
The Yangtze River is the only seedling of the Pacific Ocean, the world's largest river and the longest river are all in the Atlantic?

author:Heart Window Plus

The Atlantic Ocean is the "freshwater harvester", with the world's largest, longest, and most extensive rivers in the bag. Although the Pacific Ocean is the largest and deepest ocean in the world, many people have noticed that there are not many major rivers flowing into the Pacific Ocean, and only the Yangtze River flows into the Pacific Ocean as the world's top major rivers (all indicators are taken together), like a lone seedling.

The Yangtze River is the only seedling of the Pacific Ocean, the world's largest river and the longest river are all in the Atlantic?

1. Water volume. The amount of water is the amount of runoff, is the first indicator to measure the size of the river, after all, the naked eye can not see the length of the river, but can intuitively feel the size of the flow, the second largest river in the mainland generally refers to the Pearl River, not the Yellow River is the reason.

The larger rivers in the Pacific Ocean are: the Yangtze River, the Lancang-Mekong River, the Heilongjiang-Amur River, the Yukon River, the Xijiang River (the main stream of the so-called Pearl River water system combination), and the Fry River

1. The average annual runoff of the Yangtze River is about 970 billion cubic meters;

2. The average annual water volume of the Lancang-Mekong River is about 475 billion cubic meters;

3. The average annual water volume of the Heilongjiang-Amur River is about 346 billion cubic meters;

4. Columbia River (west coast of the United States and Canada), with an average annual water volume of 247 billion cubic meters;

5. The average annual water volume of the Xijiang River (the main stream in the Pearl River water system assemblage) is about 230 billion cubic meters;

6. The Yukon River (northwestern North America, which flows into the Bering Sea from Alaska) has an average annual water volume of about 200 billion cubic meters;

The Yangtze River is the only seedling of the Pacific Ocean, the world's largest river and the longest river are all in the Atlantic?

7. The Strickland River-Fry River (the island of New Guinea, the largest island river in the world and the largest river in Oceania), with an average annual water volume of about 189 billion cubic meters, the schematic diagram is as follows:

The Yangtze River is the only seedling of the Pacific Ocean, the world's largest river and the longest river are all in the Atlantic?

With the addition of 123 billion cubic meters of Yuanjiang-Red River, there are only 8 rivers in the Pacific Ocean with an average annual water volume of more than 100 billion cubic meters. Among them, five are in eastern Asia, all of which are related to China, and the Yangtze River is the only one that can be ranked among the top 10 rivers in the world.

The Yangtze River is the only seedling of the Pacific Ocean, the world's largest river and the longest river are all in the Atlantic?

The larger rivers in the Atlantic Ocean are: Amazon, Congo, Orinoco, Paraná-La Plata, Mississippi, Tocantins, Great Lakes-St. Lawrence, Niger, etc.

1. The Amazon River, with an average annual water volume of 6,900 billion cubic meters;

2. Congo River, with an average annual water volume of 1,350 billion cubic meters;

3. The Paraná-La Plata River, with an average annual water volume of about 800 billion cubic meters;

4. Orinoco River, with an average annual water volume of 795 billion cubic meters;

5. The Mississippi River, with an average annual water volume of about 580 billion cubic meters;

6. The Tocantins River, with an average annual water volume of 567 billion cubic meters;

7. The Great Lakes - St. Lawrence River, with an average annual water volume of 332 billion cubic meters;

The Yangtze River is the only seedling of the Pacific Ocean, the world's largest river and the longest river are all in the Atlantic?

According to the data, the rivers of the Atlantic Ocean are very large! If you compare the six rivers in the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean, except for the Yangtze River, the other rivers in the Pacific Ocean cannot be ranked in the top 6 in the Atlantic water system, and the Mekong River is far inferior to the Tocantins River.

What's more, the Atlantic water system also has the Magdalena River in Colombia, the fourth largest river in South America, with an average annual water volume of more than 250 billion cubic meters, the Danube, the largest river in Europe, with an average annual water volume of 200 billion cubic meters, and the Niger River, the third largest river in Africa, with an average annual water volume of 152 billion cubic meters.

The Yangtze River is the only seedling of the Pacific Ocean, the world's largest river and the longest river are all in the Atlantic?

▲The inland sea of the Atlantic Ocean is very deep, and the Danube, the largest river flowing out of Europe, flows into the Black Sea, which is still the scope of the Atlantic Ocean.

Some versions of the data, the water volume of the Orinoco River exceeds that of the Yangtze River, the data is disputed, is it that Venezuela is too poor to have the money to measure it properly? If this is true, the Atlantic Ocean is home to the three largest rivers in the world. The "king of the world's rivers" in South America - the Amazon, the equatorial river of Africa - the Congo River, the world's two largest rivers, one to the east and the other to the west, are magnificent!

The Yangtze River is the only seedling of the Pacific Ocean, the world's largest river and the longest river are all in the Atlantic?

▲South America - the world's great rivers "Tiantuan", from north to south: Orinoco River, Amazon River, Tocantins River, Paraná de la Plata River, the world's 10 largest rivers, 4 of which account for here.

The Yangtze River is the only seedling of the Pacific Ocean, the world's largest river and the longest river are all in the Atlantic?

▲The Congo River, the world's second largest river, crosses the equator twice and encloses the world's second largest tropical rainforest.

2. The length of the river

The four longest rivers in the world are 6,000 kilometers, and the Atlantic River includes the Nile, the Amazon and the Mississippi. Among the 10 longest rivers in the world, there are four rivers in the Pacific Ocean: the Yangtze River, the Yellow River, the Heilongjiang-Amur River, and the Lancang-Mekong River. There are also 4 water systems in the Atlantic Ocean, and the number is the same. However, there are one 6,000-kilometer-level Yangtze River, two 5,000-kilometer-level rivers in the Yellow River and Heilongjiang River, and one 4,000-kilometer-level Lancang-Mekong River. The Atlantic River is 3 rivers of 6,000 km and 1 Congo River is of 4,000 km.

The Atlantic water system also has two 4,000-kilometer rivers of the Niger River and the Paraná de la Plata River, and the Pacific River is no longer available.

The Yangtze River is the only seedling of the Pacific Ocean, the world's largest river and the longest river are all in the Atlantic?

3. The area of the river basin

This is the disadvantage of the Pacific water system, and only the Yangtze River basin with an area of 1.8 million square kilometers can enter the 10th place among the 10 largest rivers in the world. As many as 6 are of the Atlantic system, including the Amazon River in the first place, the Congo River in the second, the Mississippi River in the third, the Paraná de la Plata River in the fourth, the Nile River in the sixth, and the Niger River in the ninth.

It is wrong to say that the Heilongjiang River basin is slightly larger than the Yangtze River, and the Krulun River only flows to Hulun Lake, which has become an inland river and should not be counted in the basin, not to mention the scarcity of precipitation on the Mongolian Plateau in the upper reaches of the Heilongjiang River, and there are other parts of the inland flow area. In fact, the Huai River, which flows into the Yangtze River, can be counted as a natural form of the Yangtze River without considering culture and history.

The Yangtze River is the only seedling of the Pacific Ocean, the world's largest river and the longest river are all in the Atlantic?

Therefore, the three major indicators can enter the world's top ten rivers, and the Pacific Ocean is the only seedling - the Yangtze River. If the indicator is relaxed, the rivers with slightly larger Pacific water systems are basically related to China. This phenomenon is related to the topography:

The Atlantic Ocean is a "freshwater harvester" and a freshwater lake, the world's largest group of freshwater lakes - the Great Lakes of North America, through the St. Lawrence River, two of the three major lakes in Africa - Lake Tanganyika and Lake Victoria, one into the Congo River, one into the Nile, all return to the Atlantic. The world's top freshwater lakes are Lake Baikal in Asia, which flows into the Arctic Ocean, and Lake Malawi in Africa, which flows into the Indian Ocean through the Zambezi River. Compared to these large lakes, there is not a single large freshwater lake in the entire Pacific basin.

The Yangtze River is the only seedling of the Pacific Ocean, the world's largest river and the longest river are all in the Atlantic?
The Yangtze River is the only seedling of the Pacific Ocean, the world's largest river and the longest river are all in the Atlantic?
The Yangtze River is the only seedling of the Pacific Ocean, the world's largest river and the longest river are all in the Atlantic?

▲There are many lakes in Europe, and the largest lake, Ladoga, covers an area of more than 10,000 square kilometers and is still Atlantic.

Looking at the topographic map of the world, among the inhabited continents, only the Eurasian continent - East Asia belongs to the Pacific Basin. Most of Europe, Africa, North America, and South America face the Atlantic Ocean; Even in Australia, only the narrow one east of the Great Dividing Range belongs to the Pacific Basin. As a result, East Asia is the largest land mass in the Pacific basin, and China is the only power facing the Pacific Ocean.

The Yangtze River is the only seedling of the Pacific Ocean, the world's largest river and the longest river are all in the Atlantic?

▲The approximate scope of the Pacific Basin, it is no wonder that some people think that the Pacific Ocean should belong to East Asia according to the topography and water shape

In fact, the rivers and lakes that flow into the Pacific Ocean are not only far less than the Atlantic, but also not as many as the Arctic Ocean.

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