
Zhang Yimou's daughter Zhang Mo: Being robbed of her father's love and being abused by her husband abroad is the original sin of childhood

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Zhang Yimou's daughter Zhang Mo: Being robbed of her father's love and being abused by her husband abroad is the original sin of childhood
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Zhang Yimou's daughter Zhang Mo: Being robbed of her father's love and being abused by her husband abroad is the original sin of childhood

In the Chinese film industry, Zhang Yimou is a name that everyone knows. However, behind his aura lies a little-known family tragedy.

Behind this sentence is a daughter's desire for father's love, a broken marriage, and the chain reaction that ensues. In Zhang Mo's childhood, the image of his father has always been blurred.

How did this absence shape her life? Let's uncover this dramatic family story.

In 1968, in the classroom of Xi'an No. 30 Middle School, a love that was destined to be bumpy quietly sprouted. 14-year-old Xiao Hua transferred to another school, and her appearance was like a ray of sunshine, instantly lighting up the entire class.

Zhang Yimou's daughter Zhang Mo: Being robbed of her father's love and being abused by her husband abroad is the original sin of childhood

The young Zhang Yimou, a young man from a poor background, was deeply attracted to her. In order to get closer to the girl he liked, he took the initiative to ask for a change of seat and sat behind Xiao Hua.

It was a special era, and Zhang Yimou was frequently bullied because of his poor family composition. However, Xiao Hua always reciprocated kindness and care for him. This innocent feeling quietly grew in the difficult years, and finally blossomed in a sincere letter.

In the face of Zhang Yimou's sincere confession, Xiao Hua resolutely chose to follow in his footsteps and face the challenges of the future together.

The two began to live together during the cut-in period. Despite the difficult material conditions, they supported each other and got through the difficulties together. After returning to the city, although they were assigned to the two ends of the city, it took a lot of time to meet each time, but this did not affect their deep relationship.

Zhang Yimou's daughter Zhang Mo: Being robbed of her father's love and being abused by her husband abroad is the original sin of childhood

In 1983, they ushered in the crystallization of love - the birth of their daughter Zhang Mo. However, at this time, Zhang Yimou was in the rising period of his career, busy with work, and it was difficult to take care of his family.

Xiao Zhangmo's memory of his father is always vague and fragmentary.

The twist of fate came in 1986. Zhang Yimou began filming "Red Sorghum" and met the heroine Gong Li. The two were in close contact with each other because of their work, and they gradually fell in love.

When the film was a huge success, Zhang Yimou and Gong Li became the center of attention, and their unknown relationship also surfaced.

Zhang Yimou's daughter Zhang Mo: Being robbed of her father's love and being abused by her husband abroad is the original sin of childhood

When Xiao Hua learned about this, she chose to leave silently. She couldn't understand why the relationship that had lasted for decades could fall apart so easily. The breakdown of this marriage not only made Xiao Hua suffer, but also left a psychological wound that was difficult to heal for the young Zhang Mo.

From then on, Zhang Mo began to dislike Gong Li extremely. In her eyes, Gong Li became the culprit who destroyed her family. Whenever Zhang Mo talked to his father on the phone and told about trivial matters in life, he could always feel Gong Li's existence.

This deepened her resentment at her father's absence.

The lack of father's love has become a key factor affecting Zhang Mo's life. She longed to start a family of her own, to get the love that she couldn't get in her childhood. This desire drove her to rush into marriage at the age of 22, even though the decision ended up hurting her greatly.

Zhang Yimou's daughter Zhang Mo: Being robbed of her father's love and being abused by her husband abroad is the original sin of childhood

The love story of Zhang Yimou and Xiao Hua is like a sad ballad. It not only changed the fate of two people, but also profoundly affected the life trajectory of the next generation.

This past has become an eternal pain in Zhang Mo's heart, and it has also become the source of her future creation.

In 1986, Zhang Yimou began to prepare for the filming of "Red Sorghum", which not only became a turning point in his career, but also set off huge waves in his private life.

The appearance of the heroine Gong Li, like a stone thrown into a calm lake, aroused ripples in Zhang Yimou's family.

Zhang Yimou's daughter Zhang Mo: Being robbed of her father's love and being abused by her husband abroad is the original sin of childhood

During the filming, Zhang Yimou and Gong Li had frequent contact due to their work relationship, and the sparks between the two gradually burst out. However, Zhang Yimou seems to have forgotten the fact that he already has a family.

When "Red Sorghum" was a great success after its release, Zhang Yimou and Gong Li became the focus of attention, and their unknown relationship also surfaced.

For the young Zhang Mo, Gong Li's appearance was like a bolt from the blue. In her eyes, Gong Li has become the number one enemy and the culprit who destroyed her happy family.

Zhang Mo firmly believes that it was Gong Li who took away all her father's love for her.

Zhang Yimou's daughter Zhang Mo: Being robbed of her father's love and being abused by her husband abroad is the original sin of childhood

It is rumored that Gong Li once asked Zhang Yimou for "forced marriage" in public. However, Zhang Yimou's response was surprising: "Is marriage just a certificate?" Why do you place too much emphasis on this sense of ritual? This conversation deepened Zhang Mo's resentment towards Gong Li, and also made her feelings for her father more complicated.

The contradiction between Zhang Mo and Gong Li reached its climax in a telephone incident. That day, Zhang Mo called his father and told him about the trivial things of life in a soft voice. It just so happened that Gong Li was also contacting Zhang Yimou, but he couldn't get through.

When Gong Li finally answered the phone and learned that Zhang Yimou was talking to her daughter, she showed strong dissatisfaction. In the face of such an imperious Gong Li, Zhang Mo was even more convinced that she was by no means a qualified stepmother.

However, this vigorous relationship eventually came to an end. Zhang Yimou and Gong Li chose to end this short-lived relationship. Although this ending made Zhang Mo breathe a sigh of relief, the trauma caused by her parents' divorce has been deeply imprinted in her heart and has become a shadow that she cannot get rid of on the road of life in the future.

Zhang Yimou's daughter Zhang Mo: Being robbed of her father's love and being abused by her husband abroad is the original sin of childhood

The emotional entanglement between Gong Li and Zhang Yimou not only affected Zhang Yimou's family, but also shaped Zhang Mo's character and outlook on life to a certain extent. It gave Zhang Mo mixed views on love and marriage, and this influence continued into her adult love life.

Although many years have passed since this past, it is still an indelible chapter in Zhang Mo's life. It reminds us that in the pursuit of personal happiness, we must also consider the impact our choices may have on others, especially our children.

After his parents divorced, Zhang Yimou realized his dereliction of duty as a father and began to work hard to make up for his debt to his daughter. He tried to pour more emotion and energy into Zhang Mo, hoping to repair the missing father-daughter relationship.

In order to help his daughter rebuild her self-confidence, Zhang Yimou made an important decision: to send Zhang Mo to study abroad. He hopes that his daughter can start a new chapter in her life in a foreign country and stay away from the haze of the past.

Zhang Yimou's daughter Zhang Mo: Being robbed of her father's love and being abused by her husband abroad is the original sin of childhood

Under the recommendation of the famous director Ang Lee, Zhang Mo transferred from the Department of Architecture of Columbia University to the New York University Film School. This choice seemed to be fateful, and she began to follow in her father's footsteps and embark on the path of artistic creation.

Studying abroad not only broadened Zhang's horizons, but also gave her the opportunity to re-examine her relationship with her father.

After returning to China after completing his studies, under the careful guidance of his father, Zhang Mo quickly grew into an excellent editor, subtitler and assistant director. Her talent has been recognized by industry insiders and seems to be stepping into a bright future.

However, the shadow of the lack of father's love in childhood has always hung over her, affecting her emotional world and life choices.

Zhang Yimou's daughter Zhang Mo: Being robbed of her father's love and being abused by her husband abroad is the original sin of childhood

At the age of 22, Zhang Mo, who was eager to build his own warm family, insisted on marrying a foreign man despite the strong opposition of his parents. Faced with his daughter's decision, Zhang Yimou persuaded hard: "You still have infinite possibilities, don't rush to make this decision."

However, Zhang Mo, who lacked a sense of security in his heart, still stepped into the palace of marriage without hesitation.

Unfortunately, this hastily concluded marriage soon revealed its cruel side. The foreign husband committed domestic violence against Zhang Mo, leaving her in deep pain. When Zhang Yimou learned about this, his heart was like a knife, and he could only whisper to his daughter: "Go home, I'll raise you."

This short-lived marriage ended in failure, leaving Zhang Mo deeply traumatized.

Zhang Yimou's daughter Zhang Mo: Being robbed of her father's love and being abused by her husband abroad is the original sin of childhood

This failed marriage experience made Zhang Mo have to re-examine his life choices. She begins to realize that rushing into marriage in a hurry to get out of the shadow of her father's lack of love doesn't really fill the void in her heart.

On the contrary, it can cause more harm.

Despite such setbacks, Zhang Mo did not give up the pursuit of happiness. With the support of her parents, she began to learn to heal her inner wounds and rebuild her faith in love and marriage.

Although this process was long and difficult, it also allowed Zhang Mo to gradually grow and become more mature and strong.

Zhang Yimou's daughter Zhang Mo: Being robbed of her father's love and being abused by her husband abroad is the original sin of childhood

Zhang Mo's story tells us that although the trauma of childhood is profound, it is not impossible. Through continuous self-reflection and hard work, we will eventually be able to break through the haze and welcome the sunshine of life.

After experiencing the failure of his marriage, it took Zhang Mo a long time to regain the courage to face love. With the patience and support of her parents, she gradually learned to face up to her past trauma and began to try to open up again.

Although this process was difficult, it also made Zhang Mo understand himself better and understand that true happiness needs to be built on the basis of understanding and respect.

In 2013, Zhang Mo met and fell in love with Meng Fanqing, a foreigner. The relationship was hard-won, and both of them poured a lot of passion and patience. In the end, they entered the palace of marriage hand in hand.

Zhang Yimou's daughter Zhang Mo: Being robbed of her father's love and being abused by her husband abroad is the original sin of childhood

This marriage gave Zhang Mo an unprecedented sense of happiness and security. Soon after, they ushered in a pair of lovely dragon and phoenix fetuses, and the warmth of the family allowed Zhang Mo to find his inner belonging.

In his career, Zhang Mo gradually found his position. In 2016, her first film "28-Year-Old Minor" received enthusiastic praise upon its release.

This work not only shows Zhang Mo's unique directorial talent, but also reflects her thinking about life and growth to a certain extent. With this debut film, Zhang Mo won the "New Director of the Year Award", which made a good start to her directorial career.

However, just when his career was booming, Zhang Mo made a surprising decision. In order to better take care of her young children, she resolutely chose to leave the directing circle for the time being and devote herself to her family.

Zhang Yimou's daughter Zhang Mo: Being robbed of her father's love and being abused by her husband abroad is the original sin of childhood

This period of rest lasted for six years, during which Zhang Mo devoted all his energy to childcare.

During this time, Zhang Mo deeply realized the responsibilities and challenges of being a parent. She admits: "The duties of a stay-at-home mother are more difficult than creating films!" However, this time has also given her the opportunity to re-examine her life, heal her childhood trauma, and find new inspiration and strength in her family life.

When the children grew up and no longer needed round-the-clock care, Zhang Mo decided to return to the directing world. Surprisingly, despite being away for many years, she was still able to easily take off again in her career.

This proves that her talent and enthusiasm have not diminished due to the temporary absence, but have been renourished in family life.

Zhang Yimou's daughter Zhang Mo: Being robbed of her father's love and being abused by her husband abroad is the original sin of childhood

Zhang Mo's story tells us that the road of life is not always smooth, but every setback is an opportunity for growth. She managed to find a balance between career and family, not only healing the trauma of her childhood, but also creating a loving family environment for her children.

This emphasis on family and persistence in her career may be the most valuable thing she learned from her father Zhang Yimou.

Time is like water, diluting the past disputes and bringing a new chapter of life to everyone. The protagonists who were once involved in the emotional whirlpool have now found their own happiness.

Zhang Yimou joined hands with Chen Ting, who was 31 years younger than him, to re-establish a family. This combination with a large age gap is surprisingly harmonious. They have three lively and lovely children, and the family of five is happy and warm.

Zhang Yimou's daughter Zhang Mo: Being robbed of her father's love and being abused by her husband abroad is the original sin of childhood

Gong Li has long let go of the past and married her French husband who is 17 years older than herself. This transnational marriage seems to have brought her an unexpected sweet life.

And Zhang Mo, a girl who has experienced a broken family and a failed marriage, has now found a balance between career and family. Her story is like a moving sonata of life, telling that even if you go through ups and downs, as long as you don't give up hope, you will eventually usher in your own happiness.

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