
"Heavenly income, there are hints", if God wants to take people away, there are usually these 5 signs

author:Barley said

Before reading, I would like to remind you that this article is for reference and entertainment only, and it is intended to be a fun conversation after tea and dinner, aiming at the meaning of a better life, not superstitious!

"Everything in the world has cause and effect, and the heavens and clouds hint at impermanence." Although this statement is fictional, it contains profound meaning and is thought-provoking.

When people talk about "heavenly income, there are hints", people can't help but wonder if there are really a few subtle omens that indicate what God is quietly arranging?

The discussion is circulated among the people, perhaps with a hint of mystery, but without losing the philosophy of life of the "five signs of parting".

"Heavenly income, there are hints", if God wants to take people away, there are usually these 5 signs

1. The clouds are rolling and the clouds are the mystery of the celestial phenomena

The ancients said: "The clouds are from the dragon, the wind is from the tiger, and the saints make all things to see." ”

Since ancient times, the changing scenery of the sky has not only fascinated people, but has also become a mysterious symbol of the future in the eyes of soothsayers.

The unpredictable clouds, sometimes rolling like a dragon, sometimes stretching like a veil, seem to tell the secrets of heaven and earth.

Thinking back to ancient times, Li Qingzhao faced the lonely and colorful glow in the sky, and once chanted the eternal quatrain of "looking for and seeking, cold and lonely, miserable and miserable".

Her state of mind contrasted with the heavenly phenomena and touched the heartstrings of countless future generations.

Today, although we have examined these natural phenomena with a scientific eye, the awe and curiosity of the celestial phenomena are still undiminished.

One evening, a rare spectacle of "dragon sucking water" suddenly appeared in the sky. I saw that there seemed to be a giant dragon sucking water in the clouds, and the scene was magnificent. People stopped to watch and talk.

Someone remembered a sentence in "Treatise on Typhoid Fever": "Heaven cloth five elements, in order to transport ten thousand kinds." Isn't this the unique way nature is showing us the mystery of the movement of the five elements and the coexistence of all things?

Another time, the sky was full of colorful clouds, but it was not as gorgeous as in the past, but revealed a bit of loneliness. This reminds people of a story in history: when Xiang Yu saw a vision in the sky, he thought it was a good omen, so he resolutely raised an army against Qin.

Is today's Caixia also heralding some unknown change?

A modern philosopher once said, "Every breath of nature is a revelation of life." "These celestial phenomena may be the subtle way in which nature conveys to us the mysteries of life and the harbingers of the future.

Although science has revealed the nature of many natural phenomena, we should still be in awe and curiosity about this mystery.

From ancient times to the present, countless literati and artists have developed a strong interest in celestial phenomena. In their poems and songs, there is no lack of depictions and praises of the changing situation.

These words not only enrich our cultural treasures, but also give us more reverie and thinking about the sky.

In this era of rapid technological change, we may already be able to use science to explain most of the natural phenomena.

However, when faced with some rare celestial phenomena, we still feel an inexplicable shock and awe.

This may be the charm of nature, which can always inadvertently touch our hearts and make us think more about life and the future.

"Heavenly income, there are hints", if God wants to take people away, there are usually these 5 signs

2. Dream back to your hometown, a spiritual journey

"Life is like a dream, and one is still a moon." Su Shi's poem is like a clear spring, which arouses our infinite reverie about dreams and reality.

In this dreamlike journey of life, dreams often play a mysterious and important role.

Frequently dreaming of my hometown after a long absence, the picture of blue bricks and small tiles and curling smoke is like the strange world in "Strange Tales from Liaozhai", which is both familiar and unfamiliar.

In the dream, we seem to have passed through the tunnel of time and space, returned to that innocent era, reunited with our deceased relatives, and had a dialogue that spanned life and death.

After waking up, the ripples in my heart cannot be calmed for a long time, which is nostalgia for the past and expectations for the future.

This is not only a simple nostalgia, but also a premonition deep in the heart.

It seems to remind us that some kind of transformation is about to happen, some kind of destiny is about to be revealed.

As the ancients said: "The dreamer is also the wanderer of the gods." "Dreams, perhaps the gods are sending us some kind of mysterious message.

In the West, the famous psychologist Sigmund Freud delved into the mysteries of dreams.

He believed that dreams were subconscious manifestations in which unresolved knots or harbingers of the future might be hidden. This coincides with certain ideas in Eastern culture, which emphasize the close connection between dreams and reality.

Ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign, stories and legends about dreams emerge one after another.

For example, in "Zhou Gong's Interpretation of Dreams", the auspicious and evil fortunes foreshadowed by various dreams are recorded in detail; In ancient Greek mythology, Morpheus, the god of dreams, was responsible for conveying the will of the gods to humans through dreams. These stories and legends give dreams a mysterious and far-reaching meaning.

When we frequently dream of our hometown or loved ones, we might as well stop and listen to the voice that comes from the depths of our hearts.

It may be telling us: "Don't forget the original intention, you have to always." "In this rapidly changing world, only by maintaining a pure and firm heart can we find our own home and direction forward.

Dreams are a guiding light for the spiritual journey, illuminating our way forward.

"Heavenly income, there are hints", if God wants to take people away, there are usually these 5 signs

3. Flowers bloom and fall, the language of nature

"Falling red is not a ruthless thing, turning into spring mud is more protective of flowers." Gong Zizhen's famous poem profoundly depicts the cycle and change of life in nature.

Flowers bloom and fall is the most intuitive language in nature, telling the rise and fall and changes of life.

The sudden withering or out-of-season blooming of potted plants at home may seem like ordinary natural phenomena, but in fact they contain deep life messages.

As the ancients said, "The plants and trees know that spring will return soon, and all kinds of red and purple will be fragrant." "The withering and prosperity of plants is not only the law of nature, but also the rhythm of life.

In traditional Chinese culture, people often predict good fortune and bad luck by observing the growth of plants. This concept has a long history and reflects the reverence and conformity of the ancients to nature.

As stated in the "Treatise on Typhoid Fever": "Heaven spreads the five elements to transport ten thousand kinds; People have five constants, so as to have five organs. "Man and nature are closely related, and the withering of plants is closely linked to the fate of man.

There are many proverbs about the signs of plants, such as "the flowers bloom rich, the flowers fall poor", although these sayings have a certain superstitious color, but also reflect people's keen observation and rich imagination of natural phenomena.

There is no shortage of depictions and reflections on the blooming and falling of flowers in modern literature. A writer once wrote: "Every flower has its own life curve, and from blooming to withering, it is the inevitable process of life." This is not only an acknowledgment of the laws of nature, but also a lament for the impermanence of life.

Flowers bloom and fall not only as the language of nature, but also as an allegory of life.

It reminds us to cherish everything in front of us, follow the laws of nature, and face the ups and downs of life with a peaceful mind.

As the saying goes: "Flowers are not red for a hundred days, and people are not good for a thousand days." "Let us learn to appreciate the beauty of each flower in the journey of life, and also face the parting of each flower calmly.

"Heavenly income, there are hints", if God wants to take people away, there are usually these 5 signs

4. Animal behavior, the eye of the wise

Since ancient times, the behavior of animals has often been seen as the transmitter of hidden messages in nature.

The ancient Egyptians revered cats as sacred beings, believing that these agile creatures could see the future and foresee the unknown.

In ancient China, the barking of dogs in the middle of the night was often seen as a bad omen and alarming.

It is recorded in the "Treatise on the Essentials of Jinkui": "The changes of birds and beasts, sometimes happen, are beyond the power of man. It refers to an abnormality in animal behavior, which often indicates a change in some kind of celestial phenomenon or earthly atmosphere.

This view has been widely spread throughout folk history, and many interesting proverbs and customs have been formed.

To this day, we can still read the subtle changes in nature in the behavior of animals.

Every unusual behavior of a pet at home, or a wild animal encountered in the wild, may be sending us some kind of message.

When a flock of birds suddenly gathers and then recedes like a tide in an instant, or when a usually docile pet becomes restless, these unusual phenomena are not directly equated with a "natural income", but they are undoubtedly a reminder to pay attention to the subtle changes in our lives and to be sensitive to our surroundings.

As the saying goes, "When a swallow flies low, a heavy rain is coming." "The behavior of animals is sometimes a more accurate predictor of natural changes than human instruments.

They are like the eyes of a wise man, perceiving subtleties that are imperceptible to us.

When we observe the abnormal behavior of animals, we may wish to slow down and appreciate the deep meaning, and perhaps we can learn more about the mysteries of nature.

"Heavenly income, there are hints", if God wants to take people away, there are usually these 5 signs

5. Telepathy, the bond of affection

"The heart has a soul, and the heart is clear", this classic poem from the Tang Dynasty poet Li Shangyin, just right depicts the subtle induction between the mind.

This kind of induction, as the ancients said "heart to heart", can know each other's hearts without words.

Sometimes, we feel the discomfort of our loved ones in the distance, as if there is a mysterious power that crosses thousands of mountains and rivers and connects our hearts tightly.

You may have had the experience of a loved one who is far away suddenly feeling unwell, and you are inexplicably flustered at the same moment. This indescribable tacit understanding makes people have to believe in the deep connection between the bloodlines.

In the field of psychology, this phenomenon is called the "sixth sense" or "intuition". Although science has not yet been able to fully explain this mysterious phenomenon, it has appeared countless times in our daily lives, giving us a deep understanding of the extraordinary connection between people.

As Confucius said in the Analects: "If your parents are here, you will not travel far, and you must have a way to travel." This kind of telepathy may be a manifestation of family bonds, allowing us to feel the warmth and concern of our family no matter where we are.

In addition to psychology, this phenomenon is also reflected in many ancient stories and myths and legends.

For example, the well-known story of "Twin Brother Telepathy" tells the story of a pair of twin brothers, even if they are thousands of miles apart, they can feel each other's joys, sorrows, and sorrows, and this strange telepathy is amazing.

A writer once wrote: "Sometimes, the telepathy between us and our loved ones is like an invisible red thread that connects us through time and space." Such a description not only makes the reader empathize, but also further confirms the magic of telepathy.

At some point, there is indeed an extraordinary connection between people. This connection may be a precious gift from nature, allowing us to feel the warmth of home and the power of family affection in a complex world.

"Heavenly income, there are hints", if God wants to take people away, there are usually these 5 signs

"Heavenly income, hints" is not superstition, but the subtle details of life are intertwined with psychological perception, constituting people's exploration and understanding of the unknown.

It reminds us to cherish the present moment and pay attention to every hint around us, whether it is the whispers of nature or the subtle waves of the soul, which are precious gifts that life gives us.

Let's move on with curiosity and awe, find meaning in every moment of life, and enjoy the unpredictable beauty.