
The man is about to become a son-in-law, and the white fox dreams in the middle of the night and brings a toad to the bride

author:I love noodle fish

In our northeast Gada, there is a young man named Li Erniu, who looks very strong and has so much strength that he can hold up a cow. Although his family is very poor, Li Erniu is diligent and practical, and the people in the village say that he is good. But this young man also has his own troubles, seeing that he is getting older, the family can't even make up the bride price, and the matter of marrying a daughter-in-law is even more notable.

The rich man Wang in the east of the village has a daughter named Wang Cuihua, who looks like a water spirit, and everyone knows that she is beautiful. The rich man Wang was small-minded, and always wanted to find a son-in-law so that he could inherit his family business. Although Li Erniu is poor, he has a good character and works diligently, so the rich man Wang took a fancy to him and wanted him to be his son-in-law. When Li Erniu heard the news, he had mixed feelings in his heart, he was happy to marry such a beautiful daughter-in-law, but he was worried about his identity as a son-in-law, and he always felt that he was a little shorter. But thinking about the situation at home, Li Erniu still agreed.

The wedding date was set for a good day three months later, and Li Erniu was very busy and ready to marry the bride. But just when the wedding was approaching, something strange happened. One night, when the moon was dark and the wind was high, Li Erniu lay on the bed and tossed and turned and couldn't sleep. Suddenly, he felt a cold wind, as if something had entered the house. He squinted and saw a snow-white fox walking in lightly, the fox's eyes were shining, as if he could speak. Li Erniu was shocked and wanted to shout, but found that he couldn't shout. The white fox walked to the bed, gently rubbed Li Erniu's hand with his head, and then spoke: "Erniu, I know that you are about to marry a daughter-in-law, but I have to tell you that there is something wrong with Wang Cuihua." Although Li Erniu was surprised, he thought that this fox could speak, and it must be a divine object, so he asked: "White Fox Daxian, what do you mean by this?" What's wrong with Cuihua? The white fox sighed and said, "She was tricked by someone, if you don't solve it in time, you will be in big trouble after marriage." When Li Erniu heard this, he was anxious, and hurriedly asked, "Daxian, what should I do?" The white fox said, "You go to the old locust tree outside the village tomorrow, there is a toad there, you bring it back, and use its blood to smear Wang Cuihua's forehead, and you can solve the Gu." Although Li Erniu felt that this matter was quite mysterious, he still decided to give it a try when he thought of the white fox's words.

The man is about to become a son-in-law, and the white fox dreams in the middle of the night and brings a toad to the bride

Early the next morning, Li Erniu went to the old locust tree outside the village. Sure enough, there was a fat toad under the locust tree, lazily basking in the sun. Li Erniu cautiously walked over and grabbed it. The toad seemed to know Li Erniu's intentions, and he didn't resist, but just looked at him with those mung bean-sized eyes, as if to say, "Okay, it's up to you." "Li Erniu, this kid, brought the toad back to our house, and the eldest sister of the white fox ordered, he was not ambiguous, and directly wiped Wang Cuihua's forehead with the blood of the toad. Hey, you see, Wang Cuihua's face is like being beaten with chicken blood, red fluttering, and the whole person is full of energy. Li Erniu looked at this posture, and the stone in his heart finally landed, knowing that this Gu was solved. He looked at the toad in his hand, and thought of the white fox sister, and the gratitude in his heart was like drinking honey.

When the wedding day came, Li Erniu and Wang Cuihua got married on time. At the wedding, the two laughed like flowers, very happy, and the blessings of relatives and friends sounded like firecrackers, ringing non-stop. The kindness of the toad and the white fox is also remembered in their hearts. Since then, the little life of the two has been as sweet as honey. They worked hard to get rich, took care of their family affairs in an orderly manner, and helped the villagers solve many problems. The story of the toad and the white fox has also become a legend in their hearts.

Although it sounds a bit mysterious, the kindness, bravery, and gratitude in it have to be learned and passed on. The days after Li Erniu and Wang Cuihua got married became more and more moisturized. The two of them are very affectionate, support each other, and live a prosperous life. The people in the village looked at them, which was called envy, jealousy and hatred, and even more admired Li Erniu's courage to fight.

The man is about to become a son-in-law, and the white fox dreams in the middle of the night and brings a toad to the bride

But after a long time, Li Erniu always had a knot in his heart, that is, the matter of the white fox and the toad. From time to time, he remembered that night when the black lights were blinding, the eldest sister of the white fox suddenly appeared, and how the toad blood had solved Wang Cuihua's Gu so magically. He hadn't told anyone about it, but he always felt that he owed them a big favor.

What's that, Li Erniu, this buddy, always thinks about the two mysterious white foxes and toads in his heart, and always feels that his fate is unclear from these two little guys. One day, while he was working in the mountains, he suddenly felt like the world was spinning, and then he didn't know anything. When he opened his eyes again, he found himself lying in a cave full of sparkling gems, which made people's eyes glaze.

"Wake up, Li Erniu." A gentle voice came from his ears, and as soon as he looked up, good fellow, the white fox was sitting on a large jewel, and his eyes were full of wisdom and kindness. "White Fox Immortal, why did I come here?" Li Erniu asked with a confused expression. "This is my territory, I brought you here on purpose." The white fox smiled and said, "I feel that you have something on your mind, so I plan to solve your doubts in person." ”

The man is about to become a son-in-law, and the white fox dreams in the middle of the night and brings a toad to the bride

Li Erniu's heart moved, and he hurriedly asked: "White Fox Daxian, I've always wanted to know, why did you and that toad appear in my life?" Why did you help me solve the Gu on Cuihua's body? The white fox looked at him deeply, and said slowly: "Actually, our fate has long been doomed. A long, long time ago, we were all little demons in cultivation, and because of an accident, we were trapped in this cave. It was your past life, a kind hunter, who found us and helped us get out of trouble. In order to repay your kindness, we have decided to lend a helping hand when you are in trouble in this life. ”

"Huh? Is there such a play? Li Erniu was so surprised that his mouth couldn't close. That's right, this is the fate between the two of us. The white fox continued, "That toad is actually a spirit beast that has been cultivating for many years, and its blood can detoxify. In order to save your daughter-in-law, it did not hesitate to give its own blood. Its sacrifice not only saved your daughter-in-law's life, but also deepened the fate between us. ”

When Li Erniu heard this, his heart was warm. He bowed deeply and said gratefully, "Thank you, White Fox Great Immortal and Toad Great Immortal. Your great kindness and virtue, I, Li Erniu, will remember it all my life. The white fox waved his hand and said, "You're welcome, it's all fate." Now that your doubts have been solved, it's time to go back to your world. After speaking, the white fox waved his hand, and a golden light flashed, and Li Erniu felt that he was being held up by a force and slowly floated towards the entrance of the cave.

The man is about to become a son-in-law, and the white fox dreams in the middle of the night and brings a toad to the bride

When he opened his eyes again, he found that he had returned to the mountain, and the wood knife in his hand was still tightly clutched. Li Erniu stood up, patted the soil on his body, and took a deep breath. He felt as if his mind had been cleansed, clearer and firmer. Since the day of the fight, Li Erniu, a young man, has really valued his own life more than anything else, and he has worked harder to help others. From time to time he remembered the words of the white fox and the toad, and they were like a beacon of guidance in his heart, illuminating his way. As for the toad, it really left a lot of marks in Li Erniu's heart. He pondered building a small temple on the edge of the cave and erecting a statue of the toad, so that people in the past could listen to him tell the story of the toad, so that more people could know its greatness and sacrificial spirit.

Time flies, and decades have passed in a blink of an eye. Li Erniu has also changed from a young man to a gray-haired old man, but his heart is still young and full of vitality. His strength to help people has not diminished at all, and he is still convinced of the existence of the white fox and the toad.

One night, Li Erniu was about to fall asleep, when he suddenly felt a familiar breath revolving around him. He opened his eyes and looked, hey, wasn't that a white fox, standing on the edge of the bed, looking at him with a smile on his face. "Li Erniu, the time has come." The white fox's voice was full of emotion and reluctance, "Your mission has been accomplished, and your kindness and courage have touched everyone in this land." Now I'll take you to a more beautiful place. Although Li Erniu was a little reluctant in his heart, he also felt quite calm and peaceful. He nodded, smiled and said, "Okay, White Fox Daxian, I'm ready." As soon as the words fell, Li Erniu closed his eyes, feeling that he was surrounded by a warm force, and then slowly floated up.

When he opened his eyes again, he found that he had arrived at a fairyland that was too beautiful to say, with birds singing and flowers, beautiful mountains and rivers, and everything was so harmonious and beautiful. Although he left the world he once lived in, Li Erniu did not feel sad and lost at all, but felt more relaxed and free than ever. He knows that he has to continue his mission here, using his kindness and courage to infect more people and create a better world.