
In 02, after Zang Tianshuo made a scene at Naying's concert, he was beaten by a group of women, and the scene was extremely wretched

author:Gather in the big community
In 02, after Zang Tianshuo made a scene at Naying's concert, he was beaten by a group of women, and the scene was extremely wretched
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In 02, after Zang Tianshuo made a scene at Naying's concert, he was beaten by a group of women, and the scene was extremely wretched

In the summer of 2002, the night sky of Langfang, which should have been lit up with singing and cheers, was thrown into chaos with a loud bang. Zang Tianshuo, the former "godfather" of the rock industry, broke into the venue with a group of people and smashed the stage equipment to pieces.

Na Ying on the stage was instantly dumbfounded, and the audience under the stage panicked. This sudden attack not only interrupted the long-awaited performance, but also set off a series of jaw-dropping incidents.

Let's rewind the clock to a month ago. Zang Tianshuo, the once-smash hit rock singer, is ambitiously preparing for the opening of a luxury cabaret bar in Langfang, Hebei Province.

This bar can be described as the epitome of Zang Tianshuo's years of accumulation in the entertainment industry - luxurious decoration, first-class equipment, and grand scale. In order to ensure that the opening ceremony was foolproof, he began to contact friends in the circle, including Na Ying, the singer who was at her peak at the time.

In 02, after Zang Tianshuo made a scene at Naying's concert, he was beaten by a group of women, and the scene was extremely wretched

When Zang Tianshuo dialed Na Ying's phone, he couldn't hide his excitement in his tone: "Yingzi, I opened a new store in Langfang, you must come to cheer on the opening day!" Na Ying readily agreed, which made Zang Tianshuo's heart full of expectations, and firmly believed that with Na Ying's blessing, the opening ceremony would be a sensation.

However, on the eve of the opening, an unexpected accident happened. Na Ying suddenly called to excuse herself, claiming that she had received an urgent performance task from Qingdao and could not attend the appointment as scheduled. Although Zang Tianshuo was quite disappointed, he also understood the uncertainty of the artist's work and did not blame him much.

On the opening day, although there was no blessing from Na Ying, with Zang Tianshuo's extensive contacts in the circle, the scene was still star-studded and lively. Zang Tianshuo temporarily put Na Ying's unhappiness behind him and devoted himself to the operation of the bar.

However, fate always likes to play tricks on people. One day a month later, when Zang Tianshuo and his friends were drinking at a bar, an unexpected news came - Na Ying did not go to Qingdao to perform at all, and her shirk was a pure lie.

In 02, after Zang Tianshuo made a scene at Naying's concert, he was beaten by a group of women, and the scene was extremely wretched

This news was like a bomb, instantly detonating the anger in Zang Tianshuo's heart.

Zang Tianshuo clenched his fists, his eyes flashing with danger. He felt that his dignity had been seriously insulted, and Na Ying's behavior was tantamount to a resounding slap in the face in public.

In this way, a seemingly ordinary no-show incident became the fuse that triggered a series of subsequent conflicts. Zang Tianshuo began to secretly plan, waiting for a suitable time to take revenge on Na Ying, so that she could also deeply understand the pain of damaged dignity.

Enraged, Zang Tianshuo began to plot his revenge. The opportunity soon came - two months later, he learned that Na Ying was about to hold a grand concert in Langfang.

In 02, after Zang Tianshuo made a scene at Naying's concert, he was beaten by a group of women, and the scene was extremely wretched

A sneer flashed in Zang Tianshuo's eyes, he knew that this was the moment he had been waiting for for a long time.

On the night of the concert, the atmosphere was enthusiastic, and the fans cheered one after another. Suddenly, Zang Tianshuo broke into the scene with a group of people. They went on a rampage like a gust of wind, smashing the sound equipment and stage sets.

The scene was immediately in chaos, with screams and cries one after another. Na Ying stood on the stage, her face pale and at a loss, watching her carefully prepared performance be ruined like this.

The performance was forced to be interrupted, and Na Ying's heart was full of anger and grievances. When she learns that this is Zang Tianshuo's act of revenge, remorse and guilt wells up in her heart. She realized that her original failure was indeed inconsiderate, but Zang Tianshuo's revenge was too much.

In 02, after Zang Tianshuo made a scene at Naying's concert, he was beaten by a group of women, and the scene was extremely wretched

That night, Na Ying hid in her hotel room, tears streaming uncontrollably.

Chen Hong was resolute, and went straight to the bar where Zang Tianshuo often went that night with four big men. They found Zang Tianshuo, who was boasting about his "achievements", and started without saying a word.

Zang Tianshuo was caught off guard, was beaten and his nose was blue and his face was swollen, and finally had to kneel and beg for mercy. This unexpected counterattack made Zang Tianshuo lose face, he never expected that he would be planted in the hands of a group of women.

Lying on the hospital bed, Zang Tianshuo's eyes were full of unwillingness and anger. He gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, a group of women, how dare you do this to me." I must avenge this revenge! However, this lesson also made Zang Tianshuo realize that offending a female star in the entertainment industry may be bearable, but if he offends a group of female stars, the consequences will be unimaginable.

In 02, after Zang Tianshuo made a scene at Naying's concert, he was beaten by a group of women, and the scene was extremely wretched

This series of events caused an uproar in the entertainment industry. Some people sympathize with Na Ying and think that she is an innocent victim; Some people also accused Zang Tianshuo of being rude and undignified.

But more people can't help but laugh at this farce, thinking that this is simply a realistic version of the "palace fighting drama".

Afterwards, Zang Tianshuo had to temporarily suppress the anger in his heart and began to think about how to save the situation. He realized that his impulsive behavior had not only failed to save face, but had put himself in a more passive position.

This incident also made him deeply realize that in the entertainment industry, the complexity of interpersonal relationships is far beyond his imagination.

In 02, after Zang Tianshuo made a scene at Naying's concert, he was beaten by a group of women, and the scene was extremely wretched

At the same time, Na Ying is also reflecting on her behavior. She realized that as a public figure, she should be more cautious in her words and actions. Although this incident caused her a lot of trouble, it also made her cherish her career and friends even more.

In this way, a revenge triggered by a no-show turned into a farce, which ended in both parties paying the price. This incident has also become a warning in the entertainment industry, reminding everyone to be extra careful in everything they say and do in this complex circle.

Time flies by and in the blink of an eye to the summer of 2004. New singer Yang Kun is immersed in the joy of "It Doesn't Matter" becoming popular all over the country. In order to celebrate his rise to prominence in the entertainment industry, he decided to hold a grand birthday party at his friend Na Ying's bar.

At that time, Yang Kun was unaware that he was about to be involved in an unexpected turmoil.

In 02, after Zang Tianshuo made a scene at Naying's concert, he was beaten by a group of women, and the scene was extremely wretched

The birthday party is in full swing, and there is a lot of laughter and laughter. Suddenly, the door of the bar was slammed open, and Zang Tianshuo walked in with a group of swaggering people.

His eyes were full of provocation, staring directly at Yang Kun. The guests present were suddenly silent, and a tense atmosphere filled the air.

Zang Tianshuo strode forward, sneered and said, "Yang Kun, I heard that you have been very popular recently?" Let's talk. Yang Kun looked dazed and at a loss. He didn't understand why his birthday party had upset the "godfather of rock and roll".

Seeing this, Na Ying immediately realized that the real purpose of Zang Tianshuo's trip might be herself.

In 02, after Zang Tianshuo made a scene at Naying's concert, he was beaten by a group of women, and the scene was extremely wretched

In order to avoid further deterioration of the situation, Na Ying tried to lure Zang Tianshuo and the others to another area of the bar. However, Zang Tianshuo became even more presumptuous, and even splashed red wine on Yang Kun's face in public.

This move instantly ignited Yang Kun's anger.

Alcohol and humiliation made Yang Kun lose his mind in an instant. He puffed up his chest and shouted, "Zang Tianshuo, don't go too far!" I know a lot of people, be careful that I find someone to teach you a lesson! As soon as the words fell, Yang Kun realized that he had said the wrong thing, and a trace of panic flashed on his face.

The guests held their breath for fear that the situation would spiral out of control. At this critical moment, Yang Kun hurriedly left the scene under the pretext of going to find someone.

In 02, after Zang Tianshuo made a scene at Naying's concert, he was beaten by a group of women, and the scene was extremely wretched

However, instead of going to find a helper as he said, he took a taxi home. This move further complicates the situation on the ground.

Zang Tianshuo saw Yang Kun leaving, and provoked even more unscrupulously. Na Ying was in a dilemma, not only to appease the guests at the scene, but also to find a way to deal with Zang Tianshuo's unreasonable trouble.

The originally joyous birthday party has completely changed its flavor and has become an unpleasant farce.

This unexpected episode taught Yang Kun a profound lesson. He realizes that despite his fame, he is still a newcomer to the complex web of relationships in the entertainment industry.

In 02, after Zang Tianshuo made a scene at Naying's concert, he was beaten by a group of women, and the scene was extremely wretched

In the face of "old rivers and lakes" like Zang Tianshuo, he still needs to learn more handling skills.

For Na Ying, this incident once again evoked the grudge between her and Zang Tianshuo. She realizes that the conflicts of the past are not really resolved, but may affect innocent people.

This made her think about how to handle this complex relationship properly.

Although this farce subsided quickly, it sounded the alarm for many stars in the entertainment industry. It reminds them that even after becoming famous, they should always be cautious in their words and actions, and be careful to maintain their relationships so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.

In 02, after Zang Tianshuo made a scene at Naying's concert, he was beaten by a group of women, and the scene was extremely wretched

At the same time, this incident has also become a widely circulated gossip in the entertainment industry, and people talk about the drama and complexity in it.

Zang Tianshuo's life is like a drama of ups and downs, from glory to downfall, and finally ends in tragedy. He was once a rock star who conquered countless fans with his unique voice and talent.

At the peak of his career, he even appeared on the stage of CCTV Spring Festival Gala twice and became a household name as the "godfather of rock".

However, the arrogance and indulgence brought by fame made Zang Tianshuo gradually lose his way. He began to indulge in a life of drunkenness and became involved with the dark forces.

In 02, after Zang Tianshuo made a scene at Naying's concert, he was beaten by a group of women, and the scene was extremely wretched

In 2006, fate dealt him a heavy blow - Zang Tianshuo was sentenced to six years in prison for being involved in gangsterism.

Life behind bars gave Zang Tianshuo a profound opportunity for reflection. After being released from prison, he tried to regain his former glory through music. In 2014, he held a "Rebirth" concert in hopes of regaining public recognition.

However, there were few audiences and the box office was dismal, which was undoubtedly a slap in the face to him.

In 2017, Zang Tianshuo, who was terminally ill, spent the last days of his life on the sickbed. With what little strength he has left, he writes songs full of repentance, hoping to wash away the stains of the past.

In 02, after Zang Tianshuo made a scene at Naying's concert, he was beaten by a group of women, and the scene was extremely wretched

However, fate doesn't seem to have given him a second chance. Zang Tianshuo's life fell from the peak to the bottom, and finally ended in tragedy, leaving people with deep regret and thinking.

Zang Tianshuo's life was full of drama, from a much-anticipated rock star to imprisonment, and finally died with regret. His story teaches us deeply: complacency is often the beginning of failure, and sincere repentance is sometimes too late.

However, even at a low point in his life, Zang Tianshuo still did not give up his love for music. This perseverance is perhaps the most valuable asset of his life. His experience tells us that no matter what situation we find ourselves in, we must keep our original intention and cherish the present.

The meaning of life is not only about achievement, but also about how we deal with setbacks and failures. Zang's story reminds us to always be humble and cautious about what we say and do, because every choice can affect the trajectory of life.

In 02, after Zang Tianshuo made a scene at Naying's concert, he was beaten by a group of women, and the scene was extremely wretched

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