
Ten pigs and nine shun, pig people born in 5 months of the lunar calendar, first bitter and then sweet, life is destined to be brilliant

author:Barley said

Before reading, I would like to remind you that this article is for reference and entertainment only, and it is intended to be a fun conversation after tea and dinner, aiming at the meaning of a better life, not superstitious!

If the mystery of the zodiac hides the code of life, then pig friends, do you want to know which months of birth of pig babies, although the first taste of human suffering, but will eventually usher in the sweetness and glory of life?

This is a mysterious exploration behind the "Ten Pigs and Nine Shun", let us take a relaxed mood and reveal the story of the Year of the Pig in those lunar months, which are destined to be bitter first and then sweet, and life is like a poem.

"The Song of the Pig, Singing the Symphony of Destiny"

"The Year of the Pig is a happy event, and Fu Lu Shou is a three-star photo." In traditional culture, the pig represents good fortune and auspiciousness, and the saying "ten pigs and nine shun" is a good wish for people who belong to the pig.

However, the wheel of fate always zigzags forward, and for pig people born in certain months, their life trajectory seems to be a beautiful melody that first suppresses and then rises, playing a hymn to life that is bitter and then sweet.

Ten pigs and nine shun, pig people born in 5 months of the lunar calendar, first bitter and then sweet, life is destined to be brilliant

1. New Year's Month (January of the lunar calendar) - the ice and snow melt, and the spring flowers bloom

"The ice melts in the first month, and the garden can't be closed in spring."

In the first month, the time sequence changes, just like the Tang Dynasty poet Han Yu's pen, "The light rain in the heavenly street is as moist as a crisp, and the grass color is close but there is nothing." "In this season, everything seems to be silent, but in fact it is vibrant, and the fate of those born in the first month is the same.

"The Yellow Emperor's Neijing" has a cloud: "Spring and March, this is called Chen, heaven and earth are born, and all things are glorious." "The first month, coinciding with spring, symbolizes new life and hope.

Just as in ancient mythology, Pangu opened the world, chaos first opened, and the world ushered in light, and those born in the first month of the new year, their life journey also broke out of the cocoon from hardships and hardships and bloomed with brilliance.

"Lamei Aoxue, spring is coming." In the first month, Lamei Linghan opened alone, and its tenacious and unyielding spirit is the best portrayal of the character of the people born in the first month.

Wang Anshi Shiyun of the Song Dynasty: "There are a few plums in the corner, and Ling Han opens it alone." I know that it is not snow, but there is a dark fragrance. This temperament that is not afraid of difficulties and exudes fragrance in adversity allows the people of the New Year to stick to their original intentions even if they face challenges, and finally welcome the flowers.

"The son of the first month, after the bitter cold is sweet." In ancient times, there was Goujian, the king of Yue, who "tasted courage on a lying salary", and after more than ten years of hardship, he finally returned to the country to take revenge and achieved hegemony.

"Spring covers autumn frost, and there are no miscellaneous diseases." A folk proverb reminds us that although spring is beginning to appear in the New Year, we still need to keep warm and protect from the cold.

It is not only a way of health preservation, but also a metaphor for people born in the first month: in the early spring of life, keep patience and accumulate strength, so that you can move forward steadily and bloom your own spring in the coming days.

People born in the first month of the new year have a destiny trajectory like nature's spring returning to the earth, and they have experienced the severe cold test of winter before they can usher in the spring of life.

Ten pigs and nine shun, pig people born in 5 months of the lunar calendar, first bitter and then sweet, life is destined to be brilliant

2. April (April of the lunar calendar) - the valley rain moistens things, and the water flows for a long time

"In the deep spring of April, the valley rain continues, and everything is lush."

There is a cloud in "Zengguang Xianwen": "Know the nature of fish near the water, and know the sound of birds near the mountain." "People born in April, just like the earth during the rain, have deep vitality and insight because of their closeness to nature and conformity with the times.

They may have started out in obscurity, but over time, their tenacity and perseverance have made them stand out.

In the historical story, Zhuge Liang during the Three Kingdoms period, lived in seclusion in Nanyang, cultivated Longmu, and seemed ordinary, but after Liu Bei visited the thatched cottage three times, he became the prime minister of Shu Han with his outstanding wisdom and strategic vision, leaving behind legendary stories such as "grass boats borrowing arrows" and "burning red cliffs".

The people of April, just like Kong Ming, are silent in the early stage for the sake of accumulation, and once the time is ripe, they can show amazing energy.

In classical literature, Jia Baoyu in "Dream of Red Mansions", born in April, has a bad fate, has experienced the ups and downs of the family, but his emotions are delicate, he has a deep understanding of the hot and cold world, and finally enlightened the world, showing the glory of human nature.

Baoyu's growth path is just like the drizzle in April, silently nourishing the soul and making it bloom with a unique brilliance after the wind and rain.

There is a saying in the ancient book "Caigen Tan": "Those who have been in the bush for a long time will fly high, and the pioneers will be Xie Duzao." This is not only an observation of the laws of nature, but also a profound summary of the philosophy of life.

People born in April may not have been as good as they should have in the early days, but it is this experience that has taught them to persevere and wait, and finally rise at the right time and achieve extraordinary things at an astonishing speed.

Ten pigs and nine shun, pig people born in 5 months of the lunar calendar, first bitter and then sweet, life is destined to be brilliant

3. July (the seventh month of the lunar calendar) - the end of summer and the beginning of autumn, fruitful

"Flowing fire in July, giving clothes in September." This sentence in the Book of Songs, which depicts the natural change of late summer and early autumn, heralds a transition from enthusiasm to maturity.

As the ancients said: "Plant a grain of millet in the spring, and harvest 10,000 seeds in the autumn." "The pig people born in July are adhering to this natural law, and their life trajectory, from youth to maturity, from cultivation to harvest, is just like the cycle of the four seasons, full of philosophy.

The modern poet Hai Zi once said: "Facing the sea, the spring flowers are blooming." Although it depicts a spring scene, it is equally apt as a metaphor for the change of mindset of those born in July.

After experiencing the enthusiasm and challenges of summer, they ushered in their own "autumn flowers", their hearts are more open-minded and bright, and life is like the fruit of autumn, full and sweet.

There is a folk proverb: "No pain, no gain." This is not only a portrayal of farming life, but also a perfect interpretation of the life attitude of the July pig people.

They are well versed in the truth of "how to see a rainbow without experiencing wind and rain", and understand that behind every harvest is the accumulation of hard work and sweat.

Ancient wisdom is as "Lao Tzu" said: "The great things in the world must be done in detail." This not only underscores the importance of nuance, but also resonates with the spirit of those born in July.

No matter how the external environment changes, focusing on one's own growth and accumulation is the key to success.

"The autumn water is the same color as the sky, and the sunset and the lonely bird fly together." This poem by Wang Bo of the Tang Dynasty depicts a quiet and magnificent autumn picture.

For the pig people born in July, this symbolizes that after the tempering of summer, they ushered in the inner peace and the harvest of the outside world, and their life and career are like autumn water, open and far-reaching.

Ten pigs and nine shun, pig people born in 5 months of the lunar calendar, first bitter and then sweet, life is destined to be brilliant

Fourth, October (lunar October) - frost falls on cold plums, and the fragrance comes from the bitter cold

"The year is cold, and then I know that the pine and cypress will wither." This sentence in the Analects is like the best commentary on the character of the October pig people.

In the cold winter, the pines and cypresses are still green and upright, not afraid of wind and frost, showing tenacious vitality.

The pig people born in October are the same, showing extraordinary tenacity and perseverance in the face of adversity, proving that real gold is not afraid of fire, and the fragrance comes from the bitter cold.

In ancient legends, there is the ambition of Kuafu day by day and Jingwei reclamation, which conveys the spiritual strength of perseverance and perseverance.

October pig people, like the modern version of Kuafu and Jingwei, in the face of the pressure and challenges of life, they never give up easily, and interpret the saying "there is nothing difficult in the world, only afraid of people with hearts" with practical actions, so that dreams can be illuminated into reality.

"The fragrance of plum blossoms comes from the bitter cold, and the edge of the sword comes from the sharpening." This folk proverb is not only a description of the phenomena of the natural world, but also a profound revelation of the philosophy of life.

After experiencing countless times of "grinding", the October pig people are like the cold plum that has experienced the baptism of wind and snow, exuding a unique fragrance, or the sword that has been tempered for thousands of times, and the edge is exposed. Their achievements are a vivid interpretation of the ancient wisdom of "only by suffering hardship can you become a superior person".

In modern life, people often use the phrase "turning the tables against the wind" to describe those who turn the tide and win in the face of adversity.

The pig people born in October are the representatives of this spirit, they are not afraid of a low starting point, they are not afraid of a long road, because they believe that "although the road is far, the line is coming; It's hard, but it's done."

What's more interesting is that in folk customs, the first day of the tenth lunar month is the Winter Clothes Festival, and every household will prepare winter clothes for their deceased relatives, sending their thoughts and care to their relatives.

This custom reflects a deep and warm humanistic feeling, reminding us that even in the coldest season, the warmth and perseverance of the human heart can penetrate the ice and bring hope and light.

Ten pigs and nine shun, pig people born in 5 months of the lunar calendar, first bitter and then sweet, life is destined to be brilliant

Fifth, the lunar month (lunar December) - the end of the year and the beginning of the year, the year of Ruixue Zhaofeng

"The cold of the year is more tangible, the snow is all over the sky, and the old year and new wishes are talked about by the stove." At the time of the wax moon, the ancients talked around the fireplace at night, sharing the ups and downs of the past year, looking forward to the future, full of hope.

This warm feeling, and the character of the Layue pig people coincide, they are good at the turn of the years, summing up experience, with a beautiful vision for the future, embarked on a new journey.

"The snow falls silently, and the blessing is sound." As the proverb goes, the snow in the lunar month is not only a gift from nature, but also an auspicious omen, symbolizing a bumper harvest and abundant life in the coming year.

The Layue Pig people, as if born with this blessing, their appearance can always bring good luck and hope to the people around them, just as the common "the darkness before dawn is the darkest, but after that is the light" implied in modern literature, they can always lead everyone to the light in the most difficult moments.

"Ruixue Zhaofeng year, pig year smiling." This is not only a festive saying, but also a portrayal of the life attitude of the Layue pig people.

They are optimistic and open-minded, believing that after every snowstorm, there is a spring waiting for them.

Under the brushstrokes of modern literature, they are like a ray of sunshine in the cold winter, warm but not dazzling, illuminating themselves and warming others, just as the tenacious vitality shown in the best-selling book "Alive", no matter how difficult life is, there is always the courage to laugh at life.

"When spring returns, everything is renewed, the Year of the Pig is blessed, and the joy is boundless." This is not only a celebration of the traditional festival Spring Festival, but also a vivid depiction of the life philosophy of the Layue pig people.

They know how to find their place in the cycle of years, and every alternation of the end of the year and the beginning of the year is a baptism of their vitality, making them cherish the present more and bravely move towards the future.

Ten pigs and nine shun, pig people born in 5 months of the lunar calendar, first bitter and then sweet, life is destined to be brilliant

In this wonderful journey about the fate of the pigs, we find that no matter what specific month the pig people are born, their life stories are the most vivid interpretation of "bitter first and then sweet".

Every seemingly difficult moment is the only way to glory.

As the ancient poem says: "The edge of the sword comes from the sharpening, and the fragrance of plum blossoms comes from the bitter cold." "No matter you and me, we should maintain an optimistic attitude and laugh at the ups and downs of life, because every effort will eventually reap the sweetness of life and the glory of life.