
Girls lose weight for a long time, be careful of ovaries and uterine "strike"!

author:The official micro-course of the big doctor

  Dear girls, weight loss is an eternal topic, who doesn't want to have a beautiful body? However, you should be careful not to let your ovaries and uterus "strike" in the long term!

Girls lose weight for a long time, be careful of ovaries and uterine "strike"!

  1. Premature ovarian failure is not a joke!

  The ovaries are our women's "secret garden", responsible for producing eggs and secreting important hormones. But you know what? Long-term weight loss may lead to premature ovarian failure, which is the early "retirement" of ovarian function.

This is because excessive weight loss can lead to a sharp drop in body fat, which is essential for a woman's menstrual cycle.

If the body fat content is too low, the ovaries will not get enough nutrients, and gradually they will "strike", resulting in follicular dysplasia, or even anovulation, which may eventually lead to amenorrhea. So, although weight loss is good, don't overdo it!

Girls lose weight for a long time, be careful of ovaries and uterine "strike"!

  2. Will uterine atrophy really become a resident of Lilliputia?

  In addition to the ovaries, the uterus is also an important reproductive organ for our women. Long-term weight loss may also make the uterus "suffer"!

Because weight loss leads to malnutrition, the uterus does not receive adequate nutrients and blood oxygen supply, as if it has been "starved" and thin, and atrophy may occur. Imagine if the womb becomes a resident of Lilliputia, then won't the baby's "house" become smaller in the future?

Therefore, for the sake of the future baby, it is still necessary to maintain a reasonable weight and nutrition!

Girls lose weight for a long time, be careful of ovaries and uterine "strike"!

  3. There is a way to lose weight, and scientific weight loss is healthy

  Of course, losing weight is not a bad thing, the key is to lose weight scientifically. A reasonable diet combined with a moderate amount of exercise is the right way to lose weight.

Don't blindly pursue slimming results and neglect physical health. Remember, beauty is important, but health is the most beautiful undertone!

Girls lose weight for a long time, be careful of ovaries and uterine "strike"!

  So, girls must be cautious on the way to lose weight! Don't let these "little monsters" of premature ovarian failure and uterine atrophy find you! Scientific weight loss, healthy weight loss, let's be beautiful and healthy girls together!