
"Singer 2024" is officially announced! C-BLOCK and Xu Jun join hands to challenge the stage!

author:Funny breeze pY

Singer 2024 Double Unveiling Singer Official Announcement: C-BLOCK and Xu Jun! Netizens, are you ready?


This Friday, everyone's "Singer 2024" is finally about to usher in the moment of double unveiling! The two singers officially announced this time are C-BLOCK (Sheng Yu, Liu Cong, Kung Fu Fat) and Xu Jun. As soon as the news came out, the comment area of netizens exploded, discussing the musical journey of these two groups of singers, their classic works and their possible impact on the show. Next, let's take a look at the wonderful content of this double unveiling list, and take a look at the various funny comments from netizens and those little secrets you may not know!

"Singer 2024" is officially announced! C-BLOCK and Xu Jun join hands to challenge the stage!

C-BLOCK is back on stage: fifteen years of rap legend

C-BLOCK, a well-known name in the Chinese rap circle. Since their establishment in 2007, they have been working hard in the music industry for 17 years. As one of the most influential rap groups in China, they have not only achieved great success with their solo works, but also left countless classic memories for music fans with a series of group songs.

"Singer 2024" is officially announced! C-BLOCK and Xu Jun join hands to challenge the stage!

Their representative works include "Jianghu Liu", "Kill the Ninja", "Lighthouse" and so on, each song has its own unique style and profound lyrics. From the street arrogance of "Jianghu Liu" to the energetic rhythm of "Kill Ninja", these songs not only show their achievements in the art of rap, but also make great contributions to the development of Chinese rap.

"Singer 2024" is officially announced! C-BLOCK and Xu Jun join hands to challenge the stage!

After seeing this news, netizens expressed their expectations for C-BLOCK in the comment area. A netizen wrote: "C-BLOCK's return this time really reminds me of the time when I listened to their songs, it's a good opportunity for nostalgia!" Another joked: "This time I can finally see Kung Fu Fat showing his stunts on stage, and I look forward to him giving us a rap and kung fu performance directly in the show!" ”

"Singer 2024" is officially announced! C-BLOCK and Xu Jun join hands to challenge the stage!

The Rise of Xu Jun: The Journey from "Myself" to the Golden Melody Award

Xu Jun, an emerging singer-songwriter in the mainland, became famous with the album "Expectation Collection". His "Myself" not only received extremely high praise, but also helped him be shortlisted for seven major awards at the 35th Golden Melody Awards. These awards include Best Arranger, Best Vocal Recording Album, Best Composer, etc., showing his all-round strength in the field of music.

"Singer 2024" is officially announced! C-BLOCK and Xu Jun join hands to challenge the stage!

Xu Jun's music is known for its delicate emotions and sincere lyrics. In "Expectation Collection", he shows his thoughts on life and his unique insights on music. Netizens are also full of expectations for the news of Xu Jun's participation in "Singer 2024" this time. A netizen commented: "Xu Jun's "Myself" is really a good song that touches people's hearts, and I look forward to his performance in the show!" Another joked: "Xu Jun is here, can we expect a new version of "Myself"? ”

"Singer 2024" is officially announced! C-BLOCK and Xu Jun join hands to challenge the stage!

Their stage showdown: anticipation or apprehension?

Judging from the current news, C-BLOCK and Xu Jun will have a fierce showdown in the live broadcast this Friday. Such a combination makes one wonder what their collision on stage will look like. What kind of sparks will C-BLOCK's rapping skills and Xu Jun's musical talent produce?

"Singer 2024" is officially announced! C-BLOCK and Xu Jun join hands to challenge the stage!

Some netizens expressed high expectations for this showdown: "This is simply a super showdown between rap and singer-songwriter, and people can't wait to see their live performances!" But some netizens are worried: "The difference between the two styles of the two of them is so big, will there be an embarrassing moment on the stage?" "Whether this collision of different styles will make the show more exciting, or whether there will be irreconcilable contradictions, these are full of curiosity.

C-BLOCK's Classics: From "Jianghu Liu" to "Price Increase"

Almost every album from C-BLOCK has become a classic in rap history. As one of their masterpieces, "Jianghu Liu" not only shows their musical talent, but also conveys their views on society. The next "Price Increase" is a satire on the social phenomenon of the time, and the lyrics in the song are full of dissatisfaction and ridicule of reality.

"Singer 2024" is officially announced! C-BLOCK and Xu Jun join hands to challenge the stage!

On the Internet, some netizens reviewed these classic songs and expressed their expectations for their new works: "C-BLOCK's "Jianghu Liu" is simply my youthful memory, and they will definitely bring more good songs when they come back this time!" Some netizens also mentioned: "The song "Price Increase" is really in-depth, and after listening to it, I have more thoughts about social issues." ”

"Singer 2024" is officially announced! C-BLOCK and Xu Jun join hands to challenge the stage!

Xu Jun's musical style: deep emotion or simple and straightforward?

Xu Jun's musical style is considered to be a representative of emotional profundity, and his lyrics often hit the heart and bring strong emotional resonance to the listener. In the case of "Myself", the song not only shows his creative ability as a musician, but also reflects his deep understanding of his own experience.

"Singer 2024" is officially announced! C-BLOCK and Xu Jun join hands to challenge the stage!

Regarding Xu Jun's music style, netizens have different opinions. Some people think that his music is very moving: "Xu Jun's "Myself" really made me feel the power of music, and this kind of music is the most fascinating. There are also some people who feel that his songs may be too heavy: "Although Xu Jun's songs are very deep, they sometimes feel too sad, and I hope he can bring some light-hearted works." ”

"Singer 2024" is officially announced! C-BLOCK and Xu Jun join hands to challenge the stage!

The stage of the singer 2024: what are you most looking forward to?

With the gradual advancement of "Singer 2024", everyone is full of expectations for every link in this show. The addition of C-BLOCK and Xu Jun undoubtedly makes this show even more eye-catching. What kind of performances are you most looking forward to from them on the show?

"Singer 2024" is officially announced! C-BLOCK and Xu Jun join hands to challenge the stage!

Netizens discussed hotly in the comment area: "What kind of classic old songs do you think C-BLOCK will bring?" Or will there be new surprises? Another netizen expressed his expectations for the show: "Whether it's C-BLOCK or Xu Jun, their joining has made this show more interesting, and I really can't wait to see their performance!" ”

"Singer 2024" is officially announced! C-BLOCK and Xu Jun join hands to challenge the stage!

Ending: Is it a memory or an innovation?

The lineup of "Singer 2024" is indeed eye-catching. On the one hand, C-BLOCK's classic works are reminiscent of the musical days of the past, and on the other hand, Xu Jun's modern music style brings a new audio-visual experience. There are both expectations and worries about their performances, and this complex emotion is the charm of this show.

"Singer 2024" is officially announced! C-BLOCK and Xu Jun join hands to challenge the stage!

Are you more looking forward to seeing the return of C-BLOCK's classics, or are you looking forward to Xu Jun's new songs? Leave a message in the comment section and let us know what you think!

#歌手2024 #C-BLOCK #许钧 #音乐对决 #经典与创新