mention Chen Qiaoen's wonderful performance.

This time he is going to partner with Song Qian in a new play, and Chen Qiaoen seems to be in a good mood. Even on a hot day, she was still in good shape. This professional attitude is also one of the important reasons why she stands out among middle-aged actresses.

The beauty of form: the art of blending ancient and modern

Speaking of the styling of the new drama, I have to mention that Chen Qiaoen's styling this time is quite distinctive. Although it is a costume background, the makeup has a modern feel. The wig bag and simple hair accessories designed by the stylist for her are both refreshing and classically beautiful.

Chen Qiaoen got up early to take a selfie, and the Internet celebrity filter rubbing caused blurred facial features, which did not look like him

The high bun makes Chen Qiaoen's small face more exquisite, and the overall shape is quite eye-catching. As for private clothes, Chen Qiaoen still loves the white series. Every summer, white dresses have become her standard outfit, fresh and refined, beautiful.

Behind the scenes: Hardship and joy coexist

The hard work of filming is unimaginable to outsiders. This time the filming location was far away in the mountains, and the road was long and bumpy. Chen Qiaoen staggered in the car, screaming for motion sickness. But even so, she still didn't forget to hold the fan concave shape given by fans, and when she smiled, she was even said by netizens to look like Li Ruotong.

This kind of professionalism and optimism is an important reason why Chen Qiaoen can gain a long-term foothold in the entertainment industry.

Chen Qiaoen got up early to take a selfie, and the Internet celebrity filter rubbing caused blurred facial features, which did not look like him

Life Choices: A Balance Between Career and Love

It is worth mentioning that Chen Qiaoen also showed a unique charm in his career and life choices. At a time when many female artists of the same age choose to return to their families, she is still active in the entertainment industry. If you have a good script, you will shoot seriously, and when you have free time, you will go on a trip with her husband Alan.

This way of life not only allowed Chen Qiaoen to maintain the vitality of her career, but also allowed her to maintain an independent posture in love. As one netizen said:

"Jonn Chen's attitude towards life is really great! If you have a successful career and can enjoy the world of two people, this is the ideal state of life! "
Chen Qiaoen got up early to take a selfie, and the Internet celebrity filter rubbing caused blurred facial features, which did not look like him

Netizens are hotly discussed: mixed reviews, each expressing their own opinions

This incident quickly aroused heated discussions among netizens on the Internet. Some netizens think that Chen Qiaoen's excessive use of filters is deceiving himself:

"Celebrities also have to keep pace with the times, but not by filters, but by strength and truth. Over-beautification can make people feel unconfident. "

Some netizens also expressed their understanding:

"In this era of national beauty, celebrities are facing more pressure on their appearance. There's nothing wrong with using filters in moderation, but the key is not to compromise the performance in your work. "
Chen Qiaoen got up early to take a selfie, and the Internet celebrity filter rubbing caused blurred facial features, which did not look like him

Some netizens interpret this phenomenon from another angle:

"I think this reflects the harsh requirements of the current society for women, especially female stars. Why do we always expect them to be perfect? This expectation in itself is worth reflecting on. "

Interestingly, many netizens also said that they prefer to see the real side of celebrities:

"In fact, Chen Qiaoen is also very beautiful without makeup, I hope she can show more of the most real appearance in life, which will be more affinity."

The discussion touched on a variety of topics such as beauty, age, and social expectations, and sparked people's thinking about current aesthetics and values.

Chen Qiaoen got up early to take a selfie, and the Internet celebrity filter rubbing caused blurred facial features, which did not look like him

Write at the end

Looking back at the whole incident, we can see that the fact that a simple selfie video can spark so much discussion speaks volumes about the complexity and importance of the topic. Chen Qiaoen's filter turmoil actually reflects the pursuit of beauty in contemporary society, the expectation of women, and the impact of technological development.

As a public figure, how to find a balance between staying authentic and meeting public expectations is indeed a question worth pondering. At the same time, as ordinary people, should we also reflect on our own aesthetic standards and value orientation?

Finally, I would like to throw out a question for you to ponder: in this era where everyone can "beautify", how should we define and pursue true beauty? Feel free to leave your thoughts in the comment area.

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