
The restaurant shopkeeper did not expect to lead to a strange case because of the competition between selling steamed buns and hawkers

author:Click, click, tick

Hey, listeners, let's talk about a strange case that happened in our Gada today. This thing is really smack-smacking to say, and it is more tortuous than the eighteen bends of the mountain road. Our small place, although it is not a big city, but people come and go, very lively, especially the small stalls in the streets and alleys, which is called a fragrant, which makes people unable to move their legs.

Let's talk about the two steamed bun shops in our town, one is our old brand "Wang Ji Steamed Bun", the shopkeeper Wang Laohan, the craftsmanship is old, the skin of the steamed bun is as thin as paper, the filling is enough to break the belly, a bite down, the oil and water go straight out, and the fragrance can float to the next village. The other is the newly opened "Li Ji Bun", the shopkeeper's Xiao Li, young and promising, his steamed bun tastes good, but he always feels that there is a little bit of old taste.

These two bun shops usually love to compete, and you come and go, both want to rob each other's business. Once, Wang Laohan set up a big steamer in front of his house, and the steamed buns were steaming and fragrant, seducing passers-by. Xiao Li saw it, and it was not a taste in his heart, so he thought, he had to find a way to snatch the business back.

The restaurant shopkeeper did not expect to lead to a strange case because of the competition between selling steamed buns and hawkers

Early in the morning, Xiao Li came to Zhao'er, hired a vendor, and asked him to walk around the town, carrying a basket in his hand, shouting: "Freshly baked buns, with big fillings and thin skin, are more fragrant than Wang Ji's!" This made Wang Laohan very angry, he thought: "You kid dare to rob me of business, I will let you see how powerful we are!" So, he also hired a hawker to walk around the town, carrying a basket in his hand, but what he shouted was: "Wang Ji steamed buns, time-honored, authentic taste, I want to eat them again!" ”

In this way, the two bun shops went back and forth, and a fierce competition began. But no one expected that there was a big secret hidden behind this. Just when the two bun shops were fighting, something strange happened in our town. Someone found that whenever Wang Laohan's steamed bun shop was doing good business, the usually quiet river would suddenly make waves, as if something was stirring up under the water. This happened when Wang Laohan's business was good, which is really strange.

The residents of the town talked a lot, some said that this was Wang Laohan's steamed bun was so fragrant that even the fish in the river couldn't help but swim up to see the excitement; Some people also say that this is Xiao Li making trouble, jealous of Wang Laohan's good business, and secretly using some means. But these are all speculations, and no one can say for sure. Until one day, something surprising happened. That morning, Wang Laohan's steamed bun shop was doing so well that all the steamed buns in the steamer were sold out. Wang Laohan was happy in his heart, thinking that he would definitely be able to make a lot of money today. But just as he was about to close the stall, he suddenly heard a scream, and then he saw Xiao Li's face as white as paper, panting and running over. "Wang ...... Shopkeeper Wang, what's wrong...... Something happened! Xiao Li shouted breathlessly. Why are you so panicked? Wang Laohan asked with a confused expression. You...... You hurry up and take a look, in the steamer in your store...... Inside...... Yes...... There is someone! Xiao Li stammered. When Wang Laohan heard this, he felt that the world was spinning, and he hurriedly followed Xiao Li all the way to the store. When I looked at the steamer, there was a corpse lying there, unrecognizable, and it was a miserable death. Wang Laohan glanced at the corpse and immediately recognized that it was not his peddler, but the one who helped him sell buns just now. This incident frightened Wang Laohan to death, and he hurriedly reported to the official. The people from the government came, tossed around, and found that there were no obvious injuries on the body, but the death was unknown. What's even more strange is that the corpse is still holding a bun tightly in its hand, which is the signature of Wang Ji Bun - pork and green onion filling. As soon as the news spread, the whole town exploded. Everyone said that this thing was too evil, and it must have been Xiao Li's ghost. Xiao Li also looked aggrieved, and shouted that he was wronged, saying that he didn't know what was going on with this corpse. In this way, this strange case became an unsolved case in the town. Everyone said it was weird, and it certainly didn't bode well. Wang Laohan, his hair turned white overnight, how could he have thought that his bun shop could do this kind of thing. However, this strange case is not over. In the days that followed, a series of strange things happened in the town. The water in the creek was less and more frequent; Wang Laohan's steamed bun shop business is also getting worse day by day. Everyone said that this was retribution, and Wang Laohan was offended, so what should not be offended. What about our story, just when there was a lot of discussion in the town, and when Wang Laohan's steamed bun shop business was declining, a mysterious wandering Taoist priest came to the town. This Taoist priest was dressed in a green sermon robe and held a whisk in his hand, and he didn't look like an ordinary person. The Taoist priest walked around the town and heard about the strange case of Wang Ji's steamed bun shop, so he took the initiative to find Wang Laohan. He first carefully examined the corpse in the steamer, and then circled around Wang Ji's steamed bun shop a few times, and finally said slowly: "Shopkeeper Wang, the feng shui of your steamed bun shop is not good." When Wang Laohan heard this, he immediately came to his senses and hurriedly asked, "Dao Chief, what do you see?" What's going on with my bun shop? The Taoist priest stroked his beard and said slowly: "Your steamed bun shop, it happens to be pressed on a yin vein, the yin qi is too heavy, and it is easy to provoke unclean things." "Oh, look at your bun shop, the steamer is facing the river, and the grievances in the river are drilling into you, it's strange if something happens!" When Wang Laohan heard this, his face was as if he had been painted with white paint, and he was so anxious that he was like something: "What's the matter?" Dao Chief, you have to pull a brother! The Taoist priest smiled slightly, and said slowly: "Don't panic, don't panic, since I'm here, I will definitely have to settle this matter for you." However, you have to solve the problem fundamentally, and get rid of the grievances in the river, so that your bun shop can be peaceful. When Wang Laohan heard this, his eyes lit up, and he asked eagerly: "What's the matter?" Dao Chief, you have to give me a trick! The Taoist priest nodded and said, "This matter is simple, you just set up an altar by the river, and I will personally do it to overkill those grievances, and your bun shop will be fine." When Wang Laohan heard this, he hurriedly nodded in agreement. Early the next morning, he set up an altar by the river as the Taoist priest said, and invited all the villagers in the town to watch. The Taoist priest stood on the altar, holding the dust whisk in his hand, and chanting words in his mouth. With the sound of the incantation, the river suddenly became turbulent, as if something was turning the river and the sea below. Then, I saw a cloud of black gas coming out of the bottom of the river, heading straight for the altar. Seeing this, the Taoist priest made a louder spell and waved the dust more urgently. After a while, the black gas slowly dissipated, and the river returned to calm. Only then did the Taoist priest accept the law and said to Wang Laohan: "Okay, shopkeeper Wang, the grievances and grievances in the river have been exceeded, and there should be no more problems with your steamed bun shop." When Wang Laohan heard this, he was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth and thanked him repeatedly. Since then, the business of Wang Ji Bun Shop has slowly become popular again, and Xiaohe has also returned to its former tranquility. But that's not the end of the story. Just when the business of Wang Ji's steamed bun shop was getting better, Xiao Li's steamed bun shop suddenly went wrong. His buns suddenly became terrible, and customers complained. Xiao Li was also confused and didn't know what was going on with the buns. One day, Xiao Li was cleaning up in the store and suddenly found a note under the steamer. He picked up the note and looked at it, which read: "Good and evil will be rewarded in the end, and the way of heaven is good reincarnation." If you do evil again, you will be damned. When Xiao Li saw this note, he was so frightened that he couldn't possess his body. It turned out that this was all a ghost secretly done by Taoist priests. He couldn't get used to Xiao Li and Wang Laohan's despicable competition methods, so he secretly made a move to make Xiao Li's buns unpalatable. That note was a warning from the Taoist priest to Xiao Li. Xiao Li looked at the note and immediately understood the Taoist priest's intentions. Our buddy, like a mirror in our hearts, knows that if we do business like before, then God really can't look past it. So, after he beat it, he completely threw away those indiscriminate methods, and began to take care of his bun shop seriously. Wang Laohan also learned something from this incident, and learned that business must be honest and fair. Although he and Xiao Li's bun shop are still working against each other, they are no longer as old as before, and now the two of them have begun to respect each other and learn some skills from each other.

The restaurant shopkeeper did not expect to lead to a strange case because of the competition between selling steamed buns and hawkers

The days passed like this, and the competition between Wang Ji and Xiao Li Bun Shop was still there, but the smell of gunpowder was much less. Both shops have realized a truth: to do business, you have to be harmonious and make money, fight all day long, and in the end it is yourself who hurts. But the people in our town all love to watch the excitement, and the strange case of this steamed bun shop is gone, and they start to think about something else. Someone muttered, "Why do we keep doing strange things in this town?" Is there something unclean? The word spread ten, ten, hundreds, and finally reached the ears of the elders in the town. When the older generation heard this, they were happy: "You guys, you know what to think." Where did we get the unclean stuff in this town? If you want me to say, behind this strange case, we have to start with the history of our town. ”

It turns out that our town used to be a land and water wharf, and merchants gathered and it was very lively. But one year, there was a flood on the river, and many poor people drowned, and there was no money for burial, so they could only bury the river hastily. After a long time, there was a resentment gathering by the river. This grievance is usually not visible, but as soon as there is a stir, it will come out and make trouble. If someone does something wrong, this resentment will come to the door and give some color to see. Therefore, the people in our town all know a truth: to be a man, you have to speak conscience and morality, otherwise, sooner or later you will be punished. As soon as the words of the older generation spread, everyone felt that it was reasonable. Since then, the townspeople have been more mindful of their words and deeds, for fear of getting into trouble with something unclean.

Wang Ji and Xiao Li Bun Shop also learned a lesson from this strange case. Wang Laohan understands that doing business must be honest and conscientious; Xiao Li also learned that you can't be too selfish and despicable. The two began to learn from each other, respect each other, and run their respective steamed bun shops more and more prosperously. One day, a wealthy merchant from another place came to the town. This rich merchant is a foodie, and he has tasted everything delicious. As soon as he entered the town, he smelled the fragrance of Wang Ji Bun Shop, and couldn't help but go in and buy a few buns. This taste is incredible! He felt that this bun was simply a delicacy that had nothing in the sky or on the earth! So, the rich merchant decided to stay in the town for a few more days and enjoy the taste of Wang Ji buns. We have a place called Wang Ji Bun Shop in this Gada, and the bun is baked in the morning, and the fragrance can float half a street. That buddy, I run there every morning, and when I eat it, it's a big bite, and the food is so fragrant and full of flavor! This matter spread faster than the wind, and Xiao Li also heard it in his ears.

The restaurant shopkeeper did not expect to lead to a strange case because of the competition between selling steamed buns and hawkers

Xiao Li beat a drum in his heart: "Why is Wang Ji Bun Shop so popular?" Could it be that their buns are really more fragrant than mine? He pondered this in his heart, so he decided to go to Wang Ji Bun Shop to try it in person. I don't know this, I was shocked when I tasted it, Wang Ji's steamed buns are indeed more than a star and a half better than his family!

Xiao Li admired it in his heart: "Wang Laohan's craftsmanship is really not blown, I have to study hard." So, Xiao Li found Wang Laohan and humbly asked for the secret of making steamed buns. Wang Laohan saw that Xiao Li was so sincere, so he didn't hide it, and taught Xiao Li all his skills.

Xiao Li, this kid, learns quickly, go home and give it a try, hey, it's really good. It didn't take long for the buns in his bun shop to get more and more fragrant. The residents of the town were overjoyed, not only to taste the delicious taste of Wang Ji, but also to enjoy the benefits of Xiaoli Bun Shop.

The restaurant shopkeeper did not expect to lead to a strange case because of the competition between selling steamed buns and hawkers

These two bun shops have started a new round of competition, but this time, it is a healthy competition, and everyone is improving. The strange case of the bun shop in the town slowly stopped being mentioned. Wang Ji and Xiao Li's steamed bun shops are getting better and better in this competition, and the residents of the town are also living a good life.

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