
Old artist Zhao Lirong: After her husband passed away, she married her brother-in-law, and she lost her husband for the second time, and her life was miserable

author:Gather in the big community
Old artist Zhao Lirong: After her husband passed away, she married her brother-in-law, and she lost her husband for the second time, and her life was miserable
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Old artist Zhao Lirong: After her husband passed away, she married her brother-in-law, and she lost her husband for the second time, and her life was miserable

On the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, Zhao Lirong always makes the audience laugh with her unique sense of humor and vivid performances. However, behind this comedy queen, known as "both virtue and art", there is a little-known tragedy of life.

Two marriages, two widows, the untimely death of a daughter with cerebral palsy, and the ensuing "kefu" narrative have left deep scars in her life.

How can Zhao Lirong remain optimistic in the midst of these hardships and continue to bring joy to the audience? Let's uncover the real and strong Zhao Lirong behind her glamorous stage image, as well as the bitter story behind her sentence "life is miserable".

Zhao Lirong's artistic journey began in her childhood. Although born in Tianjin, she spent most of her childhood in Shenyang. The twist of fate came after her father's failed business venture, which deliberately opened the door to the world of theater for Zhao Lirong.

Old artist Zhao Lirong: After her husband passed away, she married her brother-in-law, and she lost her husband for the second time, and her life was miserable

The young Zhao Lirong often followed her father and shuttled through the troupe. Her inquisitive eyes sparkled with a love for theatre and she showed extraordinary artistic talent at a young age.

The teachers of the troupe soon noticed this well-behaved and lovely little girl, and they taught her skills without reservation.

Zhao Lirong's diligence and talent complement each other. She is like a sponge, greedily absorbing the nutrients of art. The father saw it in his eyes and was relieved in his heart, and resolutely decided to send his daughter to study in the opera class system.

The hardships of opera training are beyond imagination, but Zhao Lirong never complained to her father, but chose to bear it silently, and only showed her progress to her father.

Old artist Zhao Lirong: After her husband passed away, she married her brother-in-law, and she lost her husband for the second time, and her life was miserable

The hard work paid off, and Zhao Lirong, who was only a teenager, took the stage and won the applause of the audience. Every time she performs on stage, she devotes herself wholeheartedly, and the sweat paid by the audience finally shines on the stage.

At the age of 15, Zhao Lirong ushered in an important moment in her life - performing on the same stage with Xin Fengxia, who was quite famous at the time. Although it is only a supporting role, Zhao Lirong's performance has won Xin Fengxia's high appreciation.

This experience gave Zhao Lirong great encouragement. She practiced harder, and when others were resting, she was always alone and silently figuring out her acting skills. Finally, in the work "Du Shi Niang", Zhao Lirong emerged and her popularity rose rapidly.

Since then, Zhao Lirong's artistic path has been soaring. With amazing perseverance, she continued to hone her acting skills and gradually became a comedian loved by the audience. The stage of the Spring Festival Gala has become an important platform for her to show her talents, and her sketches can always arouse bursts of laughter from the audience and bring joy to countless people.

Old artist Zhao Lirong: After her husband passed away, she married her brother-in-law, and she lost her husband for the second time, and her life was miserable

Zhao Lirong's success is not accidental, but stems from her persistent pursuit and unremitting efforts in art. From the ignorant little girl in the troupe to the radiant comedy queen on the stage, Zhao Lirong used her life to interpret the growth path of an artist.

Just as Zhao Lirong's acting career was in full swing, love also quietly came. She met Sheng Qiang, and the two fell in love at first sight and quickly fell in love. Sheng Qiang was deeply attracted by Zhao Lirong's innocence and love for art, and Zhao Lirong also found a spiritual harbor in Sheng Qiang.

The relationship between the two quickly warmed up, and soon the idea of getting married was born.

Faced with the opposition of both parents, the young lovers chose to marry in secret. Life after marriage is like honey, and Zhao Lirong puts all her thoughts on taking care of her husband and family.

Old artist Zhao Lirong: After her husband passed away, she married her brother-in-law, and she lost her husband for the second time, and her life was miserable

She cares about Sheng Qiang and takes care of his life almost meticulously. Sheng Qiang is also a considerate husband, and often teaches Zhao Lirong to read and write in his spare time.

Soon, they welcomed their first child, and the small family was happy. Seeing that the young couple was so loving and harmonious, both parents gradually let go of their prejudices and hoped that they would be happy.

However, just when Zhao Lirong was pregnant with her second child and was full of expectations, the bad news came - Sheng Qiang, who was away on a business trip, passed away forever. This blow was tantamount to a bolt from the blue for Zhao Lirong.

She hugged her young child tightly, tears rained down, and she fainted several times. However, life waits for no one, and she must be strong, for the sake of her children, for the sake of her elderly parents.

Old artist Zhao Lirong: After her husband passed away, she married her brother-in-law, and she lost her husband for the second time, and her life was miserable

During these difficult years, Sheng Qiang's younger brother Sheng Hong stepped forward to take care of Zhao Lirong's family. When Zhao Lirong fainted due to overwork, it was Sheng Hong who took her to the hospital.

Sheng Hong expressed his love for Zhao Lirong and hoped to take care of her and the children, but Zhao Lirong refused many times out of moral considerations. She thinks it's unethical to stay with her brother-in-law.

However, under the persuasion of her family and Sheng Hong's insistence, Zhao Lirong finally accepted this feeling. Her sister thinks that instead of looking for a stranger to spend the rest of her life with, she should choose the familiar Sheng Hong.

Sheng Hong's parents also hope that they can come together, after all, Zhao Lirong still has two children.

Old artist Zhao Lirong: After her husband passed away, she married her brother-in-law, and she lost her husband for the second time, and her life was miserable

After they got married, they had two children, one of whom unfortunately had cerebral palsy. The couple sought medical treatment, but eventually their daughter died at the age of seven.

This blow made Zhao Lirong experience the pain of life and death again, but fortunately, Sheng Hong has always been by her side and gave her endless support and love.

Sheng Hong is a careful and considerate husband, who takes good care of Zhao Lirong and the children, and fulfills his promise to his brother. However, fate once again played a cruel joke.

After 20 years of marriage, Sheng Hong died of illness, leaving Zhao Lirong into the pain of bereavement again.

Old artist Zhao Lirong: After her husband passed away, she married her brother-in-law, and she lost her husband for the second time, and her life was miserable

After two marriages and two widows, Zhao Lirong's heart has long been scarred. However, she is still strong in the face of life, and she hides the pain in her heart with a smile. Her experience has also sparked some discussions, and some have even questioned whether she is "Kefu".

But Zhao Lirong was not crushed by these rumors, but chose to continue to move forward in her own way, shine on the stage, and bring joy to the audience.

The pain of losing her husband did not break Zhao Lirong, but inspired her determination to return to the entertainment industry. In order to raise her children and the future of her family, she resolutely devoted herself to her acting career.

This time, she not only stepped into the field of theater, but also bravely challenged the role of an actress.

Old artist Zhao Lirong: After her husband passed away, she married her brother-in-law, and she lost her husband for the second time, and her life was miserable

The road back to the stage has not been easy. As a single mother, Zhao Lirong must find a balance between career and family. She is busy with rehearsals and performances during the day, and at night she has to take care of the children when she comes home.

The hardships of raising two children alone left her physically and mentally exhausted. However, as soon as she takes the stage, she will instantly glow, as if she has never experienced the hardships of life.

Zhao Lirong's efforts were not in vain. With her tireless efforts and outstanding acting talent, she quickly made her mark in the field of comedy. Her sketches are full of jokes, and every time she takes the stage, she can trigger bursts of laughter from the audience.

However, only Zhao Lirong herself knows that those jokes that make the audience laugh are often extracted by her in the hardships of life.

Old artist Zhao Lirong: After her husband passed away, she married her brother-in-law, and she lost her husband for the second time, and her life was miserable

The stage of the Spring Festival Gala has become an important platform for Zhao Lirong to show her talents. Her performances always bring joy to the audience and become the highlight of the evening. But behind the glamorous stage, it is the bitterness of her to face the burden of life alone.

Despite this, Zhao Lirong has never shown vulnerability in public. She covered up her inner pain with a smile and interpreted the true meaning of life with humor. In her opinion, being able to bring joy to the audience is her greatest comfort.

She transforms her personal suffering into the source of artistic creation, interpreting the true meaning of "virtue and art" in her own way, not only achieving something in art, but also setting an example in moral cultivation.

Faced with the heavy blows of life, Zhao Lirong chose to deal with it with an optimistic and positive attitude. She knows a truth: grief and pain cannot change the established facts, and only by facing them can we move forward.

Old artist Zhao Lirong: After her husband passed away, she married her brother-in-law, and she lost her husband for the second time, and her life was miserable

This attitude to life is not only reflected in her daily life, but also fully demonstrated in her stage performances.

Zhao Lirong's strength and optimism have won the love and respect of many audiences. People see hope for life in her performance and feel the courage to face difficulties.

She interprets the true meaning of "virtue and art" in her own way, not only achieving something in art, but also setting an example in moral cultivation.

However, Zhao Lirong's heart is not without fragility. On nights when no one is around, she also weeps as she recalls her loved ones who have died. But she was always able to adjust quickly and continued to face life and work with full enthusiasm the next day.

Old artist Zhao Lirong: After her husband passed away, she married her brother-in-law, and she lost her husband for the second time, and her life was miserable

This resilience has allowed her to keep moving forward in difficult situations and has also allowed her to maintain her shine on stage.

Although Zhao Lirong's life is full of ups and downs, her mark in the field of art is indelible. Her unique acting style has become her trademark, skillfully incorporating the ups and downs of life into comedy performances, creating works that are both laughable and touching.

Zhao Lirong's classic sketch at the Spring Festival Gala is still talked about by people today. The vivid characters she created not only made the audience laugh, but also reflected the joys, sorrows and sorrows of ordinary people.

These works have become the collective memory of that era and an important stroke in the development of Chinese comedy art.

Old artist Zhao Lirong: After her husband passed away, she married her brother-in-law, and she lost her husband for the second time, and her life was miserable

As an artist of "both virtue and art", Zhao Lirong not only pursues excellence in art, but also shows perseverance in life. She used her own experience to tell the world that even if life has hit hard, we must keep smiling and move forward.

This spirit is not only reflected in her performances, but also influences the attitude of countless audiences.

Zhao Lirong's death made countless audiences feel sorry, but her spiritual and artistic pursuit will always remain in people's hearts. She used her life to interpret the true meaning of laughter to life and became the eternal queen of comedy.

Zhao Lirong's art is not only her legacy, but also her attitude to life that still smiles in the face of suffering, which will forever inspire future generations.

Old artist Zhao Lirong: After her husband passed away, she married her brother-in-law, and she lost her husband for the second time, and her life was miserable

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