
Actor Bai Yufan: Become an actor in three years? How can the sincerity of veterans resist the glitz of the entertainment industry

author:Big Fish Quest
Actor Bai Yufan: Become an actor in three years? How can the sincerity of veterans resist the glitz of the entertainment industry
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Actor Bai Yufan: Become an actor in three years? How can the sincerity of veterans resist the glitz of the entertainment industry

In 2019, a striking Weibo pinned comment made waves in the entertainment industry. 24-year-old Bai Yufan, a veteran who participated in Nanjing's flood relief, made a surprising vow: to win the actor crown within three years.

This bold statement made many people dumbfounded, and also made many people in the industry shake their heads secretly.

However, time flies, and three years pass in a blink of an eye. Bai Yufan's Weibo followers have just crossed the million mark, and many viewers are still unfamiliar with him. In this entertainment industry where everyone is cautious, Bai Yufan's performance seems to be out of place, and he seems to be a bit maverick.

Will he be able to achieve his dream? How did his military career shape his acting career? Let's walk into Bai Yufan's story together and uncover the mystery of this veteran's dream of chasing the actor.

Actor Bai Yufan: Become an actor in three years? How can the sincerity of veterans resist the glitz of the entertainment industry

In an ordinary county town in Xi'an, the trajectory of 16-year-old Bai Yufan's life changed by an accident. In 2011, he accompanied a friend to an interview for an acting training class.

Originally, he was just holding the mentality of joining in the fun, but who knew that this experience became the starting point of his acting career.

At the interview scene, Bai Yufan played on the spot and played a teenager who was tied to a pillar. His performance unexpectedly impressed the examiners and he successfully passed the selection.

This unexpected success, like a seed, quietly took root in Bai Yufan's heart, inspiring his love for performance.

Actor Bai Yufan: Become an actor in three years? How can the sincerity of veterans resist the glitz of the entertainment industry

With a longing for drama, Bai Yufan resolutely devoted himself to preparing for the art examination in high school. His efforts were not in vain, and he was finally admitted to Nanjing University of the Arts with the second place in his major.

For Bai Yufan, this is not only a ticket to a higher education institution, but also an opportunity to delve deeper into the performing arts.

At the age of 18, with curiosity about the unknown world and dedication to performance, Bai Yufan embarked on a journey to Beijing alone. In this strange metropolis, he not only has to experience life, but also learn to observe it.

Bai Yufan took the initiative to organize a group of art candidates who were also reluctant to return to their hometowns, collecting idle clothes and food through social media to send warmth to the homeless on the streets. This is not only a charity event, but also Bai Yufan's meticulous observation of life.

Actor Bai Yufan: Become an actor in three years? How can the sincerity of veterans resist the glitz of the entertainment industry

"As an actor, observing the details of life is a necessary basic skill." Bai Yufan often said this. He believes that only by truly understanding all aspects of life, including the characteristics of all walks of life and various groups, can we create vivid characters on the stage.

This love of life and dedication to performance laid a solid foundation for Bai Yufan's future acting career. In his opinion, every life experience is a rare acting lesson, and every person he meets may become the prototype of his future role.

Bai Yufan's performance path began by chance, and slowly grew up in the continuous exploration of life and the persistent pursuit of art. This young man from a small county town is taking his dream and moving towards a broader stage step by step.

In the third year of college, Bai Yufan ushered in the opportunity to star in a drama for the first time in his life. However, when he stands on the stage, trying to interpret a military role, he suddenly realizes his inadequacy.

Actor Bai Yufan: Become an actor in three years? How can the sincerity of veterans resist the glitz of the entertainment industry

Those lines about military life seemed jerky and unconvincing in his mouth.

This decision surprised those around him. But for Bai Yufan, this is not only for acting, but also an opportunity to realize his childhood dream of joining the army. With his dedication to performance and his yearning for military life, Bai Yufan resolutely joined the army.

Two years of military life was a complete baptism for Bai Yufan. Strict training honed his will, and regular life tempered his self-discipline. He has not only greatly improved his physical fitness, but more importantly, his spiritual realm has made a qualitative leap.

In 2016, Nanjing was hit by floods, and Bai Yufan went to the front line with the troops to participate in flood relief. In the face of the monstrous flood, Bai Yufan showed the responsibility and courage that a soldier should have.

Actor Bai Yufan: Become an actor in three years? How can the sincerity of veterans resist the glitz of the entertainment industry

"I'm not sure when I'll be able to return, so please understand and don't reply at this time." These are the words that Bai Yufan left to his relatives when he went to the front line of flood fighting. The continuous struggle for four days and four nights made Bai Yufan deeply understand the responsibility and mission of soldiers.

This experience not only exercised Bai Yufan's body, but also shaped his character. He gradually realized that true acting skills not only come from the skillful recitation of lines, but also from the real experience of life and a deep understanding of the role.

The rigorous training of the army gave him not only skills and techniques, but also the quality of perseverance and never giving up.

"We must conscientiously implement the purpose of 'serving the people' and put it into practical action." When Bai Yufan said this, his eyes were firm and his tone was resolute. This is no longer an empty slogan, but a life creed that he has truly experienced from his military life.

Actor Bai Yufan: Become an actor in three years? How can the sincerity of veterans resist the glitz of the entertainment industry

He is deeply aware that this is the key to doing a good job as an actor and embodying the drama as life - to take root in the masses and impress the audience with real emotions and images close to life.

After retiring from the army, Bai Yufan seems to have undergone a reborn transformation. Military life not only allowed him to better understand the role of a soldier, but more importantly, it shaped Bai Yufan's unique personality charm.

That sincerity and responsibility from the military has become Bai Yufan's unique advantage in the entertainment industry in the future, and it has also become a solid shield for him to resist the glitz of the entertainment industry.

In 2018, Bai Yufan, who had the dream of being an actor, came to Beijing. However, the cruelty of reality is far beyond his imagination. Bai Yufan frequently travels to various crews and constantly participates in auditions, but he always returns.

Actor Bai Yufan: Become an actor in three years? How can the sincerity of veterans resist the glitz of the entertainment industry

He printed photographs, compiled materials, and tried various roles, but never got a breakthrough opportunity.

Every failure is like a hammer, knocking Bai Yufan's confidence. During these difficult days, he questioned his choice countless times. "If you still can't make achievements after another year or two, and you can't reverse the predicament of your life, you will decide to leave the entertainment industry and find another livelihood.

The thought often haunted him in the middle of the night. But whenever he thinks of those hard but fulfilling days in the barracks, Bai Yufan rekindles his fighting spirit.

The hard work paid off, and after a friend's introduction, Bai Yufan finally ushered in his first important role - the last one in "Love in the Rivers and Lakes". Although this drama did not make Bai Yufan an instant hit, it undoubtedly gave Bai Yufan the courage to continue to move forward.

Actor Bai Yufan: Become an actor in three years? How can the sincerity of veterans resist the glitz of the entertainment industry

However, after this opportunity, Bai Yufan fell into a difficult period of "no harvest" for a whole year.

Just when Bai Yufan was about to give up, the opportunity finally came. The crew of "Mountains and Seas" extended an olive branch to him and invited him to play the role of Ma Debao. Bai Yufan seized this opportunity and devoted himself to the role.

He constantly ponders the inner world of the characters, pondering every detail repeatedly, and strives to make the characters sincere and touching and close to reality.

Bai Yufan's efforts were not in vain. He perfectly presented the richness of Ma Debao's character with his superb performance, which won the recognition of the audience. This experience made Bai Yufan understand that although the road to being an actor is difficult, as long as you stick to your dreams, the opportunity will eventually come.

Actor Bai Yufan: Become an actor in three years? How can the sincerity of veterans resist the glitz of the entertainment industry

This experience of drifting north not only honed Bai Yufan's acting skills, but also exercised his will. There was a determined glint in his eyes, as if he had returned to the night when he made his vows in the barracks.

Bai Yufan's story is the epitome of countless dreamers, interpreting the power of perseverance.

Industry insiders also spoke highly of Bai Yufan's performance. Zhou Yutong once commented on him: "He is a person who works hard and is afraid of being bullied by others."

This seriousness and perseverance are the key to Bai Yufan's continuous progress.

Actor Bai Yufan: Become an actor in three years? How can the sincerity of veterans resist the glitz of the entertainment industry

With the accumulation of works, Bai Yufan's name gradually became known to more people. However, he was not satisfied with this. In his opinion, every role is a new challenge that requires full dedication.

He insists on choosing "excellent works, excellent teams and wonderful characters", and looks forward to shooting more high-quality TV series and creating more good works that can deeply touch people's hearts.

This attitude has made Bai Yufan continue to move forward on the road of acting, and has received more and more applause and praise. His story is writing a legendary chapter in the entertainment industry for a veteran chasing his acting dream.

Even if he broke out of the world in the entertainment industry, Bai Yufan still maintains his true character as a soldier. He adheres to the performance tenet of "serving the people" and pursues authentic and down-to-earth performances.

Actor Bai Yufan: Become an actor in three years? How can the sincerity of veterans resist the glitz of the entertainment industry

In his opinion, only when the audience really sees similar characters in life can he deeply feel that his efforts have been successful.

For traffic, Bai Yufan doesn't care at all. In his eyes, traffic is just a passing cloud, and he will never be too entangled in it. Instead, he focuses more on quality work and great characters.

This attitude, stemming from his background as a veteran, allows him to maintain a pure, sincere, and straightforward charm in the glitzy entertainment industry.

Bai Yufan's Weibo "Dream Nest" has become a platform for him to interact with fans. He updates his plans and expectations here every day, and he also patiently replies to fans' messages to give encouragement and support.

Actor Bai Yufan: Become an actor in three years? How can the sincerity of veterans resist the glitz of the entertainment industry

This sincerity and simplicity have won him the love of more and more audiences.

Looking forward to the future, Bai Yufan still insists on his dream of being an actor. He said: "I look forward to winning the Best Actor award in the future, showing off my style on the red carpet, shooting more masterpieces, and dedicating more exquisite movie-watching feasts to the audience...... This is not only his expectation of himself, but also the motivation for him to continue to improve.

Bai Yufan's story is a story of a veteran chasing his dreams in the entertainment industry. With the sincerity and perseverance of a soldier, he adhered to his original intention in the flashy entertainment industry.

No matter what the future holds, we look forward to this bright star continuing to shine and bringing more wonderful works to the audience.

Actor Bai Yufan: Become an actor in three years? How can the sincerity of veterans resist the glitz of the entertainment industry

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