
Tian Liang took his children to Cambridge, the 16-year-old Sendie has a sunny temperament, and the 12-year-old Xiaoliangzai is as tall as his sister

author:Buchanan Balls


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Tian Liang took his children to Cambridge, the 16-year-old Sendie has a sunny temperament, and the 12-year-old Xiaoliangzai is as tall as his sister

Text: Buchanan Balls

Edited by Buchanan Balls

What is the most surprising thing in the world? It was Tian Liang's children who suddenly grew taller! That's right, it's the diving champion Tian Liang. Isn't it normal, you might say, for children to grow taller?

But when you look at the latest chance encounter photos, you'll see that it's not just ordinary growth. It's a revolution in height! 16-year-old Sendie and 12-year-old Xiao Liangzai are about to catch up with their father.

This makes me want to ask: Does Tian Liang's family have any special "secret recipe for growing taller"? Or is this the genetic advantage of a sports family? Let's gossip about this enviable and curious family!

Tian Liang took his children to Cambridge, the 16-year-old Sendie has a sunny temperament, and the 12-year-old Xiaoliangzai is as tall as his sister

The photo of the chance encounter sparked heated discussions

On June 30, a set of ordinary photos of chance encounters exploded on the Internet. In the photo, Tian Liang takes his two children, 16-year-old Sen Die and 12-year-old Xiao Liangzai, for a leisurely walk in Cambridge, England. At first glance, isn't this just an ordinary photo of a family outing? But take a closer look, oh my god, why did these two children suddenly run so high?

You know, in our impression, Sendie is still the little girl who is bouncing in "Where Are You Going, Dad", and Xiao Liangzai is even more of a little bit behind her sister's ass.

But now? The two children are almost on par with Tian Liang! This makes me sigh: Time, you are too tolerant of the children of Tian Liang's family!

But let's not rush to marvel just yet. As a veteran observer of the entertainment industry, we have to interpret this photo well. After all, the details often hide more interesting stories.

The details of the photos are revealed

First of all, let's take a look at the outfit of this family of three. Tian Liang was wearing a black T-shirt and white trousers, which was low-key and decent, which was completely in line with his status as a retired athlete. But don't think he's so ordinary. Look at his sunglasses, how handsome he is! Isn't this exactly what tells us: we must maintain the spirit of athletes after retirement?

Tian Liang took his children to Cambridge, the 16-year-old Sendie has a sunny temperament, and the 12-year-old Xiaoliangzai is as tall as his sister

Let's look at Sen Die, dark blue baseball cap, dark blue sweatshirt and white short skirt, this college style dress is not too youthful! Coupled with her tall figure, it is simply a walking fashion magazine cover. I bet that if it weren't for Tian Liang beside her, passers-by would have thought she was a college student studying abroad.

As for Xiao Liangzai, this kid has really grown up. A black T-shirt with trousers is simple but handsome. Look at his tall figure, how can there be the shadow of the little heel who followed his sister back then? This guy can now be on his own.

However, the most surprising thing is their height. You must know that Tian Liang's official height is 171cm. And judging from the photos, Sendie and Xiao Liangzai are almost up to their father's shoulders. What does this mean? This means that both children are at least 168cm! A 12-year-old boy has this height, which is simply showing off to the people of the whole country how strong the genes of the Tian family are!

How powerful are genes?

Speaking of genes, we have to sigh that Tian Liang's genes are really powerful. Look at this family of three, it's simply carved out of a mold. The same high nose bridge, the same big eyes, and even the way they laugh are exactly the same. This makes me want to ask: Tian Liang, did you copy yourself twice?

Tian Liang took his children to Cambridge, the 16-year-old Sendie has a sunny temperament, and the 12-year-old Xiaoliangzai is as tall as his sister

However, there are also troubles with strong genes. For example, Sendie's skin tone is darker than that of his father and younger brother. However, this has become one of her major characteristics. Healthy wheat-colored skin, coupled with her sunny and energetic temperament, is simply a standard template for athletic beautiful girls!

Let's talk about Xiao Liangzai, this kid is simply a copy of Tian Liang. Look at his eyebrows and eyes, and his outline, he is simply a miniature version of Tian Liang. I bet that when he grows up a little more, he will definitely become a new generation of male gods for girls.

So, the power of genes is amazing. It not only determines how we look, but also affects our height, temperament, and even the direction of our future development.

The future of Sendie: a rising star on the tennis court?

When it comes to the direction of future development, we have to talk about Sendie. As we all know, Sendie inherited the sports genes of his father Tian Liang. However, she did not choose to dive and fell in love with tennis.

It is said that Tian Liang also intends to train his daughter to develop in this area. On this trip, it is likely that he took Sen Die to see the Wimbledon tennis tournaments. Think about it, how cool it would be if Sendie really became a professional tennis player!

Tian Liang took his children to Cambridge, the 16-year-old Sendie has a sunny temperament, and the 12-year-old Xiaoliangzai is as tall as his sister

We can imagine: a few years later, Sendie stood on the court at Wimbledon, wielding a racket and winning the cheers of the audience. In the audience, Tian Liang and Xiao Liangzai were cheering for her. This picture is simply beautiful!

However, no matter what path Sendie chooses in the end, I believe that with her genes and family background, the future will be exciting.

What do netizens think?

This incident quickly aroused heated discussions among netizens on the Internet.

Some netizens said: "Oh my God, Sendie and Xiao Liangzai are growing up too fast!" It feels like in the blink of an eye, they have changed from the little radish head in "Where Are You Going, Dad" to a big tall one. Time flies! "
Some netizens also sighed: "Tian Liang's genes are so powerful!" Look at these three people, it's just carved out of a mold. Especially Xiao Liangzai, it is simply a copy of Tian Liang, so handsome! "
There are also netizens who are full of expectations for Sendie's future: "I heard that Sendie likes to play tennis, and I hope she can become the next Li Na and win glory for Chinese tennis!" "
Of course, some netizens expressed concern: "Will the child grow up so fast, will it affect the physical development?" I hope Tian Liang can pay attention to the child's nutritional matching. "
Interestingly, some netizens joked: "Is Tian Liang's secret weapon Chang Gao Dan?" Can you share the recipe? My kids want to grow taller too! "
Tian Liang took his children to Cambridge, the 16-year-old Sendie has a sunny temperament, and the 12-year-old Xiaoliangzai is as tall as his sister

These comments reflect everyone's attention and love for Tian Liang's family. Whether it is praise or worry, it reflects the concern of netizens. At the same time, it also reflects people's curiosity about celebrity families.

Write at the end

Looking back on the whole incident, we can see that the photo of Tian Liang taking Sen Die and Xiao Liangzai to visit Cambridge is not just a simple chance encounter photo. It shows the power of time, the wonder of genes, and a happy and harmonious family.

The growth of Sendie and Xiao Liangzai allows us to see the magic of time. They have changed from cute little radish heads to slim girls and handsome teenagers. This change is not only the growth of height, but also the transformation of temperament.

At the same time, the genetic advantages of Tian Liang's family are also enviable. It is not only the similarity of appearance, but also the inheritance of athletic talent. This makes us look forward to which field Sendie and Xiaoliangzai will shine in the future.

However, it's also important to remember that growth isn't just the work of genes. Good family education and correct value guidance are the keys to the healthy growth of children.

Finally, I would like to throw out a question for you to think about: In this era of information explosion, how should we view the growth story of celebrity families? Is it simply envy, jealousy, and hatred, or is it to gain some beneficial parenting experience from it? Everyone is welcome to share your thoughts in the comment area!

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