
dismissed Tian Liang and sent Guo Jingjing to the referee area, what is the origin of Zhou Jihong?

author:Haha Academy
dismissed Tian Liang and sent Guo Jingjing to the referee area, what is the origin of Zhou Jihong?
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dismissed Tian Liang and sent Guo Jingjing to the referee area, what is the origin of Zhou Jihong?

At the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games, the sports world witnessed an amazing moment: Quan Hongchan, who was only 13 years old, won the gold medal in diving with amazing strength, becoming the youngest champion in the history of the Chinese Olympic team.

However, behind this dazzling achievement, there stands a legendary but controversial female coach - Zhou Jihong.

A former Olympic champion, she turned into a national team coach and established an unshakable authority in the diving world. However, Zhou's coaching career has not been without its challenges.

She caused an uproar because of the expulsion of popular athlete Tian Liang, and the public confrontation with her mentor Yu Fen shocked the sports world. Despite this, she still insisted on her own opinions, and pushed Guo Jingjing to the international referee seat against public opinion, so as to fight for more voice for the Chinese diving team in the international arena.

dismissed Tian Liang and sent Guo Jingjing to the referee area, what is the origin of Zhou Jihong?

How did this legend, known as the "Iron Lady", rise to power in the diving world and stay in power for a long time? Why is her stern coaching style so controversial and so successful? Let's unveil the mystery of Zhou Jihong and take a look at her legendary and controversial career.

Zhou Jihong's diving career began as an athlete, and at the 1996 Atlanta Olympics, she won the gold medal in the 10m platform with her outstanding performance, adding a shining medal to the Chinese diving team.

This victory was not only the pinnacle of her career, but also laid a solid foundation for her future coaching career.

However, Zhou Jihong did not settle for the glory of being an athlete, but chose a more challenging path - becoming a national team coach. The transition was not an easy one, as she needed to translate her competitive experience into teaching skills while learning how to manage one of the world's top diving teams.

dismissed Tian Liang and sent Guo Jingjing to the referee area, what is the origin of Zhou Jihong?

As a coach, Zhou Jihong has shown extraordinary talent and a unique coaching style. She adheres to the concept of "no rules, no circle", and has formulated strict training policies and systems.

Under her tutelage, the Chinese diving team has emerged batch after batch of world-class athletes, such as Fu Mingxia, Guo Jingjing, Wu Minxia, etc., who have repeatedly achieved good results in the international arena and won glory for the country.

However, Zhou Jihong's coaching style has also been controversial. Her stern style has put many athletes under pressure, and some have even labeled her a "female devil".

But Zhou Jihong has always adhered to her own philosophy, believing that only through rigorous training can she maintain China's dominance in diving in the midst of brutal international competition.

dismissed Tian Liang and sent Guo Jingjing to the referee area, what is the origin of Zhou Jihong?

It is this vigorous and resolute style that has created the image of Zhou Jihong's "Iron Lady". Her coaching journey has been controversial, but it has also won numerous accolades.

Under her leadership, the Chinese diving team has achieved great results in the international arena, demonstrating the strong strength of Chinese diving. Zhou Jihong proved the effectiveness of her coaching methods with practical results and made great contributions to China's diving industry.

In Zhou Jihong's coaching career, the most striking thing is her grudge entanglement with Tian Liang and Yu Fen. These two incidents not only tested Zhou Jihong's leadership ability, but also highlighted her character characteristics of adhering to principles and acting resolutely.

In 2000, Tian Liang, a diving star at the peak of his career, was expelled from the national team by Zhou Jihong, a decision that caused an uproar in the sports world. With his excellent diving skills and handsome appearance, Tian Liang has won the reputation of "the prince of diving" and has a large number of fans.

dismissed Tian Liang and sent Guo Jingjing to the referee area, what is the origin of Zhou Jihong?

However, Zhou Jihong found that Tian Liang frequently took on advertisements and commercial performances, violating the rules of the national team. Although he knew that this move might cause controversy, Zhou Jihong still adhered to his principles and resolutely made the decision to expel him.

This decision immediately sparked widespread controversy. Many accused Zhou Jihong of being unkind and ruining the career of an elite athlete. In the face of overwhelming doubts, Zhou Jihong chose to remain silent.

She is convinced that maintaining team discipline is more important than retaining a star athlete. This incident also made people see the iron-fisted side of Zhou Jihong's team.

In 2007, Zhou Jihong was involved in a public dispute with his mentor Yu Fen. Yu Fen was Zhou Jihong's enlightenment coach, trained many Olympic champions, and enjoyed a high reputation in the diving world.

dismissed Tian Liang and sent Guo Jingjing to the referee area, what is the origin of Zhou Jihong?

However, when Yu Fen proposed to return to the national team as coach, he was blocked by Zhou Jihong. This master-apprentice dispute quickly turned into an open confrontation, and Yu Fen even accused Zhou Jihong of embezzling athletes' bonuses, pushing the conflict to a climax.

In the face of his teacher's accusations, Zhou Jihong once again chose to remain silent. She understands that her position means that she has to endure more doubts and pressure. Despite her inner torment, she still stood by her decision, believing that it was for the overall benefit of the national team.

Although these two incidents have brought a lot of negative effects to Zhou Jihong, they also demonstrate her determination and principle as a top coach. She has proven her ability to tackle challenges and protect the long-term interests of her team.

In dealing with these sensitive events, Zhou Jihong showed extraordinary determination and courage.

dismissed Tian Liang and sent Guo Jingjing to the referee area, what is the origin of Zhou Jihong?

Despite the controversy, Zhou Jihong has always adhered to his coaching philosophy. She understands that on the path to excellence, it is impossible to satisfy everyone. These experiences not only did not shake her faith, but made her more determined to pursue her coaching policy.

These controversial events eventually became an integral part of Zhou Jihong's career. They shaped her leadership style and laid the foundation for her later success on the international stage.

Zhou Jihong proved in his own way that sometimes, sticking to principles is more important than temporary harmony.

After establishing his prestige in China, Zhou Jihong set his sights on a broader international stage. She is well aware of a truth: in order to truly fight for the right to speak for the Chinese diving team, it is necessary to make a difference in the international arena.

dismissed Tian Liang and sent Guo Jingjing to the referee area, what is the origin of Zhou Jihong?

An unfair penalty incident at the 2003 World Championships in Rome became a turning point for Zhou Jihong to formulate a long-term strategy.

At that time, China's Zhang Xinhua suffered an obviously unfair rating in the men's three-meter springboard final. Some foreign referees gave low scores, causing Zhang Xinhua to miss out on the medal.

Faced with this situation, Zhou Jihong resolutely stepped forward, and she angrily questioned the referee to fight for the rights and interests of Chinese athletes. This scene not only showed her determination to defend her team, but also made her aware of the complex situation on the international stage.

This incident made Zhou Jihong deeply realize that it is not enough to rely on the outstanding performance of athletes, and it is also necessary to have more voice in FINA. As a result, she embarked on a series of visionary and strategic initiatives.

dismissed Tian Liang and sent Guo Jingjing to the referee area, what is the origin of Zhou Jihong?

First of all, Zhou Jihong encouraged retired Olympic champions such as Guo Jingjing and Chen Ruolin to learn English and participate in international referee training. She even paid out of her own pocket to fund these athletes, just so that they could speak for China in the international arena.

Under the promotion of Zhou Jihong, even the pregnant Guo Jingjing participated in the international referee examination and finally successfully ascended the referee seat of the Tokyo Olympics. This move not only increases China's influence in international competitions, but also creates a more level playing field for future athletes.

Secondly, Zhou Jihong himself is also determined to learn English and actively participate in FINA affairs. Although language is not her strong point, she understands that only by integrating into international organizations can she truly fight for the rights and interests of the Chinese diving team.

Her efforts were not in vain, and after unremitting struggle, Zhou Jihong finally broke through the encirclement and was elected to an important position in FINA. This achievement not only enhances China's status in the international swimming arena, but also creates a more favorable competitive environment for Chinese athletes.

dismissed Tian Liang and sent Guo Jingjing to the referee area, what is the origin of Zhou Jihong?

Zhou Jihong's foresight and strategic vision have allowed the Chinese diving team to gradually dominate the international arena. She proved with practical actions that behind the strong strength, there is also a need for intelligent strategic support.

This kind of all-round thinking and layout is the key to Zhou Jihong's long-term leadership of the Chinese diving team.

Through this series of measures, Zhou Jihong not only changed the passive situation of the Chinese diving team in the international arena, but also made important contributions to the international development of China's sports industry.

Her strategic vision and execution have paved the way for the future development of Chinese diving and set an example for future generations.

dismissed Tian Liang and sent Guo Jingjing to the referee area, what is the origin of Zhou Jihong?

The most striking thing about Zhou Jihong's coaching career is her eye for young talent. In 2020, in the Olympic trials, a 13-year-old player Quan Hongchan burst onto the occasion and showed amazing potential.

Although some people questioned that Quan Hongchan was too young to withstand the pressure of the Olympics, Zhou Jihong insisted on including her in the national team despite public opinion.

The decision quickly paid off. At the Tokyo Olympics, Quan Hongchan won the gold medal with a jaw-dropping performance, becoming the youngest champion of the Chinese Olympic delegation.

Her success not only proves Zhou Jihong's unique vision, but also once again demonstrates the strong heritage of Chinese diving.

dismissed Tian Liang and sent Guo Jingjing to the referee area, what is the origin of Zhou Jihong?

Under the leadership of Zhou Jihong, the Chinese diving team has achieved proud results in the Tokyo Olympics, winning 7 golds and 5 silvers. Immediately after the World Cup in Berlin, Germany, he won 8 golds and 4 silvers.

These achievements are not only the best proof of Zhou Jihong's coaching ability, but also confirm the correctness of the training concept and talent training strategy she has adhered to over the years.

Zhou Jihong's success lies in her ability to accurately identify and nurture young talents, and give them full trust and support. She is not bound by conventions and dares to break the stereotype, and this courage and vision have always kept the Chinese diving team competitive.

Her talent selection vision is not only limited to the technical level, but also includes the psychological quality and development potential of the players.

dismissed Tian Liang and sent Guo Jingjing to the referee area, what is the origin of Zhou Jihong?

Through careful training and rational use of young athletes, Zhou Jihong has continuously injected fresh blood into the Chinese diving team and ensured the team's continued competitiveness. Her ability to discern pearls has become one of the key factors for the Chinese diving team to maintain its long-term advantage in the international arena.

Looking back on Zhou Jihong's coaching career, controversy and achievements go hand in hand. Her iron-fisted style, the expulsion with Tian Liang, and the public confrontation with her mentor Yu Fen have all aroused heated discussions.

However, it is undeniable that it is this vigorous and resolute character and principled attitude that has created the glory of China's diving.

Today, Zhou Jihong, who is over half a hundred years old, is still active in the front line of the diving world. She strongly promoted Guo Jingjing and other retired athletes to serve as international referees, fight for the right to speak in FINA, and create a more level playing field for the Chinese diving team.

dismissed Tian Liang and sent Guo Jingjing to the referee area, what is the origin of Zhou Jihong?

Her foresight and strategic vision have enabled Chinese diving to maintain a dominant position in the international arena.

Zhou Jihong's story tells us that success is often accompanied by controversy, and the truly strong can persist in the face of doubts and keep moving forward. She used practical actions to interpret what is the real "Iron Lady" spirit, and perfectly integrated personal charm and professionalism.

From the Olympic champion to the head coach of the national team, and then to the important position of FINA, Zhou Jihong has taken every step firmly and powerfully. She has not only cultivated generations of diving stars, but also won respect and voice for Chinese diving on the international stage.

Zhou Jihong's legendary story is not only her personal success, but also the epitome of the development of China's diving industry. She has set a vivid example for China's sports industry and demonstrated the wisdom and courage of Chinese coaches.

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