
"On Friday, "Singer" was unveiled, C-BLOCK & Xu Jun crossed the border 'fairy fight', and I locked this CP

author:Hobbies and entertainment

The rivers and lakes reappeared, and C-BLOCK exploded on the night of the unveiling of the list


Hey guys, are you ready? The super feast of the music industry is about to begin, and the protagonist this time is our well-known seventeen-year-old cannon - C-BLOCK! Imagine that summer night, with a gentle breeze, you are nibbling on a watermelon and swiping your phone, and suddenly, a message explodes: "C-BLOCK is going to participate in the final unveiling competition of "Singer 2024"! "Do you feel that the melons in your hands are not sweet anymore, and you have to quickly change the channel and wait before the live broadcast?

Netizens turned into jokers, and the comment area instantly became lively: "@隔壁老王: Now it's okay, my family's stereo is ready to accept the baptism of C-BLOCK, and the children next door are crying and saying that they want to learn to rap!" "@嘻哈小达人: As soon as C-BLOCK came, I felt that my rap vocabulary library was expanded instantly, and everyone else will have new material in the future!" Looking at this stance, C-BLOCK fans have long been gearing up and ready to call for them until dawn on the night of the live broadcast.

"On Friday, "Singer" was unveiled, C-BLOCK & Xu Jun crossed the border 'fairy fight', and I locked this CP

Xu Jun's "Myself" has set a new benchmark for music

On the other hand, Xu Jun, another singer who unveiled the list, gently knocked on the hearts of countless people with a song "Myself". His music is like a cup of iced lemon tea on a summer afternoon, fresh and deep, allowing people to find a piece of tranquility in the hustle and bustle. Joining the battlefield of "Singer 2024" this time is undoubtedly a new challenge for Xu Jun, and it is also an opportunity to prove himself.

"On Friday, "Singer" was unveiled, C-BLOCK & Xu Jun crossed the border 'fairy fight', and I locked this CP

Netizens are also full of expectations for Xu Jun: "@文艺小青年: Xu Jun's voice can heal people's hearts, and his songs can always make me find resonance. "@音乐小侦探: Xu Jun's "Myself" is a treasure song that I play on a loop, and I hope he can bring more such good works to the unveiling competition!" It seems that Xu Jun's musical charm has deeply attracted many listeners, and they can't wait to see his wonderful performance on stage.

Cross-border collision, who can win the championship?

When the 17-year-old rap meets the new force of the Chinese music scene, this is not only a musical competition, but also a cultural integration and collision. The street atmosphere of C-BLOCK and Xu Jun's literary style seem to be incompatible, but they meet wonderfully on the stage of "Singer 2024". Such a combination undoubtedly adds infinite highlights and expectations to this unveiling competition.

"On Friday, "Singer" was unveiled, C-BLOCK & Xu Jun crossed the border 'fairy fight', and I locked this CP

Netizens also discussed this: "@吃瓜群众甲: This combination is a bit interesting, C-BLOCK's hardcore rap meets Xu Jun's gentle voice, I don't know what kind of sparks will be sparked!" "@音乐狂人乙: I have moved a small bench and waited for this cross-border feast to see if it is the strong flavor of the rivers and lakes, or the literary style is more popular!"

On the eve of the live broadcast, the national guessing was in progress

As the unveiling competition approaches, speculation and discussion about the two singers on the Internet have also reached a climax. Some people speculate about what kind of explosion scene C-BLOCK will bring, some people are curious about how Xu Jun will break through himself, and some netizens are brainstorming, predicting whether the two will have a cooperation stage, the picture is too beautiful to watch!

"On Friday, "Singer" was unveiled, C-BLOCK & Xu Jun crossed the border 'fairy fight', and I locked this CP

"@脑洞大开侠: I'll bet five cents, C-BLOCK and Xu Jun will definitely come to a cross-border cooperation, rap and folk songs, that effect, absolutely amazing!" "@预言帝: I think Xu Jun may cover a classic rap track and interpret a different taste with his unique voice!" Netizens' speculations are varied, but all of them reveal their expectations and enthusiasm for this unveiling competition.

Controversial summary: Music is unbounded, who dominates the ups and downs?

Well, having said all that, in fact, the most anticipated is the live broadcast on Friday night. This cross-border duel between C-BLOCK and Xu Jun is not only a test of musical skills, but also an in-depth exploration of the audience's tastes. In this era of unbounded music, whoever can truly touch people's hearts will stand out in this unveiling competition.

"On Friday, "Singer" was unveiled, C-BLOCK & Xu Jun crossed the border 'fairy fight', and I locked this CP

But then again, music is diverse, and each style has its own unique charm. C-BLOCK's hardcore rap makes us feel the enthusiasm and uninhibited of youth, while Xu Jun's gentle voice makes us find a little comfort in our busy lives. So, in this ultimate unveiling competition, do you prefer that enthusiasm or gentleness? Come and leave a message in the comment area to let me know! Remember, no matter what your choice is, music always warms our hearts in its own way.

"On Friday, "Singer" was unveiled, C-BLOCK & Xu Jun crossed the border 'fairy fight', and I locked this CP