
The groom had a secret meeting with the third aunt, and suddenly came home from the outside, and the third aunt was: Hide under the bed

author:Click, click, tick

Hey, ladies and gentlemen, let's talk about something new that has just come out today. This happened in a small town in the south of us, where the mountains and rivers are beautiful, and the human touch is enough. The protagonist we are going to talk about is an old brother who drives a carriage, named Zhang San. Don't look at him in this business, he looks so handsome, and he is also a thief in his heart, and the girls in the town are secretly looking at him behind his back. Zhang San, he has a little secret, and he has an inexplicable relationship with the third aunt of the foreign family. These three aunts are so beautiful that they are like paintings, but they are too old to satisfy her careful thoughts. Therefore, Zhang San has become the bright color in her heart. The two often take advantage of the fact that they are not at home, and secretly have private meetings in the small pavilion in the back garden, talking and laughing, which is called a happy one.

But oh my God, God is not beautiful. The staff suddenly received an urgent letter, saying that something was wrong at home and they had to go back quickly. Now the third aunt was so anxious that she was like an ant on a hot pot, and thought: "If this person comes back and bumps into me and Zhang San, it will be miserable!" She hurriedly ran to the back garden, found Zhang San who was feeding the horses, and hurriedly said: "Zhang San, something is wrong, the staff suddenly came back, what can I do?" When Zhang San heard this, his heart was also tight, but in a blink of an eye, he calmed down, rolled his eyes, and counted on his heart. He took the third aunt's hand and whispered, "Don't panic, I have a trick." You hurry back to the house and pretend nothing happened. As for me, I'll hide under your bed, and I'll come out again when the staff leave. When the third aunt heard this, she felt that this idea was quite reliable, and quickly nodded in agreement. She hurriedly ran back to the house, sorted out her emotions, and sat on the edge of the bed pretending to read. Zhang San, three steps and two steps ran to the third aunt's bedroom, lifted the bed board, and slipped into it.

After a while, I heard footsteps outside, and a familiar voice outside: "Madam, I'm back." The third aunt hurriedly put down the book and greeted her: "Master, why did you come back so suddenly?" The staff said happily: "There is something going on at home, I have to come back and deal with it." By the way, how are you doing in the house these days? The third aunt's heart was too tight, but she still pretended to be calm on her face: "It's all right, don't worry, master." The clerk nodded, looked around, and felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell. He walked over to the bed, sat down and said, "I'm not at home these days, you have to take care of yourself." "The third aunt is too anxious, for fear that the staff will find Zhang San under the bed. She quickly diverted the topic: "Master, you have worked hard all the way, why don't I make you a cup of tea?" The clerk waved his hand: "No need, I'll just rest for a while." With that, he closed his eyes. Seeing this, the third aunt was even more anxious. She secretly glanced at the bottom of the bed, only to see Zhang San shrinking into a ball, and she didn't dare to breathe. She scolded in her heart: "This death Zhang San is quite bearable at the critical moment." "Oh, it's so troublesome, it's like an ant on a hot pot. At this moment, there was a sudden knock on the door outside, and the voice was as anxious as if something. The staff was sleeping soundly, and was woken up by this knock on the door, frowned, and asked unhappily, "Who is this?" The third aunt hurriedly accosted: "Master, I'll go out and have a look." As soon as her voice fell, she hurried to the door, and when the door opened, it turned out to be the little maid Xiaocui in the house. Xiao Cui gasped and said with a panicked face: "Madam, something is wrong, the kitchen is on fire!" When the third aunt heard this, her heart rose to her throat: "What? Fire up? Quick, call someone to put out the fire! She turned to the staff and said, "Master, there is a fire in the kitchen, I have to go and see it quickly." When the staff heard this, they were also anxious: "Hurry, go!" He got up and rushed out with the third aunt.

The groom had a secret meeting with the third aunt, and suddenly came home from the outside, and the third aunt was: Hide under the bed

The third aunt took advantage of this chaos and secretly gave Zhang San a look under the bed, meaning to let him slip away quickly. When Zhang San saw that this opportunity had come, he hurriedly crawled out from under the bed and ran away like a smoke. He ran to the backyard, turned on his horse, and drove the carriage away. The third aunt was busy fighting the fire with the staff, so how could she care about him. In this way, Zhang San escaped the catastrophe, and the third aunt was praised by the staff because she discovered the fire in time. However, after this incident, the two no longer dared to have such a blatant private meeting. After all, this world is not very peaceful.

But just when Zhang San was running happily in the carriage, the carriage suddenly turned over and almost threw him out. He steadied himself, and when he saw it, it turned out that the wheels of the carriage had fallen into the pit. It's really bad luck to get home! Zhang San felt so bitter in his heart, he hurriedly got out of the car and tried his best to get the carriage out. But the pit was deep and slippery, and after a long time of effort, the carriage still did not move.

Just then, the sound of horses' hooves could be heard in the distance. Zhang San looked up and saw a burly man riding a tall horse running towards him. The man came to him, jumped off the horse, patted Zhang San on the shoulder, and asked, "Brother, what's going on?" Why did the car fall into the pit? Zhang Sanyi looked at this man, who looked five big and three thick, with a righteous face, and his heart was suddenly steady. He hurriedly told the man everything that had just happened.

The groom had a secret meeting with the third aunt, and suddenly came home from the outside, and the third aunt was: Hide under the bed

When the man heard this, he laughed and said, "Brother, you have met a nobleman." I'm not afraid of anything, I'm afraid that I won't have anything good to do. Come on, I'll help you get the car out. So saying, he set his hands on it. He first found a few large stones to put under the wheels, and then connected the carriage to his horse with a rope. As soon as he gave the order, the horse exerted all his strength, and in a few strokes pulled the carriage out.

Zhang San looked at it and was so grateful in his heart. He quickly took out a few copper plates from his arms, handed them to the man, and said, "Big brother, thank you so much." Take this money and buy a pot of wine to drink. The man waved his hand and said, "Brother, what are you doing here?" We are all people on the rivers and lakes, and we pay attention to righteousness. "Hey, this is a whole thing, we Northeast people pay attention to the truth, I am not happy about you giving money, this is not a slap in the face! You have the money, when will we meet again, you invite me to a drink, and we will chat. When Zhang San heard this, his heart rushed to his head, and he promised repeatedly: "Okay, okay, when I have the opportunity, I will definitely invite you to a good drink." The buddy nodded, got on the horse, and told Zhang San: "Brother, I have to leave quickly, you have to be careful on the road." Before he could finish speaking, he rode away.

Zhang San looked at the back of that buddy, and the warmth in his heart was so warm, he thought to himself: "In this world, there are still many good people." He drove the carriage and continued to the front. But after walking a few steps, he heard the sound of horses' hooves behind him again. Zhang Sanyi turned around, hey, that buddy is back again, and he is still carrying a package in his hand. The buddy walked up, handed the package to Zhang San, and said, "Brother, I thought about it for a while, and I think you still have to be a little guarded." This is what I have for you, and you take it. Zhang San opened it and saw that there was a sharp dagger and some dry food. Zhang San was very grateful and said, "Big brother, how can this be embarrassing? You've done me a great favor, so how can I ask for anything from you? The buddy waved his hand and said, "Brother, take it." The rivers and lakes are sinister, and you have to be a little guarded. Besides, this dagger and dry food are not worth much, so let's not be polite. Zhang San saw that buddy was so bold, and he admired it even more in his heart. He took the package and said, "Big brother, I remember your kindness. I will definitely repay you if I have the opportunity in the future. The buddy smiled and said, "Okay, okay." Brother, we'll meet again. With that, he rode away again.

The groom had a secret meeting with the third aunt, and suddenly came home from the outside, and the third aunt was: Hide under the bed

Zhang San looked at the back of that buddy, and couldn't calm down for a long time. He thought to himself, "There are still many good people in this world." I have to cherish this kindness, and I will definitely repay him when I have the opportunity in the future. Since then, Zhang San has become more cautious. He is no longer too sneaky with his third aunt, but puts his mind on work. He was diligent and earned, and gradually gained the appreciation and trust of the outside world. As for the third aunt, because she was busy with business outside the staff and rarely went home, she slowly forgot about the little thing with Zhang San. She lived a peaceful life, enjoying flowers, drinking tea, and reading every day, and no longer cared about the outside world. And the buddy who helped Zhang San, he was still walking on the rivers and lakes, doing chivalrous deeds and helping others. He used his actions to tell the world what true righteousness is.

Zhang San, since I got the help of that buddy, I have a bottom in my heart. He thought, we can't always hide and hide like this, we have to find a chance to confess to the outside world, even if we are kicked out, we have to end up in the open. So, he worked harder every day, thinking that when he had the opportunity, he would have a showdown with the outside staff. Oh my god, this thing is really worrying, just like the winter in Nagada in our northeast, it is so cold that people shiver, but there is no accurate letter. Zhang San's kid, waiting, waiting, finally waiting for a day when he was in a good mood outside the staff. He mustered up his courage and knocked on the door of the study. "Come in." The voice outside the staff came from the door, and it sounded a little majestic.

Zhang San pushed open the door, took a deep breath, and knelt directly in front of the outsider: "Outsider, I have something to say to you here." The clerk raised his eyes to look at him, put down the book in his hand, and said in a light tone: "What's the matter?" Zhang San took another deep breath and talked about him and the third aunt all over again. He looked at the face of the outsider as he spoke, for fear that he would be unhappy, so he kicked him out.

The groom had a secret meeting with the third aunt, and suddenly came home from the outside, and the third aunt was: Hide under the bed

Unexpectedly, after listening to it, the staff did not get angry, but fell into deep thought. After a long while, the staff slowly spoke: "Zhang San, I have heard about this for a long time, but I have never found out. Since you can take the initiative to tell me, it means that you still have some responsibility. Well, I'll give you a chance, you get out of here, go outside, and see if you can make a name for yourself. If you can achieve something, I will consider the matter of you and the third aunt. When Zhang Sanyi heard this, he was so excited in his heart! He hurriedly kowtowed and thanked him: "Thank you for your success!" I will definitely live up to your expectations! ”

In this way, Zhang San left the house outside the staff, took the dagger and dry food given to him by the man, and set foot on the road to the rivers and lakes. The outside world is both wonderful and dangerous. Zhang San met all kinds of people, both good and bad. But he always kept in mind the teachings of the staff and the kindness of the man, worked hard, and gradually broke through the famous hall in the rivers and lakes.

One day a few years later, Zhang San rode a tall horse and returned to his hometown with a group of followers. He returned home dressed and became a big man in the town. People came to congratulate one after another, and even the outsiders went out to greet them in person. At the banquet, Zhang San met the third aunt. She is still so beautiful and moving, but there is a little more vicissitudes in her eyes. The two looked at each other, as if they had a thousand words to say, but they didn't know where to start.

The groom had a secret meeting with the third aunt, and suddenly came home from the outside, and the third aunt was: Hide under the bed

At this moment, the clerk stood up and raised his glass: "Today is a happy day, I announce one thing. Zhang San has now become famous, and I decided to fulfill his marriage to the third aunt. I hope you can all bless them! As soon as these words came out, the audience was in an uproar. But then there was applause and blessings. Zhang San and the third aunt looked at each other and smiled, their eyes full of happiness and gratitude.

On the day of the wedding, the whole town was bustling with activity. The lanterns are colorful, the gongs and drums are noisy, the firecrackers are ringing in unison, and the crowds are crowded. The scene of Zhang San riding a tall horse to marry the third aunt is even more talkative. After marriage, Zhang San and his third aunt lived too happily, and those days were as sweet as honey. 235789 Gada in our northeast, there is such a couple, they stand side by side, hand in hand, and go through the ups and downs of life together. Zhang San, this kid, has always remembered the goodness of that buddy in his heart, as well as those who helped him in the rivers and lakes. He uses his own actions to give back to the society and help those in need. What about dude? He's still the same chivalrous and helpful look. As soon as Zhang San was mentioned, he said happily: "That's my brother!" "That's the story we're going to talk about today. It tells the story of the groom, the third aunt and the charlatan. It tells us that in this world full of challenges and opportunities, we must bravely face difficulties and seize opportunities; We also have to learn to be grateful and repay those who have helped us. In this way, we can gain a firm foothold in this world, thrive, and finally realize our dreams!