
The Wenchuan earthquake relief hero was injured, and the 1.18 million compensation was eloped away by his wife, and he decided to forgive

author:Dongdong speaks of ancient and modern
The Wenchuan earthquake relief hero was injured, and the 1.18 million compensation was eloped away by his wife, and he decided to forgive
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The Wenchuan earthquake relief hero was injured, and the 1.18 million compensation was eloped away by his wife, and he decided to forgive

Early one morning in March 2012, Wang Lung was awakened by a sudden phone call. The cold voice of the bank staff came from the earpiece, urging him to pay off the loan as soon as possible.

The former Wenchuan earthquake relief hero was stunned for a moment, he clearly remembered that he still had millions of deposits in his account.

With doubts, Wang Lung opened the passbook with trembling hands, and the number in front of him made him feel like falling into an ice cave - the compensation of 1.18 million yuan was gone, replaced by an inexplicable loan of 300,000 yuan.

The Wenchuan earthquake relief hero was injured, and the 1.18 million compensation was eloped away by his wife, and he decided to forgive

Wang Lung, who was sitting in a wheelchair, was pale, and his heart was surging with indescribable shock and anger. He couldn't believe that the life-saving money he had exchanged for his life had disappeared like this.

The blow to him was even more severe than the earthquake at the beginning.

In May 2008, a sudden earthquake shook the country. The Wenchuan region suffered 8. The relentless devastation of the magnitude 0 earthquake caused countless families to lose their loved ones and homes in an instant.

In the face of this catastrophe, Wang Long, a hot-blooded young man from Hunan, resolutely joined the rescue ranks.

The Wenchuan earthquake relief hero was injured, and the 1.18 million compensation was eloped away by his wife, and he decided to forgive

When Wang Lung arrived in the disaster area, the sight was heartbreaking. The collapsed houses, the wailing wounded, and the devastated land all tell the cruelty of this disaster.

However, these did not shake Wang Lung's determination. He threw himself into the rescue effort, searching for survivors in dangerous rubble and tirelessly clearing rubble.

Just when Wang Lung was devoting himself to his work, fate ruthlessly dealt him a heavy blow. A huge rock tumbled down from the top of the hill and hit him directly in the waist.

At that moment, Wang Lung felt as if the strength of his whole body had been drained, and his consciousness gradually blurred. When he woke up in the hospital, the harsh reality hit him hard - the nerves in his spinal cord were damaged, and his lower limbs were permanently paralyzed.

The Wenchuan earthquake relief hero was injured, and the 1.18 million compensation was eloped away by his wife, and he decided to forgive

The doctor's diagnosis was like a bolt from the blue, and a trace of despair flashed in Wang Lung's eyes. But soon, that despair was replaced by fortitude. He knew that it was an honor to sacrifice in exchange for the lives of others.

In recognition of Wang Lung's heroic deeds, the local government decided to give him a compensation of 1.18 million yuan. At the same time, the Hunan Provincial Government also awarded him the first-class meritorious service medal for advanced individuals in post-disaster reconstruction work.

This compensation and honor carry the gratitude of the country and the people to him, and also place Wang Lung's hope for his future life.

Wang Lung did not know that this money exchanged for his life would become the fuse that triggered the tragedy of his life. At that time, he was still immersed in the pride of contributing to the country and looking forward to his future life.

The Wenchuan earthquake relief hero was injured, and the 1.18 million compensation was eloped away by his wife, and he decided to forgive

He plans to use the money to pay for his own medical bills, take care of his elderly parents, and raise his young daughter.

Wang Lung's deeds touched countless people, and he became one of the many heroes who emerged from the Wenchuan earthquake. However, fate always seems to like to play tricks on heroes. Little did he know that what awaited him would be a more cruel test of life, a betrayal that would break his heart more than an earthquake.

Wang Lung's wife, Yang Jun, expressed strong opposition when her husband decided to go to Wenchuan to participate in the disaster relief. Her words were full of resentment and threats: "If you insist on going to Sichuan, we will divorce."

These words left Wang Lung confused and heartbroken, but he still chose his beliefs.

The Wenchuan earthquake relief hero was injured, and the 1.18 million compensation was eloped away by his wife, and he decided to forgive

However, when the news of Wang Lung's serious injuries reached his hometown, Yang Jun's reaction was puzzling. Not only did she not show the worry and distress she deserved, but instead sneered and said "you deserve it".

This ruthless attitude left a deep impression on Wang Lung's parents at the time.

However, when he learned that Wang Lung had received a huge compensation of 1.18 million yuan, Yang Jun's attitude changed dramatically. She suddenly became gentle and considerate, and took the initiative to take on the responsibility of taking care of Wang Lung.

This 180-degree change made Wang Lung feel gratified, but he couldn't help but have some doubts.

The Wenchuan earthquake relief hero was injured, and the 1.18 million compensation was eloped away by his wife, and he decided to forgive

Yang Jun's behavior became more and more abnormal. She began to take care of Wang Lung in every detail, and even cleaned up his excrement herself. This sudden attentiveness and patience contrasted sharply with her previous indifference.

What is even more disturbing is that Yang Jun kicked Wang Lung's parents out of the house for various reasons and monopolized the power of the family.

Although Wang Lung was skeptical, he still chose to trust his wife. However, Yang Jun's behavior became more and more bizarre. She insisted that Wang Lung take a "medication" on time, claiming that it was for his recovery.

As everyone knows, these drugs are actually sleeping pills, and long-term use will lead to mental malaise and memory loss. Wang Lung began to feel unwell and was lethargic all day, but he blamed his injuries for the symptoms and did not suspect them.

The Wenchuan earthquake relief hero was injured, and the 1.18 million compensation was eloped away by his wife, and he decided to forgive

The most disturbing thing is that after withdrawing most of his deposits, Yang Jun suddenly disappeared from his home. She left a sentence of "go to her mother's house for a short stay", and she was never heard from.

Wang Lung and his family began a long search, but never found anything. No one answered the phone, WeChat could not get in touch, and Yang Jun seemed to have evaporated from the world.

As time passed, Wang Lung became more and more uneasy. He began to recall Yang Jun's various abnormal behaviors, and the doubts in his heart became deeper and deeper.

Wang Lung's heart was full of contradictions and pain. On the one hand, he wants to believe in his wife, but on the other hand, he has to face all kinds of doubts in reality. The contrast between the sweet memories of the past and the current predicament made him feel extremely tormented.

The Wenchuan earthquake relief hero was injured, and the 1.18 million compensation was eloped away by his wife, and he decided to forgive

After a difficult investigation, Wang Lung finally unraveled the truth about this hoax. His 1.18 million yuan compensation was taken away without a penny, and the culprit turned out to be the person he trusted the most - his wife Yang Jun.

Taking advantage of Wang Lung's inability to act, she cleverly circumvented the bank's large withdrawal restrictions, and finally quietly transferred the entire deposit through multiple small withdrawals.

What's even more shocking is that Yang Jun actually used Wang Long's real estate certificate to mortgage 300,000 yuan. This discovery caused Wang Lung to be struck by lightning. He couldn't believe that his wife could do such a treacherous thing.

Yang Jun carefully forged a fake real estate certificate, which was so well made that it was enough to confuse the real with the fake, which made Wang Lung realize that this scam was not impulsive, but carefully planned.

The Wenchuan earthquake relief hero was injured, and the 1.18 million compensation was eloped away by his wife, and he decided to forgive

With the help of his friends, Wang Lung finally found the rental house where Yang Jun was hiding. When the local police intervened to investigate, they found a jaw-dropping sight inside the house: a large number of luxury clothes, expensive furniture, and even men's high-end clothing.

This evidence ruthlessly reveals a brutal truth: Yang Jun is not only profligate, but may also have improper relationships with others.

Wang Lung sat in a wheelchair and stared blankly at everything in front of him. His heart was filled with mixed emotions: anger, sadness, a sense of betrayal, and a deep sense of powerlessness.

The woman who once loved each other has now become a stranger, even a betrayer.

The Wenchuan earthquake relief hero was injured, and the 1.18 million compensation was eloped away by his wife, and he decided to forgive

When the police finally found Yang Jun, she seemed unusually calm. When questioned, she made up one lie after another, claiming that the money was used to enroll her daughter in school, and that she had been defrauded.

However, these pale justifications seem so weak in the face of ironclad evidence.

Yang Jun's defense was even more chilling. She said eloquently: "At the beginning, I tried my best to dissuade you from going to Wenchuan, but you were stubborn and eventually caused a catastrophe.

These words were like a sharp blade, deeply piercing Wang Lung's heart. He couldn't believe that the sacrifice he had made for the country and the people had become a "stubbornness" and "mistake" in the eyes of his wife.

The Wenchuan earthquake relief hero was injured, and the 1.18 million compensation was eloped away by his wife, and he decided to forgive

Wang Lung looked at his former wife, and his heart was mixed. He doesn't understand why two people who once loved each other have come to this point. The once gentle and considerate wife has now become a greedy and selfish stranger.

This betrayal pained him more than the pain of his body.

The moment the truth was revealed, Wang Lung felt that his world had completely collapsed. Not only did he lose his life savings, he lost his wife's love, but even his dignity and trust were ruthlessly trampled on.

In the face of such a betrayal, how should he choose? Do you pursue it to the end, or do you choose to forgive? This decision will completely change the trajectory of his life in the future.

The Wenchuan earthquake relief hero was injured, and the 1.18 million compensation was eloped away by his wife, and he decided to forgive

In the face of such a huge betrayal, Wang Lung fell into a deep struggle. He has every reason and right to pursue Yang Jun's legal responsibility and make her pay the due price for her actions.

However, when he thought of his daughter, his heart couldn't help but soften. If Yang Jun is sent to prison, the daughter will lose the care of her mother, which will undoubtedly cast a shadow on the child's young heart.

Just when Wang Lung was hesitating, Yang Jun's parents came to the door. They knelt in front of Wang Lung and begged for his forgiveness with tears streaming down their faces. They promised to do their best to repay the 300,000 yuan mortgage, and begged Wang Lung not to make a big deal and give them a chance to make amends.

After a long period of thinking and inner struggle, Wang Lung finally made a decision that surprised everyone. He chose forgiveness. He decided not to pursue the whereabouts of the 1.18 million yuan compensation, but asked Yang Jun's family to return the 300,000 yuan mortgage within the specified time.

The Wenchuan earthquake relief hero was injured, and the 1.18 million compensation was eloped away by his wife, and he decided to forgive

This decision made Wang Lung feel an inexplicable relief, but it also made him pay a heavy price. He lost his life savings, lost his wife, and even lost custody of his daughter.

However, he chose to let go of his hatred and give himself and his former family a chance to start over.

Wang Lung's choice shows the mind of a true hero. He dissolved hatred with forgiveness and defeated betrayal with kindness. Despite the huge cost, he believes that only by letting go of the pain of the past can he truly gain inner peace and welcome a new life.

After the divorce, Wang Lung faced unprecedented challenges. Having lost his life savings and the care of his wife, he must learn to live independently again. As a person with a physical disability, the simplest of daily routines can be a test.

The Wenchuan earthquake relief hero was injured, and the 1.18 million compensation was eloped away by his wife, and he decided to forgive

Compounded by his financial woes, he had to reconsider how to make ends meet.

However, Wang Lung's eyes still flashed with determination. He knew that he had overcome the threat of death, and now he would be able to overcome the difficulties of life.

Despite the arduous road, he believes that as long as there is hope in his heart, there will always be the motivation to move forward.

Wang Lung set out to rebuild his life. He worked hard to learn new skills and find job opportunities that suited him. Although the process was difficult, he never gave up.

The Wenchuan earthquake relief hero was injured, and the 1.18 million compensation was eloped away by his wife, and he decided to forgive

He understands that this is a long battle, but he is ready to rise to every challenge and rewrite the chapter of his life.

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