
Liu Xuezhou, a boy looking for relatives, committed suicide at the age of 15, his life was too bitter, and the 10,000-word suicide note made people cry

author:Yifeng talks about history
Liu Xuezhou, a boy looking for relatives, committed suicide at the age of 15, his life was too bitter, and the 10,000-word suicide note made people cry
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and take a walk, get rich forever, pay attention to the like, it is difficult to get rich if you don't want to
Liu Xuezhou, a boy looking for relatives, committed suicide at the age of 15, his life was too bitter, and the 10,000-word suicide note made people cry

At the beginning of 2024, a news that shocked the whole network was like thunder: 15-year-old "family search Internet celebrity" Liu Xuezhou chose to end his young life on Sanya Beach.

This young man, who once moved countless people, left a 10,000-word suicide note, full of despair of life and longing for family affection. When people opened this suicide note, they all cried for it.

What kind of experience brought a life that should have been full of hope to such a sad end? What kind of social problems are reflected behind his story? Let's take a closer look at Liu Xuezhou's short and bumpy life and uncover the truth behind this heartbreaking tragedy.

Liu Xuezhou's life was destined to be bumpy from the beginning. Just three months after his birth, he experienced the first abandonment in his life - his biological parents sold him as a commodity to others in the form of a monetary transaction.

Liu Xuezhou, a boy looking for relatives, committed suicide at the age of 15, his life was too bitter, and the 10,000-word suicide note made people cry

This baby, who has not yet been able to feel the warmth of his parents, has been pushed into the whirlpool of fate.

However, fate did not seem to intend to give the child a respite. When Liu Xuezhou was only four years old, a sudden explosion took the lives of his adoptive parents.

At a young age, he once again lost the support of his home. Since then, Liu Xuezhou has started a life of exile, tossing and turning between his grandmother's family, uncle's family and other relatives, and has spent his childhood with difficulty.

After entering primary school, Liu Xuezhou began his boarding school life. However, the campus did not become a safe haven for him. Because of his special background, he has been repeatedly bullied on campus.

Liu Xuezhou, a boy looking for relatives, committed suicide at the age of 15, his life was too bitter, and the 10,000-word suicide note made people cry

During his six-year primary school career, he had to travel to five schools to complete his studies. Every time I change schools, it is a traumatic trauma to the soul and a reinforcing longing for family.

I finally entered junior high school, hoping for a new start, but I was sexually harassed by my teacher again. This series of blows filled the young Liu Xuezhou's heart with fear and pain.

His childhood seemed like a nightmare with no end in sight.

However, even in such a difficult situation, Liu Xuezhou still did not give up hope for life. He excelled academically and received several honors. Especially during the pandemic, he also volunteered to serve the public, showing kindness and a sense of responsibility beyond his age.

Liu Xuezhou, a boy looking for relatives, committed suicide at the age of 15, his life was too bitter, and the 10,000-word suicide note made people cry

This young man who has experienced vicissitudes of life interprets the tenacity of life with his own actions. He studied hard and actively participated in social activities, as if he was fighting against the injustice of fate in his own way.

However, this kindness and strength did not bring him the luck he deserved. Instead, greater challenges await him, and a twist of fate is coming.

The moment he learned of his true background, 15-year-old Liu Xuezhou ignited a spark of hope in his heart. Years of longing for family have finally found a possible outlet.

He longs to be able to regain his deep family affection and have a warm home. With this expectation, Liu Xuezhou resolutely decided to start his journey to find relatives on the broad platform of the Internet.

Liu Xuezhou, a boy looking for relatives, committed suicide at the age of 15, his life was too bitter, and the 10,000-word suicide note made people cry

Liu Xuezhou firmly believes that with the help of the majority of netizens, he will definitely be able to find his biological parents who have been separated for many years. He began to post information on major social platforms, telling his story, and calling for help.

His sincerity and courage touched countless netizens.

Unexpectedly, Liu Xuezhou's journey to find his relatives has attracted unprecedented attention. His story is like a pebble thrown into a calm lake, stirring up ripples.

Netizens were touched by the experience of this strong teenager, and retweeted and commented one after another to cheer him on. Soon, Liu Xuezhou became an internet celebrity, and his family-seeking videos garnered millions of views.

Liu Xuezhou, a boy looking for relatives, committed suicide at the age of 15, his life was too bitter, and the 10,000-word suicide note made people cry

Driven by this powerful network force, many enthusiastic people have reached out to help. They helped Liu Xuezhou gather clues, contact possible relatives, and even offered help with DNA matching.

After unremitting efforts, a miracle finally happened - Liu Xuezhou successfully found his long-lost biological parents.

However, fate always seems to like to joke with Liu Xuezhou. He would not have thought that what awaited him was not an imaginary happy reunion, but a more cruel reality.

This seemingly happy ending is actually just the beginning of an even greater tragedy. Liu Xuezhou is about to face the most difficult test in his life, and this test will completely change his life.

Liu Xuezhou, a boy looking for relatives, committed suicide at the age of 15, his life was too bitter, and the 10,000-word suicide note made people cry

With apprehension and anticipation, Liu Xuezhou finally ushered in the moment of recognizing his biological parents. In a luxury hotel, a sumptuous feast is set out, and the family is finally reunited.

Liu Xuezhou's mother was dressed in bright red clothes with a smile on her face. This seemingly warm scene made Liu Xuezhou think that he had finally found a home. However, the reality was like a basin of ice water, ruthlessly extinguishing the flame of hope in his heart.

Soon after recognizing his relatives, Liu Xuezhou confessed his true situation in a live broadcast, and his voice was full of loss and pain that could not be concealed. It turned out that his parents had already formed a new family and had their own children.

The mother's dress up that day, the sumptuous feast, turned out to be to celebrate her youngest son's birthday. Liu Xuezhou is nothing more than an unexpected participant, an outsider who doesn't fit in.

Liu Xuezhou, a boy looking for relatives, committed suicide at the age of 15, his life was too bitter, and the 10,000-word suicide note made people cry

This cruel fact was like a sharp knife that stabbed Liu Xuezhou's heart fiercely. He once thought that he could have a complete home by finding his biological parents, but the reality hit him hard.

In the new life of his parents, it seems that there is no place reserved for him.

With the last glimmer of hope, Liu Xuezhou expressed to his father his desire to own a house. However, his father's response completely shattered his dreams.

His father flatly rejected his request on the grounds that he could not afford it. At this moment, Liu Xuezhou painfully realized that in the eyes of his parents, he was just a sudden burden, an unwanted existence.

Liu Xuezhou, a boy looking for relatives, committed suicide at the age of 15, his life was too bitter, and the 10,000-word suicide note made people cry

What made Liu Xuezhou even more chilling was that his mother even blacklisted him. He tried to explain, tried to redeem, but in exchange for nothing but indifference and rejection. This recognition seems to be an absurd farce for Liu Xuezhou.

He was originally sold, but now he is ruthlessly abandoned by his biological parents again.

Faced with such an encounter, 15-year-old Liu Xuezhou was full of pain and despair. He can only use the Internet to confide in the public the bitterness in his heart, hoping to get a trace of comfort and understanding.

However, what awaits him is even more brutal online violence.

Liu Xuezhou, a boy looking for relatives, committed suicide at the age of 15, his life was too bitter, and the 10,000-word suicide note made people cry

originally thought that he had finally found his home, but the reality gave Liu Xuezhou a heavy blow. He had to face the brutal truth: even if he found his biological parents, he was still lonely and homeless.

This pain of being abandoned by his biological parents for the second time is far more profound than any ordeal he has experienced before. Liu Xuezhou's inner world began to crumble, and an even bigger storm was coming.

When Liu Xuezhou's experience spread on the Internet, the wind of public opinion suddenly reversed. The netizens who originally sympathized with and supported him suddenly changed their attitudes. The parents' remarks sparked widespread discussion, with many questioning Liu's motives and character.

Cyberspace boiled instantly, and countless netizens who claimed to be "righteous" jumped out to accuse Liu Xuezhou of being "insatiable". They claimed that the 15-year-old had only money in his eyes, questioning his true purpose in finding his relatives.

Liu Xuezhou, a boy looking for relatives, committed suicide at the age of 15, his life was too bitter, and the 10,000-word suicide note made people cry

Some accused him of threatening his parents with a divorce, and some accused him of asking for property. What was once sympathy and support turned into abuse and attacks in the blink of an eye.

In the face of the overwhelming malicious comments, Liu Xuezhou felt extremely shocked and hurt. He tried to clarify his position through a live broadcast, emphasizing that he would never sue his biological parents and did not force the purchase of a property.

However, his explanation was like a stone sinking into the sea, unable to calm the anger of netizens.

This sudden online violence brought a heavy psychological burden to Liu Xuezhou. He began to question himself, wondering if his actions were really wrong. Facing thousands of abuses every day, he felt lonely and hopeless like never before.

Liu Xuezhou, a boy looking for relatives, committed suicide at the age of 15, his life was too bitter, and the 10,000-word suicide note made people cry

What was once a hopeful journey to find a family has now turned into a nightmare. Liu Xuezhou fell into a deep depression, and he didn't know how to face the world that seemed to have become completely hostile to him.

The Internet, a place that once gave him hope, has now become a weapon to hurt him.

In this era of information explosion, people tend to draw conclusions based on one-sided information, ignoring the complexity of things and personal feelings. Liu Xuezhou became a victim of this fast-food public opinion, and his real situation and inner pain were drowned out in merciless abuse.

Under the double pressure of real-life blows and online violence, 15-year-old Liu Xuezhou finally collapsed. He chose to end his short and painful life on the beach in Sanya, leaving behind a 10,000-character suicide note full of sadness.

Liu Xuezhou, a boy looking for relatives, committed suicide at the age of 15, his life was too bitter, and the 10,000-word suicide note made people cry

This suicide note is a detailed record of the various misfortunes he has experienced over the years, and the words are full of despair for life and longing for family affection. After reading it, I couldn't help but burst into tears, feeling deep sympathy for this ill-fated child.

Although enthusiastic netizen Peng Gaofeng found the hospital through hardships, after all-out rescue, Liu Xuezhou still left the world that tortured him forever.

The occurrence of this tragedy has triggered extensive reflection in society.

Liu Xuezhou's story is not only a personal tragedy, but also a reflection of the many problems in our society in family education, the Internet environment, and the mental health of teenagers.

Liu Xuezhou, a boy looking for relatives, committed suicide at the age of 15, his life was too bitter, and the 10,000-word suicide note made people cry

It reminds us that every life should be cherished and that every child deserves to be loved.

This case also shows us the double-edged sword effect of online public opinion. It can give hope and push people to despair. How to protect minors in the Internet era and how to establish a more rational and gentle online environment have become issues that society needs to solve urgently.

While remembering Liu Xuezhou, we should take action to create a warmer and more inclusive social environment, so that similar tragedies will not happen again.

Everyone should be responsible for their words and actions, and work together to create a friendly social atmosphere.

Liu Xuezhou, a boy looking for relatives, committed suicide at the age of 15, his life was too bitter, and the 10,000-word suicide note made people cry

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