
Song Xiaobao: After divorcing his ex-wife, the dragon and phoenix fetus born by remarried beauty fans improved their genes is cute and cute

author:Yifeng talks about history
Song Xiaobao: After divorcing his ex-wife, the dragon and phoenix fetus born by remarried beauty fans improved their genes is cute and cute
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Song Xiaobao: After divorcing his ex-wife, the dragon and phoenix fetus born by remarried beauty fans improved their genes is cute and cute

In the kitchen of an ordinary restaurant in Harbin, 19-year-old Song Xiaobao is immersed in cleaning piles of cutlery. His swarthy face was full of exhaustion, but he didn't know that fate was about to turn.

Who would have thought that this seemingly ordinary young man would soon become an instant hit in the 2011 Liaoning Satellite TV Spring Festival Gala with a punchline? What's even more unexpected is that not only did his career take off, but after experiencing a marriage, he married a beautiful fan and was happy with a pair of cute dragon and phoenix fetuses.

However, what are the hardships and struggles behind this legend? Let's uncover Song Xiaobao's life story together.

In order to avoid the entanglement of creditors, Song Xiaobao's family had to move their family to the mountains. There, the young Song Xiaobao experienced unimaginable hardships.

Song Xiaobao: After divorcing his ex-wife, the dragon and phoenix fetus born by remarried beauty fans improved their genes is cute and cute

In the hot summer, mosquitoes are rampant, and his young arms and calves are often bitten and swollen. What's even more incredible is that the rat will even burrow into his bed and share a bed with him.

In the cold winter, due to the lack of fuel, the whole family has to sit around a campfire made of dead branches and leaves to keep warm.

Two years later, as his father went out to work to pay off some of his debts, the family's situation improved slightly, and Song Xiaobao was finally able to return to his hometown and start his education. Although the family is still poor, the importance of education has never changed.

Song Xiaobao's mother once told him affectionately: "Son, you have to study hard, as long as you are determined to continue your studies, we will provide you with the help of completing your studies even if you sell iron."

Song Xiaobao: After divorcing his ex-wife, the dragon and phoenix fetus born by remarried beauty fans improved their genes is cute and cute

These words were deeply rooted in Song Xiaobao's heart and became the driving force for his future struggle.

However, the pressures of reality are always there. When Song Xiaobao was about to enter junior high school, his family's financial situation could no longer support him to continue his education. On a night full of contradictions, the young Song Xiaobao plucked up the courage to ask his mother to drop out of school and work, hoping to share the burden for the family.

This decision was exchanged for a slap in the face from the mother and a heated argument. Her mother knew the importance of education and insisted that Song Xiaobao continue her studies.

In the end, under the pressure of reality, Song Xiaobao left the campus after completing his second year of junior high school. Although this study experience was short, it laid the foundation for Song Xiaobao's future growth and made him cherish the hard-won learning opportunities even more.

Song Xiaobao: After divorcing his ex-wife, the dragon and phoenix fetus born by remarried beauty fans improved their genes is cute and cute

With a vision for the future and a sense of responsibility for his family, 15-year-old Song Xiaobao embarked on the road to the city to find a job. However, the cruelty of reality is far beyond his imagination.

Due to his young age and low education, he could only find a job as a dishwasher at a food stall, earning only a meager salary of 200 yuan a month.

In order to save money, Song Xiaobao can only live in cheap hotels. Every night, he had to huddle in a small room with a group of migrant workers, enduring the pungent smell of smoke, the foul smell of feet and the sound of snoring.

Such harsh conditions often keep him awake at night, but he has no choice but to survive.

Song Xiaobao: After divorcing his ex-wife, the dragon and phoenix fetus born by remarried beauty fans improved their genes is cute and cute

At work, Song Xiaobao's situation is not easy. His short stature and dark skin often became the object of ridicule from drunken guests. "Look at the way you look, I don't even like serving me food.

Such mean words constantly pierced the heart of the 15-year-old boy, but for the sake of his family, he could only endure it silently and bury all the grievances in his heart.

Food stalls are mixed, and disputes and brawls occur from time to time. One night, due to a momentary negligence, Song Xiaobao put the greasy plate directly into the fruit bowl area for cleaning. This small mistake drew the wrath of the boss.

A heavy punch hit Song Xiaobao in the head, followed by a resounding slap.

Song Xiaobao: After divorcing his ex-wife, the dragon and phoenix fetus born by remarried beauty fans improved their genes is cute and cute

Although Song Xiaobao immediately admitted his mistake and promised not to make the same mistake again, the boss still decided to fire him. With the 200 yuan compensation given by the boss, Song Xiaobao once again embarked on the difficult road of finding a job.

However, whether it was a construction site, a discotheque, or a barbershop, the thin-looking teenager was rejected for various reasons.

On the eve of the New Year, Song Xiaobao, who only had 70 yuan left in his pocket, returned home with a bitter stomach. Looking at her emaciated son, the mother shed tears in distress and suggested that he find a job in the county seat.

However, Song Xiaobao did not give up. After a short break, he set out on his journey to Harbin to pursue his dreams. This difficult experience made Song Xiaobao more determined to change his fate, and also laid a solid foundation for his future success.

Song Xiaobao: After divorcing his ex-wife, the dragon and phoenix fetus born by remarried beauty fans improved their genes is cute and cute

The turning point of fate came quietly when Song Xiaobao was 19 years old. On an ordinary night, the famous duo-turned-actor Jiao Xiaolong dined at a restaurant with friends. When Song Xiaobao delivered food to them, Jiao Xiaolong's eyes were attracted by this dark-skinned young man with a slightly funny face.

Years of stage experience made Jiao Xiaolong keenly aware that Song Xiaobao has the potential to become an excellent two-person actor.

Jiao Xiaolong immediately decided to accept Song Xiaobao as an apprentice. For Song Xiaobao, who has been crawling at the bottom for a long time, this is undoubtedly a life-changing opportunity. Without hesitation, he quit his job at the restaurant and devoted himself to learning the art of the two-person turn.

Under Jiao Xiaolong's careful guidance, Song Xiaobao eagerly absorbed the essence of stage performances. His ingenuity and hard work soon paid off. Soon after, Song Xiaobao was able to follow Jiao Xiaolong to perform in various towns and villages, accumulating valuable stage experience.

Song Xiaobao: After divorcing his ex-wife, the dragon and phoenix fetus born by remarried beauty fans improved their genes is cute and cute

It was during this period that Song Xiaobao met Huo Xiaohong, who was also a two-person actor, and started his first relationship.

In 2007, Song Xiaobao ushered in another important turning point in his career. During one performance, his performance attracted the attention of Zhao Benshan. Zhao Benshan had a discerning eye and took a fancy to Song Xiaobao's unique comedy talent, and immediately decided to take him under his disciple and become his 32nd disciple.

Zhao Benshan keenly found that Song Xiaobao's image was very suitable for playing the "harlequin" in the sketch. In order to help Song Xiaobao adapt to the new performance form as soon as possible, Zhao Benshan personally guided his classes.

Although there is a big difference between the two-person turn and the sketch, Song Xiaobao, who is new to the sketch stage, has shown amazing adaptability.

Song Xiaobao: After divorcing his ex-wife, the dragon and phoenix fetus born by remarried beauty fans improved their genes is cute and cute

Under the careful cultivation of Zhao Benshan, Song Xiaobao's comedy talent has been fully utilized. He is like a talented carver, and he interprets the "laughing fruit" in every sketch to the fullest.

Zhao Benshan had high hopes for this proud protégé, and in 2011, he personally took Song Xiaobao to the stage of Liaoning Satellite TV's Spring Festival Gala.

On this stage, Song Xiaobao instantly became popular all over the country with the sentence "Haiyan, you can have a snack" and became a well-known comedy superstar. This line not only made the audience laugh, but also became a hot topic after tea and dinner during the Spring Festival.

Since then, Song Xiaobao's artistic career has turned a new page, and his life has also ushered in a huge turning point.

Song Xiaobao: After divorcing his ex-wife, the dragon and phoenix fetus born by remarried beauty fans improved their genes is cute and cute

With the take-off of his career, Song Xiaobao's love life has also experienced ups and downs. The marriage with his first wife, Huo Xiaohong, began in the difficult years when they struggled together.

However, after becoming famous, Song Xiaobao has been performing all year round, getting together less and leaving Huo Xiaohong, and the relationship has gradually cracked.

In 2011, just when Song Xiaobao's career was in full swing, Huo Xiaohong received an unexpected "express" - a divorce agreement. Faced with the sudden change, Huo Xiaohong chose to sign calmly and ended this seven-year marriage.

Regarding the reason for the divorce of the two, there are different opinions from the outside world, and there are rumors that it is because Huo Xiaohong is unable to have children, but what the truth is, I am afraid only the parties concerned know.

Song Xiaobao: After divorcing his ex-wife, the dragon and phoenix fetus born by remarried beauty fans improved their genes is cute and cute

Soon after the divorce, Song Xiaobao's love life became the focus again. He met Wang Xue, a loyal fan, and soon fell in love. Wang Xue is not only an avid follower of Song Xiaobao, but also a tall beauty.

The relationship between the two developed rapidly, and they soon entered the palace of marriage. In 2012, they were happy to have a pair of twins, which drew a successful end to this love.

However, the marriage was also controversial. Some people question whether Wang Xue intervened in Song Xiaobao's previous marriage, and some people think that Song Xiaobao abandoned his wife after becoming famous.

In the face of these doubts, Song Xiaobao chose to remain silent and firmly walked hand in hand with Wang Xue.

Song Xiaobao: After divorcing his ex-wife, the dragon and phoenix fetus born by remarried beauty fans improved their genes is cute and cute

Despite the disturbances from the outside world, the relationship between Song Xiaobao and Wang Xue has become deeper and deeper. Wang Xue not only supported Song Xiaobao during the rising period of his career, but also took good care of him when he was troubled by a back injury.

In the footage of fans and passers-by, the figure of this loving couple can often be captured, and their relationship seems to have stood the test of time and doubts.

Today's Song Xiaobao has become a leader in the comedy industry, and is known as the three giants of the new generation of sketch industry together with Shen Teng and Jia Ling. His success is not limited to the field of cross talk, but also actively expands his acting territory, getting involved in the creation of variety shows and film and television works.

When many members of the "Zhao Family Class" parted ways with Zhao Benshan for various reasons, Song Xiaobao always remembered the cultivation grace of his teacher and stood firmly by Zhao Benshan's side.

Song Xiaobao: After divorcing his ex-wife, the dragon and phoenix fetus born by remarried beauty fans improved their genes is cute and cute

The booming career did not make Song Xiaobao neglect family life. He carefully created a bookish home environment for his twin children, purchasing a large number of books and a spacious desk.

Whenever he is not working, Song Xiaobao is always immersed in the study and enriches his spiritual world through reading. This thirst for knowledge stems from his regret of dropping out of school at an early age, and it also reflects the importance he attaches to his children's education.

Despite his poor health in recent years and his waist injury has brought many inconveniences to his daily life, Song Xiaobao still insists on bringing joy to the audience on stage. Even if he was accidentally injured on the stage of "Happy Comedian", he insisted on performing in the company of his wife.

The reality show "Youth Travel" that he participated in recording has occupied the top of the ratings list for a long time, showing its enduring popularity.

Song Xiaobao: After divorcing his ex-wife, the dragon and phoenix fetus born by remarried beauty fans improved their genes is cute and cute

From a young man in a mountain village who used to be a companion with mice, to a well-known comedy superstar, Song Xiaobao's life has undergone earth-shaking changes. However, he has always maintained a grateful heart and never forgotten his original intention.

It is this kind of perseverance and self-precipitation quality that has made Song Xiaobao achieve admirable achievements in his career and family, and has written an inspirational life legend.

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