
The road to "counterattack" for mothers with adenomyosis: focused ultrasound ablation surgery to help

author:The official micro-course of the big doctor

  Hello everyone! Today, I'm going to tell you a story about the counterattack of a mother with adenomyosis. Don't be nervous, this isn't some thrilling adventure blockbuster, it's a heartwarming, hopeful story.

  She used to have a happy family, but unfortunately, her ex-husband left her due to illness. Later, she bravely entered into marriage again and started a new family.

However, fate seems to have played a joke on her, and all three pregnancies ended in miscarriages. It turned out that there was an "uninvited guest" in her body - adenomyosis.

The road to "counterattack" for mothers with adenomyosis: focused ultrasound ablation surgery to help

  Adenomyopathy, the name may sound unfamiliar, but it's not uncommon in women. To put it simply, there are some abnormal tissues growing in the muscular layer of the uterus, which will make the uterus less "comfortable", leading to dysmenorrhea, infertility and other problems.

  This mother with adenomyosis, her menstrual cramps are getting worse and worse, which makes her suffer. After many inquiries, she found Chongqing Haifu Hospital and hoped that we could do non-invasive focused ultrasound ablation surgery for her.

What is Focused Ultrasound Ablation Surgery? In fact, it is a method of using ultrasound to "ablate" diseased tissue. Imagine that we are using an invisible "knife" to precisely "excise" those messy adenomyosis tissues, and there are no wounds on our bodies.

The road to "counterattack" for mothers with adenomyosis: focused ultrasound ablation surgery to help

Before treatment

The road to "counterattack" for mothers with adenomyosis: focused ultrasound ablation surgery to help

After treatment

  The surgery went smoothly and the lesions of the mother with adenomyosis were almost completely ablated. This means that her menstrual cramps have improved greatly and her quality of life has improved considerably.

Of course, the most important thing is her hope of getting pregnant and giving birth again. Although the surgery has created better conditions for her, pregnancy and childbirth still require her and her family to work together.

The road to "counterattack" for mothers with adenomyosis: focused ultrasound ablation surgery to help

  So, dear friends, if you or someone close to you is experiencing a similar problem, don't be afraid, don't give up. Modern medical technology is very developed, and there are many ways to help us solve these problems. Just like this mother with adenomyosis, as long as we have faith, courage and the right treatment, we will definitely be able to defeat the disease!