
The man sold the horse and settled the tea money for the old man, and the old man said to be careful of the horse buyer

author:I love noodle fish

Let's talk about the strange case that caused a stir in the north and south of our great river today. This matter has something to do with Li Erniu, a Shandong man who sells horses, his body is sturdy, and his temperament is as straight as the sorghum pole. His horse, fat, ran like flying, and Li Erniu treated it as if it was a baby. But this year, the family is short of money, so Li Erniu pondered selling the horse and exchanging some silver to go home for emergency relief.

He led the horse all the way south and came to our water town in the south of the Yangtze River. Jiangnan, the scenery is as beautiful as a painting, with small bridges and flowing water, and there is such an aura in front of every house. Although Li Erniu is a rough man, looking at this beautiful scenery, he is also excited, thinking that the people in this place must be bold, and the horses will definitely be able to sell for a good price.

He didn't go far before he saw a tea shed in front of him, although it was not big, but it was very clean, and there was a sign hanging at the door, on which was written "Qingxiang Tea Room". Li Erniu walked so loudly that his throat was about to smoke, so he led the horse into the tea shed. There was an old man sitting in the tea shed, his hair was as white as snow, and his spirit was very full, and he looked like a man with a story.

The man sold the horse and settled the tea money for the old man, and the old man said to be careful of the horse buyer

As soon as Li Erniu sat down, the old man poured him a cup of tea, the tea was so fragrant, take a sip, his mouth was full of fragrance, Li Erniu was bored, he felt that the whole person was in good spirits, and he couldn't help but praise: "Good tea!" The old man smiled slightly and said: "The guest officer has a good eye, this tea is our specialty Biluochun, picking the buds of early spring, frying exquisitely, drinking it is called a fragrant, and the aftertaste is endless." ”

Li Erniu listened, nodded again and again, and said, "The old gentleman's craftsmanship is really good, this tea is really delicious." The two chatted quite speculatively, and Li Erniu told him about selling horses. After hearing this, the old man pondered for a while, and said, "You have to be careful about selling horses, don't let those who have evil intentions be deceived." Li Erniu was stunned for a moment and asked, "Why do you say that?" The old man sighed and said, "In this place in the south of the Yangtze River, everyone has it, and some people look honest and don't think so in their hearts." You're so angry, and if it falls into the wrong hands, it's bad. ”

When Li Erniu heard this, his heart tightened, and he felt that the old man was reasonable. He thought for a moment and said, "What then?" I've got to sell my horse. The old man touched his chin and said, "Well, you wait here first, and I'll keep an eye on you." There are suitable buyers, I'll tell you again. When Li Erniu heard this, he was very grateful and hurriedly thanked him.

He was about to pay for his departure when the old man stopped him again. "Don't worry," said the old man, "I won't take your tea money." Li Erniu was stunned for a moment and asked, "Why?" The old man smiled and said, "If your horse is sold for a good price, it will be regarded as adding glory to my tea shed." This tea money, just when I invite you. When Li Erniu heard this, his heart was even warmer, and he felt that this old man was really a kind person. Oh, this is a whole thing, Li Erniu's young man led the horse out of the tea shed as soon as he slipped away. As soon as he stood outside the tea shed, he didn't wait long before he saw a middle-aged man walking over leisurely. This man, tall, very energetic, looks like a rich lord at first glance. He walked up to Li Erniu, looked at it, and then asked, "Dude, are you selling this horse?" When Li Erniu heard this, his heart blossomed, and he thought that these eight achievements were the suitable buyers that the old man said. He nodded busily and said, "Sell, sell!" ”

The man asked, "How much does this horse cost?" Li Erniu pondered for a while and said, "My horse is not ordinary, it runs like flying, and the price naturally has to be higher." I see that you also know how to do it, and I will give you a real price, fifty taels of silver. When the man heard this, he frowned and said, "Fifty taels? You're a good horse, but it's not so expensive, is it? Li Erniu's heart tightened, feeling that this man might want to bargain. He thought for a moment and said, "My horse is definitely worth the price." If you don't believe me, you can give it a test ride. The man listened, nodded, and said, "Okay, then I'll try." ”

Then the man took the reins of the horse, turned over and got on the horse. The horse was really galloping, and it was very powerful. When he came back from a lap, the man smiled all over his face and said, "Good horse, good horse!" I want it! When Li Erniu heard this, his heart blossomed, and he hurriedly said: "Then let's make a deal?" The man nodded and said, "Deal." I'll give you the money. As he spoke, he took out a money bag from his arms and handed it to Li Erniu. Li Erniu took the money bag, heavy, and the beauty in his heart. He counted the silver, exactly fifty taels, no more, no less.

The man sold the horse and settled the tea money for the old man, and the old man said to be careful of the horse buyer

When the man saw Li Erniu finish counting the silver, he said, "Brother, the money has been collected, and this horse is now mine." Li Erniu nodded again and again, although he was a little reluctant in his heart, but when he thought of the family's first-class money, he gritted his teeth and handed the reins to the man. The man took the reins, and with a flick of it, the horse rushed out like an arrow. Li Erniu stood there, watching the man and the horse go away, with mixed feelings in his heart.

At this moment, the old man came out of the tea shed, looked at Li Erniu, sighed and said, "Erniu, you have to pay attention to the person who bought the horse." Li Erniu was stunned for a moment, turned around and asked, "Old man, what do you mean by this?" The old man shook his head and said, "Although the man looks quite decent, I always feel that there is something wrong in his eyes. I'm afraid it's not a good thing for you to follow him. Li Erniu listened, his heart tightened, but after thinking about it, the man didn't look like a bad person, and besides, the silver had already arrived, and it was too late to regret it. He smiled slightly and said softly, "Old man, you are too worried. That gentleman seems to be quite honest, and he should not do anything wrong. The old man sighed softly, with a hint of worry in his tone: "I hope so." However, you have to remember that if something is wrong in the future, come to me. Although I'm old now, there are still some ways to do it in this place in Jiangnan. Li Erniu hurriedly thanked him, said goodbye to the old man, turned around and set foot on the way home. Although he was a little uneasy in his heart, his mood gradually calmed down when he thought of the fifty taels of silver.

As the days passed, the situation of Li Erniu's family was slowly improving. With the fifty taels of silver, he bought some grain and cloth, repaired his house, and gradually became more prosperous. However, just when he thought everything was calm, something unexpected happened.

The man sold the horse and settled the tea money for the old man, and the old man said to be careful of the horse buyer

That night, Li Erniu was sitting at home for dinner, when he suddenly heard a rapid sound of horses' hooves outside. He put down the dishes and chopsticks in his hand, walked out of the door, and saw a black shadow galloping on a horse. The horse was covered in sweat, his eyes were bloodshot, and it was clear that he had been running for a long time. And the black figure was dressed in black, and his face was covered with a black cloth, making it impossible to see his true face. Li Erniu was shocked in his heart, and secretly thought to himself: "This person came to visit late at night, what is the reason for it?" "

Just as he was thinking, the dark shadow had already come to him. He reined in his horse, jumped down, and tore the black cloth off his face, revealing his true face. When Li Erniu saw it, he was stunned. The man in black was none other than the middle-aged man who bought his horse that day. However, at this time, his face was haggard, his clothes were disheveled, and he looked very embarrassed.

The man looked at Li Erniu and said anxiously: "Brother Erniu, save me!" That horse is crazy, I can't control it! When Li Erniu heard this, he immediately understood what was going on. It turned out that when the horse got into the man's hands, it suddenly became agitated for some reason. The man rode it for days and nights, but could not calm it down. In desperation, he thought of coming to Li Erniu for help.

The man sold the horse and settled the tea money for the old man, and the old man said to be careful of the horse buyer

Li Erniu looked at the man's embarrassed appearance, although he was a little unhappy in his heart, but thinking that the horse was raised by himself after all, he finally decided to lend a hand. He told the man to sit down and rest, then went to the stables and fed the horse with some grass and feed. As soon as the horse saw Li Erniu, it immediately quieted down. It lowered its head and ate the horse grass and horse feed one bite at a time, as if it knew that Li Erniu was here to save it.

Li Erniu looked at its docile appearance, and couldn't help but feel a trace of emotion in his heart. He gently stroked the horse's head and whispered, "Why are you so disobedient, you fellow?" With a new owner, why don't you know how to behave well? The horse seemed to understand Li Erniu's words, raised his head to look at him, and then lowered his head and continued to eat. Li Erniu took a look at the situation, and the stone in his heart fell to the ground. He knew that the horse had already treated him as his own, and that if he was patient and spent a few more days and nights with him, he would be able to recover his strength. So he invited the lad into his house, and coaxed the horse with him every day. After a few days and nights, the horse really recovered, became less agitated, and became much more docile. The young man looked at this change, and he was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth, and thanked Li Erniu vigorously. Li Erniu waved his hand and said, "We are all from the same village, and it is appropriate to help each other." But you have to remember that you have to treat this horse well in the future, and don't let it be wronged again. The young man nodded like garlic, and then rode away from Li Erniu's house. Li Erniu stood at the door, watching them go away, silently wishing them a good life in his heart. Since then, Li Erniu has never seen the young man and the horse again, but this experience has become an unforgettable memory in his life.

Li Erniu stood at the door of his house, watching their backs getting farther and farther away, and the taste in his heart was really mixed. He sighed and turned back to the house, but he couldn't let go of the little thing in his heart. That horse, he raised it from childhood to adulthood, like his own child, although he had to sell it for a living, but there was always a knot in his heart. Now seeing that it is not doing well with the new owner, Li Erniu is even more unhappy in his heart. He sat on the kang, smoking a dry cigarette, thinking about it in his heart. Just then, there was a sharp knock on the door. Li Erniu put down the dry tobacco pouch, walked to the door and opened the door, it turned out to be the old man he met in the tea shed that day. The old man looked anxious, and as soon as he entered the door, he took Li Erniu's hand and said, "Erniu, do you know who the person who bought the horse is?" Li Erniu was stunned, shook his head and said, "I don't know, what's wrong?" The old man sighed and said, "That person is a famous horse dealer in the south of the Yangtze River, named Zhao San." He collects the horses and sells them at a high price. But he is ruthless, and he can do anything to make money. I've heard that he's been running out of money lately, and wants to sell your horse to the north, to the nomads. When Li Erniu heard this, he was furious, slapped the table, and said, "This Zhao San is too unsophisticated!" My horse, raised from childhood to adulthood, how can it be so bad? The old man nodded and said, "Yes, that's why I came to you." You have to find a way to get the horse back, and you can't let it fall into Zhao San's hands. Li Erniu took a deep breath and said, "Okay, I'll go find him!" As he spoke, he rushed out. The old man hurriedly grabbed him and said, "Don't worry, this matter has to be summed up." Zhao San is ruthless, if you go to him recklessly, I am afraid that you will suffer. When Li Erniu heard this, he calmed down. He thought for a moment and said, "Then what do you say?" The old man pondered for a while and said, "In this way, you go to the town to find a few helpers first, and then go to Zhao San's house." "Hey, we have to keep an eye on it, don't let that kid find out." When Li Erniu heard this, his head nodded like a chicken pecking rice, and replied, "Okay, I'll do it." As soon as he finished speaking, he turned around and was about to slip away. The old man grabbed him and advised, "Don't forget, you have to bring some money." Zhao San's kid only has money in his eyes, if you give him some sweetness, he may be relieved. Although Li Erniu was not happy in his heart, he also understood that this trick had to be used. He answered, "Okay, I'm going to go." With that, he went out of the door.

The man sold the horse and settled the tea money for the old man, and the old man said to be careful of the horse buyer

Not long after, Li Erniu took a few buddies, still holding a stack of tickets in his hand, and went straight to Zhao San's house. They crept into the yard, and tied up Zhao San in his sleep with three strokes and five divisions. As soon as Zhao San woke up, he opened his mouth and was about to shout, but Li Erniu and they had already prepared, and a piece of cloth made him roll his eyes. Li Erniu walked up to him and said coldly: "Zhao San, you kid is not kind." My horse, raised from childhood to adulthood, how can you spoil it so much? When Zhao Sanyi heard that it was Li Erniu, his legs were so frightened that his legs were weak, and he stammered and begged for mercy: "Brother Erniu, I also have no choice but to sell your horse for some money." Li Erniu snorted and said, "No matter what your reason is, you have to give me back that horse!" Zhao San hurriedly agreed, struggled to get up, and led the horse out of the stable.

Li Erniu watched the horse appear safely and soundly, and his heart finally fell to the ground. He stepped forward and patted the horse's head gently, and said with emotion: "You little fellow, you can be regarded as home." The horse seemed to recognize its owner, and waged its tail slightly. Li Erniu's heart was warm, and he said to Zhao San: "Forget it this time, but you have to remember, don't do this kind of immoral thing in the future!" Zhao Santou nodded like a rattle, and then ran away in a gloomy manner.

Li Erniu took the horse home, and he was sure in his heart. Watching the horses laugh in the yard. Since then, Li Erniu and Ma Er have lived happily ever after. As for Zhao San, this time the incident spread ten, ten, ten, hundred, and the villagers saw his true face, and no one dared to deal with him anymore. This incident has become a good story in the local area.