
"The birth of a person determines the fate": children born in these 5 hours are intelligent, filial and accomplished

author:Barley said

Before reading, I would like to remind you that this article is for reference and entertainment only, and it is intended to be a fun conversation after tea and dinner, aiming at the meaning of a better life, not superstitious!

Let's embark on an imaginary journey across time and space, and explore the wonderful power contained in those ancient times - "the birth of a person determines destiny".

This is not only a tribute to traditional culture, but also an expedition of the soul in pursuit of those legendary children born at a specific hour, who were endowed with the qualities of wisdom and filial piety, destined to make a difference in the years to come.

"The wind at the hour, the rain at noon, the fate is determined by the sky, and the luck is created by oneself." Since ancient times, it has been believed that the moment of birth, the intersection of the stars and the earth's qi has carved the first mark on the life trajectory of the baby.

In this ancient land, the hour is not only the division of time, but also a mysterious prophecy, indicating a person's character, destiny and even the direction of life.

Talk about the children born at the five auspicious times, they are like the darlings of fate, carrying the seeds of wisdom and virtue, ready to shine on the stage of life.

"The birth of a person determines the fate": children born in these 5 hours are intelligent, filial and accomplished

1. Midnight (5 a.m. to 7 a.m.) - the morning light is faint, and wisdom is beginning to appear

"When the rooster crows, the roots of wisdom are deeply planted." This proverb condenses the ancients' deep understanding of time and fate.

At midnight, when the night is fading and the morning light is beginning to dew, all things quietly wake up in this soft dawn, and the earth is full of vitality.

Children born at this moment seem to be born with the dawn of wisdom, and their wisdom is deeply rooted, revealing a unique comprehension and creativity from an early age.

In ancient Chinese myths and legends, Mao Shi is often associated with the mystical early sun of the East and is regarded as the purest and most hopeful time of the day.

Children come to earth at this hour, as if they are the gift of nature's wisdom, like the rising sun, full of infinite possibilities and hopes.

The famous sentence in the "Book of Songs" "The East is not clear, and the clothes are reversed" precisely depicts the haze and mystery of the Mao time.

For these children born at this hour, their thinking is agile and inspirational is abundant, just like the first light of the dawn in the east, weak but full of power, able to capture the first inspiration and wisdom in the chaos.

There is no shortage of famous people in history who were born in the Mao period, and their lives are full of legends. For example, the ancient writer Su Shi is talented and quick-witted, not only good at poetry and writing, but also has outstanding achievements in many fields such as politics, calligraphy and painting, and food. His wisdom and talent seem to be a portrayal of the unique talent and blessing of a child born in his prime.

As these children grow older, the wisdom and understanding they develop at an early age will gradually translate into problem-solving skills.

Whether in their studies or in their future careers, they are able to stand out from the crowd with this unique wisdom and become the best in their respective fields.

This wisdom is not only the cornerstone of their success, but also the most valuable asset on their life path. Therefore, "when the rooster crows, the roots of wisdom are deeply planted" is not only a common saying, but also the expectation and blessing of a better future for these children.

"The birth of a person determines the fate": children born in these 5 hours are intelligent, filial and accomplished

2. Chenshi (7 a.m. to 9 a.m.) - the dragon is prosperous, and filial piety touches the sky

"Chen Shilong raised his head, and filial piety has been passed down for a long time." At the end of the day, just like the dragon is prosperous, all things move forward in this vigorous vitality.

In traditional Chinese culture, the dragon is a symbol of dignity and strength, and children born in Chenshi seem to have inherited this dignity and power by nature. They not only have an indomitable will, but also have the blood of loyalty and filial piety flowing in their bones.

From an early age, these children show respect and love for their elders.

They are well aware that filial piety is the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation and the cornerstone of family harmony.

As the "Book of Filial Piety" says: "The body is skinned, and the parents who receive it dare not destroy it, and the beginning of filial piety is also." They not only took this sentence to heart, but also practiced it with practical actions.

Whether it is the little things in daily life or standing up at critical moments, they always put the interests of their families first and guard the warmth and harmony of the family with filial piety.

In the long river of history, there is no shortage of filial sons and grandsons born in Chenshi.

Like the ancient Huang Xiang, he knew how to warm the quilt for his father at the age of nine, and this filial piety touched countless people. Another example is a modern celebrity (for example, according to the actual situation), after he became famous, he still did not forget to honor his parents and became a model for society.

These stories of filial piety in ancient and modern China and abroad not only inspire us to cherish every moment with our families, but also make us understand that filial piety is not only a virtue, but also a responsibility and responsibility.

Children born at the time of the hour know how to be grateful and reciprocate, and know that family happiness and harmony are not easy to come by.

They cherish the time they spend with their families even more, and use practical actions to inherit and carry forward the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation.

"The birth of a person determines the fate": children born in these 5 hours are intelligent, filial and accomplished

3. Hour (9 a.m. to 11 a.m.) – Sunny and ambitious

"The time is in the sky, and Top Gun is in the clouds." When the sun is high in the sky, its light is so strong that it illuminates the growth of all things, and also illuminates the dreams and aspirations of children.

Children born at this moment seem to be endowed with special energy by the sun, and they have a vast sky in their hearts, with lofty ambitions, and they want to make great achievements on the journey of life.

Su Shi, a great writer in the Song Dynasty, once wrote: "The great river goes east, the waves are exhausted, and the eternal romantic characters." "This is not only a tribute to the heroes of history, but also an inspiration to everyone with lofty ideals.

Children born at that time, their ambitions and ambitions are like the great river rolling eastward, surging, not afraid of any difficulties and obstacles, and moving forward.

There is a saying in "University": "After knowing and then there is determination, after being fixed can be quiet, after being quiet can be peaceful, after peace can be considered, and then after thinking can be obtained." For children born at the right time, this sentence seems to be their motto in life.

They know what they want to do, so they are able to pursue it without distractions, and even in the midst of a troubled world, they can maintain inner peace and firmness.

Ancient people often said: "If you don't have a will, you can't do anything in the world." And the child born at the time is the best interpretation of this sentence.

From an early age, they have shown extraordinary perseverance and determination, and have a clear plan and vision for their future.

This lofty ambition is not only the driving force for them to move forward, but also the guarantee for them to overcome difficulties and realize their dreams.

In modern literature, it is not difficult to find praise and expectations for such children.

They are portrayed as a new generation full of vigor and vitality, and their aspirations and dreams are not only personal pursuits, but also contributions and responsibilities to society.

As the saying goes, "People can't stand without ambition." "For children born at the age of their prime, their ambition is the foundation of their life.

Born in this sunny moment, they are destined to shine on the road of life and achieve great things.

"The birth of a person determines the fate": children born in these 5 hours are intelligent, filial and accomplished

4. Shen Shi (3 p.m. to 5 p.m.) - Golden Autumn Fruits, Tireless Study

"Shen Shi is golden, and his knowledge is diligent." At the time of Shenshi, the sun gradually set in the west, and the golden sunlight sprinkled all over the earth, like a spark of wisdom shining.

The children born at this hour seem to be born with an endless thirst for knowledge, and they are like industrious little bees, tirelessly absorbing the sweet honey of wisdom in the sea of learning.

They are diligent and studious, just like the fruits of the golden autumn season, after the hard work of spring and summer, and finally bloom in the autumn fragrance.

These children understand that learning is like planting fruit, and that it takes patience and diligence to water it in order to bear fruit.

In ancient poems, the scene of diligent study was depicted: "The lights of the three watches and the five watches of chickens are when the boys are studying." The children born in Shen Shi are adhering to this spirit of diligence and studiousness, constantly exploring and moving forward in the ocean of knowledge.

I believe that only by continuous efforts can we harvest full wisdom and talent.

In ancient legends, there are many stories about diligence. Such as "Bag Fireflies Reflecting the Snow", "Chiseling the Wall and Stealing the Light", etc., these stories have inspired generations of students to move forward bravely on the road of knowledge. The children born in Shen Shi seem to be the protagonists of these legends, and they use their practical actions to interpret the true meaning of diligence.

"Live and learn." This sentence has been perfectly embodied in the children born in Shen Shi, who have always maintained their love and pursuit of knowledge, and have continued to forge ahead on the road of learning regardless of age.

There are also many proverbs about learning in ancient and modern folk customs, such as "learning is like sailing against the current, if you don't advance, you will retreat", etc., these proverbs warn people to keep learning and progressing, otherwise they will be eliminated by the times.

Children born at the time of Shen know this well, and they study diligently and constantly improve themselves in order to stand out from the competition in the future.

"The birth of a person determines the fate": children born in these 5 hours are intelligent, filial and accomplished

5. Hai Shi (9 p.m. to 11 p.m.) - the moon is like practice, and the mind is skillful

"The moon is full at the right time, and the ingenuity is unique." When night falls and the moonlight falls, the children seem to be endowed with special magic. They came into this world during this moonlit period, and they seem to be born with a unique artistic temperament and creativity.

These children have a sensitive and delicate heart, just like those delicate characters depicted in famous foreign books, who are good at capturing every detail of life.

They are happy to create, whether it is literature, painting, music or crafts, which can bloom in their hands with a unique brilliance.

The famous sentence of the great poet Li Bai of the Tang Dynasty, "Raise a glass to invite the bright moon, and the shadow becomes three people", seems to be tailor-made for them, because their world is always so poetic and so far away from the hustle and bustle.

"Treatise on Typhoid Fever" mentions: "Look at the pulse and evidence, know what is wrong, and treat it with the evidence." This phrase was originally a medical theory, but in my opinion, it can also be used to describe a child born at the age of Hai.

They are observant and able to perceive the essence of things, and then express them subtly with the tools in their hands according to their own understanding.

There is a folk proverb: "Ingenuity is omnipotent." This is simply a true portrayal of the child of the time. Their hands seem to be endowed with magic and are able to create amazing works.

Not only that, but their creativity is often able to break the mold and lead the way.

In this fast-paced, high-pressure modern society, the children of Haishi use their sensitivity and delicacy to bring us a touch of freshness and tranquility.

With their own hands, they have created one fantastic miracle after another, making us rediscover the beauty of life and the charm of art.

So, I would like to say that if you have a child around you who was born at the right time, then please make sure to cherish them.

Because they not only have a sensitive and delicate mind, but also have unparalleled creativity and artistic talent.

"The birth of a person determines the fate": children born in these 5 hours are intelligent, filial and accomplished

"Life is like the splendor of summer flowers, and death is like the quiet beauty of autumn leaves." No matter when they were born, each person's birthday is a unique tribute to the universe.

These beautiful legends about time and fate are not only the awe and fantasy of the ancients for life, but also our yearning and sustenance for a better life.

Let us cherish every minute and every second with a heart of awe, and write our own glorious chapter with our own hands, because the real destiny is always in our own hands.

In the journey of life, may we all become the wise, filial, and productive selves, and live up to our dreams and dreams.