
Zhang Lan held hands with her grandchildren on a vacation in Japan, Xiao Yue'er had long hair and waist, and unexpectedly showed her face too much like her mother

author:Small fish swimming entertainment
Zhang Lan held hands with her grandchildren on a vacation in Japan, Xiao Yue'er had long hair and waist, and unexpectedly showed her face too much like her mother

On July 2, Zhang Lan's news on social media not only revealed the warm reunion within the family, but also inadvertently unveiled a family entanglement across the strait.

Zhang Lan held hands with her grandchildren on a vacation in Japan, Xiao Yue'er had long hair and waist, and unexpectedly showed her face too much like her mother

On social platforms, Zhang Lan recorded the joy of this reunion with affectionate words: "Cherish the beautiful moments of your family and continue the happiness forever." Behind this short sentence, there is an endless desire and cherishment for family affection.

Zhang Lan held hands with her grandchildren on a vacation in Japan, Xiao Yue'er had long hair and waist, and unexpectedly showed her face too much like her mother

However, behind this reunion, there is helplessness and compromise. Due to various reasons, Da S failed to allow the children to go to Beijing to meet their grandmother, so Zhang Lan chose a compromise plan - to Okinawa, Japan, which is closer to Taiwan, just to see her grandchildren who think about it day and night.

Zhang Lan held hands with her grandchildren on a vacation in Japan, Xiao Yue'er had long hair and waist, and unexpectedly showed her face too much like her mother

In the video, we saw the warm scene of Zhang Lan's family at the breakfast table. Xiao Yue'er and Xiao Jiu'er sat next to Zhang Lan, and the picture was full of family warmth and harmony. It is worth noting that Zhang Lan did not choose to sit in the position of Aunt Xiao Yang, a detail that may reveal her deep understanding and respect for family roles.

At the breakfast table, Wang Xiaofei's expression looked a little lonely, he held his cheeks with one hand, his eyes were blank, and his head was empty, as if he was thinking about something. With such an expression, people can't help but wonder if he is also thinking about someone or a certain time in the distance.

Zhang Lan held hands with her grandchildren on a vacation in Japan, Xiao Yue'er had long hair and waist, and unexpectedly showed her face too much like her mother

And another detail in the video also attracted attention: Ma Xiaomei did not appear in the frame. The woman, who has just become Wang Xiaofei's newlywed wife, may be silently supporting her husband at the moment, participating in every important moment of the family in her way.

The footprint of growth, the continuation of mother's love

As the camera progresses, we see the growth and changes of Xiao Yue'er and Xiao Jiu'er. Xiao Yue'er has long hair to her waist, her hair is black and straight, and her hair volume is amazing, Zhang Lan couldn't help but sigh: "Look at my sister's thick hair." Looking from the side, her figure is exactly the same as her mother Da S, and her unique temperament and charm seem to make people see the shadow of Da S when he was young.

Zhang Lan held hands with her grandchildren on a vacation in Japan, Xiao Yue'er had long hair and waist, and unexpectedly showed her face too much like her mother

And the 8-year-old Xiao Jiu'er, although he only appeared on the side, his grace and innocence are unforgettable. Zhang Lan revealed that her younger brother didn't like haircuts on weekdays, but when he learned that he was going to meet his grandmother, he obediently went to the barbershop.

Zhang Lan held hands with her grandchildren on a vacation in Japan, Xiao Yue'er had long hair and waist, and unexpectedly showed her face too much like her mother

In the photos shared by Zhang Lan, we saw a loving picture of her holding her grandchildren with both hands. At that moment, Zhang Lan's inner happiness was self-evident.

Zhang Lan held hands with her grandchildren on a vacation in Japan, Xiao Yue'er had long hair and waist, and unexpectedly showed her face too much like her mother

It is not difficult to see from Zhang Lan's performance on social media on weekdays that she really loves these two children very much. Whether it is playing with them, studying, or paying attention to their diet and daily life, Zhang Lan takes care of her grandchildren in every detail, interpreting her grandmother's affection and love in her own way.

Zhang Lan held hands with her grandchildren on a vacation in Japan, Xiao Yue'er had long hair and waist, and unexpectedly showed her face too much like her mother

In the video, the nanny Aunt Xiao Yang also appeared many times, and she accompanied Xiao Yue'er and Xiao Jiu'er and became an indispensable part of their lives. Zhang Lan once revealed in the live broadcast room that Xiao Jiu'er slept with her nanny and aunt when she was 5 years old, a detail that aroused the public's questions about Da S's parenting style.

Zhang Lan held hands with her grandchildren on a vacation in Japan, Xiao Yue'er had long hair and waist, and unexpectedly showed her face too much like her mother

However, in complex family relationships, we may not be able to simply judge who is right and who is wrong. The existence of Aunt Xiao Yang, the nanny, undoubtedly provides a warm haven for the children, so that they feel more care and companionship in the process of growing up.

Zhang Lan held hands with her grandchildren on a vacation in Japan, Xiao Yue'er had long hair and waist, and unexpectedly showed her face too much like her mother

In the photo shared by Zhang Lan, we unexpectedly saw Xiao Yue'er's face. This moment may make Big S feel a little uneasy, but for the public, this is a rare opportunity for us to get a glimpse of the true face of this second-generation star.

Zhang Lan held hands with her grandchildren on a vacation in Japan, Xiao Yue'er had long hair and waist, and unexpectedly showed her face too much like her mother

Xiao Yue'er's facial features are more like her father Wang Xiaofei, but her demeanor and temperament are the same as her mother's big S. This can't help but make people look forward to whether Xiao Yue'er will become a beautiful and moving woman like her mother in the future.

Zhang Lan held hands with her grandchildren on a vacation in Japan, Xiao Yue'er had long hair and waist, and unexpectedly showed her face too much like her mother

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