
Zhang Yi's 'Adjustment' Turmoil: The Acting Skills and Popularity Struggle Behind the Hundred Flowers Award Nomination?

author:Xingwen wants to say


Zhang Yi's "adjustment" turmoil: The nomination for the Hundred Flowers Award sparked heated discussions

Zhang Yi's 'Adjustment' Turmoil: The Acting Skills and Popularity Struggle Behind the Hundred Flowers Award Nomination?

Zhang Yi, a powerful actor, has recently become the focus of heated discussions among netizens because of the nomination of the Hundred Flowers Award. In "Man Jianghong", Zhang Yi's performance is undoubtedly outstanding, but his name did not appear on the list of nominees for Best Actor, but was "adjusted" to the position of Best Supporting Actor. This decision made many netizens feel puzzled and regretful, and expressed their views on social media.

Zhang Yi's 'Adjustment' Turmoil: The Acting Skills and Popularity Struggle Behind the Hundred Flowers Award Nomination?

Zhang Yi's "adjustment" and netizens' humorous interpretation

Netizens gave a humorous interpretation of Zhang Yi's word "adjustment", some joked that Zhang Yi fell from "985" to "211", and some joked that this was from the protagonist "slippery" to a supporting role.

Zhang Yi's 'Adjustment' Turmoil: The Acting Skills and Popularity Struggle Behind the Hundred Flowers Award Nomination?

This humorous expression not only shows the wit of netizens, but also makes the topic more relaxed and interesting. At the same time, this also reflects everyone's recognition of Zhang Yi's acting skills and dissatisfaction with the nomination results.

Zhang Yi's 'Adjustment' Turmoil: The Acting Skills and Popularity Struggle Behind the Hundred Flowers Award Nomination?

The controversy over the list of nominees for the Hundred Flowers Award

In addition to Zhang Yi's "adjustment" issue, the list of nominees for the Hundred Flowers Award itself has also caused a lot of controversy. The powerful actors in "Ten Thousand Miles Home" and "Man Jianghong" were not nominated, while some young actors were on the list.

Zhang Yi's 'Adjustment' Turmoil: The Acting Skills and Popularity Struggle Behind the Hundred Flowers Award Nomination?

This kind of nomination result has puzzled many netizens, and some even questioned the fairness and authority of the award.

Zhang Yi's 'Adjustment' Turmoil: The Acting Skills and Popularity Struggle Behind the Hundred Flowers Award Nomination?

Netizens' reactions to the nomination results

Faced with such a nomination result, netizens expressed their opinions. Some people believe that in the current entertainment industry, the acting skills of some young actors really need to be improved, while some powerful actors have not been duly recognized for various reasons. This imbalance has made many netizens feel disappointed and helpless.

Zhang Yi's 'Adjustment' Turmoil: The Acting Skills and Popularity Struggle Behind the Hundred Flowers Award Nomination?

Comparison of Zhang Yi's acting skills and the nomination results

Zhang Yi's acting skills have always been recognized by everyone, and his performance in "Man Jianghong" has also been widely praised. However, such acting skills were not reflected on the list of nominees, which made many netizens feel sorry. At the same time, this also makes people start to think about how to balance and choose between acting skills and nominations.

Zhang Yi's 'Adjustment' Turmoil: The Acting Skills and Popularity Struggle Behind the Hundred Flowers Award Nomination?

The impartiality and authority of the Hundred Flowers Award

As one of the important film awards in China, the Hundred Flowers Award has always attracted much attention for its fairness and authority. However, the result of this nomination disappointed many netizens, and some even questioned the fairness of the award. This kind of questioning has undoubtedly had a certain impact on the reputation of the Hundred Flowers Award.

Zhang Yi's 'Adjustment' Turmoil: The Acting Skills and Popularity Struggle Behind the Hundred Flowers Award Nomination?

Zhang Yi's future and the expectations of netizens

Although many netizens were disappointed by the nomination results this time, everyone's expectations for Zhang Yi have not decreased. Whether it is in the position of the protagonist or the supporting role, Zhang Yi's acting skills can shine. This recognition and expectation of Zhang Yi also makes this topic more positive and upward.

Zhang Yi's 'Adjustment' Turmoil: The Acting Skills and Popularity Struggle Behind the Hundred Flowers Award Nomination?

Reflections triggered by the nomination of the Hundred Flowers Award


The nomination for the Hundred Flowers Award this time not only made Zhang Yi the focus of heated discussions among netizens, but also made people start to think about the relationship between acting skills and nominations. At the same time, this has also made people start to pay attention to the balance between acting skills and popularity in the entertainment industry. This kind of thinking undoubtedly has a positive significance for the development of the entertainment industry.

Zhang Yi's 'Adjustment' Turmoil: The Acting Skills and Popularity Struggle Behind the Hundred Flowers Award Nomination?

Zhang Yi's "adjustment" turmoil not only made netizens hotly discuss the nomination results of the Hundred Flowers Award, but also made people start to think about the relationship between acting skills and nominations. At the same time, this also shows netizens' recognition of Zhang Yi's acting skills and their concern for the development of the entertainment industry. This kind of attention and thinking undoubtedly has a positive significance for the development of the entertainment industry.

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