
The 5 lunar birth days of "destined to be rich" are usually low-key, and they have no worries about food and clothing after the age of 40

author:Barley said

Before reading, I would like to remind you that this article is for reference and entertainment only, and it is intended to be a fun conversation after tea and dinner, aiming at the meaning of a better life, not superstitious!

Let's embark on a fascinating discussion of fate, opportunity and effort, and explore the five special days that are given the label of "destined for wealth" in the lunar cycle.

This is not only a tribute to ancient wisdom, but also an interesting interpretation of the philosophy of life, allowing us to understand what it means to turn around in a low-key manner in the interweaving of humor and wisdom, and to worry about food and clothing after the age of 40.

"Plant melons and get melons, plant beans and get beans", the ancients said that all cause and effect have their time.

In the vast lunar calendar, certain days are like secret gardens lit by stars, quietly nurturing future wealth and glory.

But be aware that these days are not magic spells, but rather symbolize a clever combination of inner potential and timing.

Next, we will reveal these seemingly ordinary, but in fact hidden five birthdays, to see how they bloom with remarkable brilliance under the tempering of the years.

The 5 lunar birth days of "destined to be rich" are usually low-key, and they have no worries about food and clothing after the age of 40

On the second day of the first month of January and February, the dragon raises its head, and the hidden dragon is not used

"The dragon leaps into the abyss, and the time takes six dragons to control the sky." This quote comes from the Book of Changes, which vividly depicts the dragon's hidden abyss, waiting for the moment to move.

On the second day of the second lunar month, commonly known as "the dragon raises its head", it is the day when the dragon god wakes up from hibernation and is ready to fly.

The person born on this day is just like the sleeping dragon in the abyss, who is obscure and humble on weekdays, but in fact he is secretly accumulating strength and preparing for action.

The ancients said: "Don't use the hidden dragon, the yang energy is hidden." The words of "Zengguang Xianwen" mean that when the dragon is lurking, it is not appropriate to act rashly, and it is necessary to wait for the opportunity.

The same is true of such people, they have extraordinary patience and tenacity, and are not moved by the glitz of the outside world, just like Zhuge Liang hidden in Nanyang, although he is in the grass, but he has the world in his mind and waits for the wind and clouds to change.

When they are young, they may not show the dew, as if they have not been polished, but the fire in their hearts has never been extinguished.

When you are not confused, you are not confused at forty, and the experience and wisdom of their generation are like the rain of spring, moisturizing things silently, but nourishing all things.

At this time, they are like dragons soaring into the sky, soaring into the sky, and their careers and wealth are like shadows, just as Li Bai said: "Dapeng rises with the wind one day and soars to 90,000 miles." "The silent hard work of the past has finally been exchanged for today's brilliant achievements, and the real abundance of food and clothing, and the freedom of the soul.

This kind of life trajectory is just like the ancient legend of Jiang Ziya, fishing on the shore of Weishui, which seems to be ordinary, but in fact there are ravines in the chest. Until King Wen, Fang showed his heroic nature, assisted the Zhou room, and achieved a hegemony.

Therefore, it is known that the hidden dragon should not be used, and the time has not come. Once the wind and clouds surge, it is the time when the dragon soars all over the world and shines in Kyushu.

The 5 lunar birth days of "destined to be rich" are usually low-key, and they have no worries about food and clothing after the age of 40

2. On April 18, the peony blossoms bloom, and the wealth is natural

"Only the peony is true to the country, and the flowers move the capital when they bloom." This phrase comes from the pen of the Tang Dynasty poet Liu Yuxi, and vividly depicts the magnificence of peonies and the sensational effect they cause when they bloom.

On April 18, when the peony is in full bloom, the people born on this day seem to be born with a graceful and luxurious atmosphere, just as the "University" says: "Rich house, virtue moistens the body, heart is wide and fat." ”

Although they don't like to be public, they are low-key, but their inner richness and noble character are like the fragrance of peonies, which can inadvertently refresh people's hearts.

Such people may be unknown in ordinary times, but when the time is ripe, they can bloom like peonies, showing amazing talent and charm. Just like Sima Yi in the Three Kingdoms period, he couldn't bear it on weekdays, but he showed extraordinary resourcefulness and leadership at critical moments, and finally achieved a hegemony.

When they were not confused, they were forty years old, and their restrained power began to gradually be released.

In the business world, they may be able to become leaders in the industry, with their profound heritage and unique vision, in the turbulent market; In academic research, they can rely on their profound knowledge and keen insight to achieve remarkable achievements and promote the development of the discipline.

No matter where they are, they can bloom like peonies, and they will naturally come to achieve an extraordinary career.

This kind of life trajectory is not only a profound interpretation of "don't use the hidden dragon", but also a vivid interpretation of "wealth and nature".

They proved with their actions that true wealth does not come from external ostentation and publicity, but from inner wealth and noble character.

Just like the peony in full bloom, needless to say, its luxurious atmosphere has overflowed.

The 5 lunar birth days of "destined to be rich" are usually low-key, and they have no worries about food and clothing after the age of 40

3. On the sixth day of the sixth month of June, 66 Shun, Fu Lu Shouquan

"June 6, Fu Lu Shou, everything in the world is smooth." This is true, the sixth day of the sixth lunar month has been regarded as an auspicious day since ancient times, implying that the six major Shun and the blessing of Lu longevity are complete.

Friends born at this time seem to be born with the favor of the god of luck and have a halo of good luck.

They act in a low-key manner, do not show off, do not deliberately pursue fame and fortune, but they can always go smoothly in life and everything goes well, just as "Caigen Tan" said: "I am blessed by the thin sky, and I am rich and virtuous." They know that true happiness does not come from external pursuits, but from the accumulation of inner cultivation and morality.

The ancients had a cloud: "The house of goodness must have afterglow; If you don't accumulate goodness, there will be aftermath. Such people, who do good deeds and accumulate virtue on weekdays, do not ask for anything in return, but the good fortune is always with them.

They are like farmers who work silently, although they are not publicized, but when it comes to the harvest season, they can always return with a full load. Another example is the ancient wise man Fan Li, although he was in a high position, he knew how to retreat in time, and finally enjoyed his old age in peace, and lived a long life.

At the age of no confusion, forty years without confusion, their accumulated blessings began to gradually appear.

In the family, they can become the support of the family and bring warmth and happiness to the family; In their careers, they can rely on years of experience and wisdom to enter a stage of stability and prosperity. At this time, they truly realized "worry-free food and clothing" and enjoyed the beauty and tranquility of life.

As the modern writer Lin Qingxuan said: "See the world with a pure heart, live life with a happy heart, generate affection with a normal heart, and remove obstacles with a soft heart." Such people face the challenges and opportunities of life with a pure, joyful, ordinary and soft heart.

They know that true happiness does not come from external ostentation and publicity, but from inner wealth and noble character.

There is a folk proverb: "June 6, bask in red and green." It means that on this day, whether it is clothing or mood, it needs to be illuminated and warmed by the sun.

People born on the sixth day of the sixth month of June, exactly. They used their actions to prove that the real Fu Lu Shou is not from the external pursuit and showing off, but from the inner cultivation and the accumulation of morality.

They are like the June sun, warm and bright, shining on their own lives and those of others.

The 5 lunar birth days of "destined to be rich" are usually low-key, and they have no worries about food and clothing after the age of 40

4. On August 15, the full moon is full and the wealth is complete

"When is the bright moon? Ask the sky for wine. This poem of Su Shi expresses the infinite reverie and beautiful meaning of the Mid-Autumn Festival and the 15th day of the eighth month of the lunar calendar.

On this day, the full moon is a symbol of reunion and harvest, and it also means a good time of complete wealth.

People born on this day seem to be born with this full moon indissoluble bond, gentle personality, as soft as moonlight, good at handling interpersonal relationships, although they do not like to show off, but they have invisibly accumulated a wide range of contacts, just like the bright moonlight, although it is not dazzling, but it can illuminate the hearts of others.

The ancients had a legend that Chang'e ran to the moon and ascended to the heavens on the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival, when the moon was full.

People born on this day are also like Chang'e, although they are in the mortal world, they are lofty, do not seek fame and fortune, and are only willing to work silently and wait for the flowers to bloom.

They know very well that the "Tao Te Ching" says: "The good is like water, and the water is good for all things without fighting." Therefore, they act low-key and do not compete with others, but they can always show extraordinary wisdom and charm at critical moments, just like the Mid-Autumn Moon, although it is not publicized, but it can become the brightest star in the night sky.

At the age of no confusion, forty years without confusion, their accumulated blessings and efforts began to gradually appear.

In terms of career, they may be able to become leaders in the industry, with extensive contacts and deep heritage, they can win in the business world; In terms of wealth, they can be like the full moon of the Mid-Autumn Festival, ushering in a double harvest of career and wealth, complete and bright.

As the folk proverb says: "The moon is full in the Mid-Autumn Festival, and people are reunited." Such people interpret the profound meaning of this proverb with their own actions.

They know that true wealth does not come from external ostentation and publicity, but from inner wealth and noble character.

Just like the full moon of the Mid-Autumn Festival, although it does not show off, it can brighten the lives of oneself and others, and achieve true financial fulfillment.

In modern society, we often say, "People are money." And those who were born on August 15 interpret the true meaning of this sentence with their actions. They used their gentleness and wisdom to accumulate a wide range of contacts, and finally ushered in a double harvest of career and wealth at a turning point in their lives.

Just like the full moon of the Mid-Autumn Festival, it is full and bright, and it has become a winner in life.

The 5 lunar birth days of "destined to be rich" are usually low-key, and they have no worries about food and clothing after the age of 40

Fifth, the twenty-fourth day of the lunar month, sweeping the dust to welcome the new year, thick accumulation

"In addition to the old cloth new, at the end of the year and the beginning of the year, Vientiane is renewed." This statement expresses the profound meaning of the 24th day of the lunar month, the traditional dust-sweeping day.

On this day, every household is busy cleaning and dusting, removing the dust of the old year, and welcoming the hope of the new year, just as the "Book of Filial Piety" says: "The body is skinned, and the parents who receive it dare not destroy it, and the beginning of filial piety is also." "Sweeping is not only to clean the home, but also to respect and say goodbye to the past years, which means that the new year will meet the challenges of life with a new attitude.

People born at this time have a diligent personality, just like the old scalper who works silently, he doesn't like to show off in front of the stage, but he can always pay hard sweat behind the scenes.

They may not be prominent in their youth, or even often overlooked, but as the saying goes, "Gold always shines." "As time passes, the accumulated experience and wisdom become more and more precious like treasures hidden deep underground.

At the age of no confusion, forty years without confusion, their accumulated "invisible assets" began to gradually show their value.

In their careers, they may be able to become the mainstay of the industry, riding the wind and waves in the business sea with their profound heritage and unique vision; Academically, they can be like the volcano that has accumulated steadily, erupting a dazzling light of wisdom and promoting the development of the discipline.

At this time, they have achieved a leap from quantitative change to qualitative change, just like the home that has been rejuvenated after sweeping the dust, full of vitality and hope.

As the modern writer Ernest Hemingway said: "Being superior to others is not noble, and the real nobility should be superior to oneself in the past." Such people interpret the profound connotation of this sentence with their own actions.

They know that true success does not come from external show-off and publicity, but from inner perseverance and unremitting efforts.

Just like the home after the dust-swept day, although it has experienced the baptism of the years, it is more and more vibrant because of the accumulated power.

The 5 lunar birth days of "destined to be rich" are usually low-key, and they have no worries about food and clothing after the age of 40

"God rewards diligence, and earth rewards kindness." Every special day is a gift from time, but the key to unlocking this gift is the unremitting efforts and perseverance of individuals.

No matter what day you are born, as long as you have a dream in your heart and a road under your feet, the future at the age of 40 and beyond will usher in your own glory.

Remember, wealth is not an accident, but a perfect encounter between effort and opportunity.

In this journey of life, let us smile at every unknown with a relaxed attitude, because in the end, a good life always favors those who are brave enough to pursue their dreams and never give up.