
The new version of the king is too updated, the old players are still newcomers when they return, and the double C has completely risen

author:Talking about things

Before the new season update, everyone saw the effort of planning, the version has changed too much, 119 heroes participated in the adjustment, the map was adjusted, and the matchmaking and scoring mechanics were also adjusted. In everyone's opinion, the oversized tweaks have made the game better and better, and it's time for veteran players to return. But when the old players return, they find that the game is often played and is always new, and they are really still newcomers.

The new version of the king is too updated, the old players are still newcomers when they return, and the double C has completely risen

Needless to say, the changes to the map and the academy will be said, but let's talk about the changes to the heroes. After a week of experience, everyone must have found that the strength of the jungler heroes is much weaker, and those assassin jungler economies can't keep up with the times and gradually withdraw from the stage of history. Junglers like Jing and Lan, they don't go out of the wild area to eat all the economy, and the final economy is difficult to surpass Double C, at most it is the third place, so it becomes a lot more difficult for them to catch people.

The new version of the king is too updated, the old players are still newcomers when they return, and the double C has completely risen

The rise of the shooter is visible to the naked eye, especially some dull shots, after the range is increased, the strength is much higher than before, and the error tolerance rate is also much higher. Now any popular shooter can be used to score points, not to mention strong heroes such as Baili Shouyue, Jia Luo, Hou Yi, and Meng Lu are all available, and their win rates are not low.

The new version of the king is too updated, the old players are still newcomers when they return, and the double C has completely risen

The strength ranking of the mage has not changed much, and it is still Zhen Ji and Fire Dance, the heroes that these two hero players must grab. Why did the mage also rise, because of the decline of the assassin jungler, the survival ability of the mage heroes has become stronger, and they can also go online to start the rhythm with the economy, and their status will improve over time. Recently, Zhou Yu has been relatively strong, he clears the line quickly and supports quickly, everyone can pay attention to it.

The new version of the king is too updated, the old players are still newcomers when they return, and the double C has completely risen

The strength of the support hero has not changed much, Da Qiao has become a mage, and at present, there is only Doria left in the T0 support. If Liu Bang is also an assistant, he can compete with Doria.