
Wenchuan earthquake, what happened to the "police mother" who breastfed 9 babies in the rubble?

author:Yifeng talks about history
Wenchuan earthquake, what happened to the "police mother" who breastfed 9 babies in the rubble?
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Wenchuan earthquake, what happened to the "police mother" who breastfed 9 babies in the rubble?

On May 12, 2008, Wenchuan, Sichuan was hit by a sudden 8. A magnitude 0 earthquake struck, and the entire region was thrown into chaos in an instant. At the same time as this disaster struck, Jiang Xiaojuan, a female police officer in Jiangyou City, was on maternity leave, and her child had just reached the full moon.

After a moment of inner struggle, Jiang Xiaojuan made an unexpected decision. She entrusted her child to the care of her mother-in-law and resolutely joined the rescue team.

At that time, she didn't know that this choice would completely change the trajectory of her life and make her a "police mother" who moved the whole country.

When Jiang Xiaojuan arrived at the disaster area, she was shocked by what she saw. Collapsed buildings, wailing wounded, fear and despair all crept into her heart.

Wenchuan earthquake, what happened to the "police mother" who breastfed 9 babies in the rubble?

But as a police officer, she quickly adjusted her mentality and threw herself into the intense rescue work. Together with her colleagues, she set up tents, delivered supplies, comforted the affected people, and raced against the clock.

Just when he was busy, a faint cry caught Jiang Xiaojuan's attention. Following the reputation, she saw a dusty woman holding a hungry baby in her arms.

The baby was crying helplessly with its mouth open. Jiang Xiaojuan's heart throbbed, and she stepped forward without hesitation.

"How old is this kid?" Jiang Xiaojuan asked softly.

Wenchuan earthquake, what happened to the "police mother" who breastfed 9 babies in the rubble?

"Three months." The woman replied, her eyes filled with despair, "The child's mother was injured in the earthquake and is now in the hospital.

Without waiting for the woman to finish speaking, Jiang Xiaojuan stretched out her hands, "Let me come." "

She carefully took the baby, unbuttoned her clothes, and fed warm breast milk to the strange baby. When the hungry child sucked greedily, Jiang Xiaojuan felt an indescribable warmth and satisfaction.

This scene was seen by other victims, and soon, more babies who needed to be breastfed were sent to Jiang Xiaojuan. She didn't hesitate at all and accepted them one by one. In the days that followed, Jiang Xiaojuan became a "temporary mother" for nine babies who lost their mothers.

Wenchuan earthquake, what happened to the "police mother" who breastfed 9 babies in the rubble?

Every day, Jiang Xiaojuan breastfeeds the children in three time slots. Even in addition to the heavy rescue work, she never forgot this special "mission".

Sometimes, she even breastfeeds the children outside the tent in front of everyone. Although she was a little shy, she knew that these children were more important than her shame.

A reporter inadvertently photographed Jiang Xiaojuan breastfeeding, and the photo quickly spread across the country. People were deeply touched by her selfless maternal love and affectionately called her "Police Mom".

In the face of praise, Jiang Xiaojuan looked a little embarrassed. "I just did what a mother should do," she said. These children are my children, and they need me more than my own.

Wenchuan earthquake, what happened to the "police mother" who breastfed 9 babies in the rubble?

In the face of such a disaster, each of us should do our part.

The high-intensity work and frequent breastfeeding in the past few days have made Jiang Xiaojuan physically and mentally exhausted. Her eyes were bloodshot and her hands were blistered from the long hours she had been carrying. However, what made her heart ache more than the physical exhaustion was that she could not accompany her child Doudou.

Whenever the rescue work comes to an end in the dead of night, Jiang Xiaojuan will always quietly take out her mobile phone and look through Doudou's photos. Her tears slipped unconsciously, and her heart was full of guilt and longing.

She knew that at this time, Doudou was living with her mother-in-law in a makeshift earthquake-proof shed, unable to get her mother's care and warmth.

Wenchuan earthquake, what happened to the "police mother" who breastfed 9 babies in the rubble?

"Doudou, Mom misses you very much." Jiang Xiaojuan murmured softly, as if she was telling the child in the photo, "Mom promised you that when the matter here is over, I will go back to see you immediately."

Finally, on the ninth day of the earthquake, Jiang Xiaojuan was given a short vacation. She hurried home, her heart full of longing for her son. The moment she stepped into the house, she saw Doudou in her mother-in-law's arms, and tears of excitement instantly burst out of her eyes.

"Doudou, mom is back!" Jiang Xiaojuan stepped forward quickly, opening her arms to hug her son. However, to her heartbreak, Doudou showed a strange expression to her, and even shrank into her mother-in-law's arms.

This scene made everyone present feel sad. Jiang Xiaojuan held back her tears and whispered to her son, "Baby, it's my mother." Mommy misses you so much, but there are many people who need Mom's help.

Wenchuan earthquake, what happened to the "police mother" who breastfed 9 babies in the rubble?

You have to be obedient, and your mother will be back with you soon.

After a short half-hour reunion, Jiang Xiaojuan had to say goodbye again. Looking at her son's confused eyes and her mother-in-law's tearful face, her heart was like a knife. However, she is aware of her responsibility, and there are so many people in need waiting for her in the disaster area.

After returning to the disaster area, Jiang Xiaojuan worked even harder. She told herself that only by completing the rescue mission as soon as possible could she return to her son as soon as possible. This kind of responsibility and family affection has become the biggest test in her heart.

Sometimes, when she breastfeeds the children in the disaster area, she can't help but think of Doudou. How she wished that she was carrying her own child at this moment. But whenever the thought comes to her, she immediately suppresses it.

Wenchuan earthquake, what happened to the "police mother" who breastfed 9 babies in the rubble?

She knew that as a people's policeman, she had to do her duty first.

This kind of difficult choice and sacrifice is the little-known story behind the hero. Jiang Xiaojuan used her actions to interpret the balance between responsibility and family affection, and showed the selfless dedication of a people's policeman.

Jiang Xiaojuan's deeds spread across the country like ripples and touched countless people. Her selfless dedication and motherly spirit have been widely recognized by all walks of life. In 2008, Jiang Xiaojuan won the "Most Caring Chinese Woman Special Award", which recognized her selflessness and courage in the disaster.

Immediately after that, greater honor came. Meng Jianzhu, State Councilor and Minister of Public Security, signed an order awarding Jiang Xiaojuan the title of "Second-Class Hero Model of the National Public Security System".

Wenchuan earthquake, what happened to the "police mother" who breastfed 9 babies in the rubble?

This award is not only a recognition of her personally, but also a commendation for all the police officers who are fighting on the front line of earthquake relief.

However, the most remarkable thing is that Jiang Xiaojuan was exceptionally promoted to deputy political commissar of the Jiangyou City Public Security Bureau. This promotion is rare in the police system, and it has also aroused widespread concern and discussion in the society.

Faced with the sudden honor and promotion, Jiang Xiaojuan seemed a little overwhelmed. "I just did what a police officer should do," she modestly said. This honor not only belongs to me, but also to all the comrades who are fighting on the front line of earthquake relief.

However, with that comes greater pressure and responsibility. Some questioned her abilities, arguing that she had been promoted too quickly and lacked sufficient leadership experience. In the face of these voices, Jiang Xiaojuan did not defend herself, but chose to prove herself with practical actions.

Wenchuan earthquake, what happened to the "police mother" who breastfed 9 babies in the rubble?

She secretly determined: no matter what difficulties she encounters, she must stick to her original intention and live up to the trust of the organization and the people. She knows that these honors are not the end, but a new beginning.

From an obscure grassroots police officer to a high-profile heroic model, Jiang Xiaojuan's life trajectory has changed dramatically. But she always kept in mind that true heroes are not defined by honor, but must continue to shine in ordinary posts and serve the people.

After becoming the deputy political commissar, Jiang Xiaojuan did not change her work attitude because of the promotion of her position. She still maintains the style of a grassroots police officer, always keeping in mind her original intention and mission.

She knows very well that only by continuing to take root at the grassroots level and listening to the voices of the masses can she truly fulfill her duties.

Wenchuan earthquake, what happened to the "police mother" who breastfed 9 babies in the rubble?

In the following years, Jiang Xiaojuan has always been on the front line of various important tasks. In 2015, she participated in the security duty of CCTV Autumn Gala to ensure the smooth progress of the event.

In 2016, she actively promoted the implementation of reform measures in the pilot reform of the province's "large departments and large police types" and made contributions to improving police efficiency.

In 2017, she devoted herself to the creation of the "National Excellent Public Security Bureau" and led the team to continuously improve the quality of service.

It is particularly worth mentioning that during the outbreak of the new crown pneumonia epidemic in 2020, Jiang Xiaojuan once again stepped forward. She took the initiative to ask for help, rushed to the front line of prevention and control, coordinated the resources of all parties, and ensured that the epidemic prevention measures were in place.

Wenchuan earthquake, what happened to the "police mother" who breastfed 9 babies in the rubble?

Her dedication has made an important contribution to ensuring the safety of the people's lives.

In the face of difficulties and challenges in her work, Jiang Xiaojuan has always maintained a positive and optimistic attitude. "Every job has its challenges and pressures, and it's all about how we deal with them," she says.

As long as we do our best, we will be able to do our job well.

This kind of persistence and perseverance is the key to Jiang Xiaojuan's ability to make extraordinary achievements in an ordinary position. She proved with practical actions that heroes not only exist in times of crisis, but also exist in the bits and pieces of daily work.

Wenchuan earthquake, what happened to the "police mother" who breastfed 9 babies in the rubble?

Jiang Xiaojuan's story interprets the spirit of loyalty, responsibility and selfless dedication of the people's police in the new era.

As a member of the National Report Group on Heroic Deeds of China's Earthquake Relief, Jiang Xiaojuan has shouldered a new mission - to convey the spirit of "one party is in trouble, all parties support".

She has traveled all over the country and inspired more people with her own experiences.

On July 3, 2008, Jiang Xiaojuan came to Zhengzhou, the capital of Henan Province, and participated in a touching speech. On stage, she recalled those difficult days, and her voice was full of determination and strength.

Wenchuan earthquake, what happened to the "police mother" who breastfed 9 babies in the rubble?

She said emotionally: "The country has strength, the nation has hope, and the people have faith. In this sudden disaster, we saw the infinite possibilities of our country.

Jiang Xiaojuan's story not only shows the selfless dedication of the police, but also reflects the character of the Chinese nation to unite and overcome difficulties together in times of crisis. She used her actions to interpret the heroic spirit of peacetime and became an example to inspire future generations.

Today's Jiang Xiaojuan is still silently dedicated in an ordinary post. She often said, "Hero is not a title, but a responsibility." Each of us can be a hero, as long as we are willing to give for others.

Her story will forever be engraved in the long river of history, inspiring more people to selflessly contribute to the country and the people.

Wenchuan earthquake, what happened to the "police mother" who breastfed 9 babies in the rubble?

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