
Korean restaurants also recycle this whole kimchi? All the leftovers of the customers are recycled and continue to be served!

author:See Yun Shuxuan

Hallyu dramas are popular, Korean cosmetics are favored, and some Korean food has also become a favorite choice of the public. Recently, there was a video that turned people's three views upside down, in which the staff of a Korean restaurant collected the leftover kimchi from the guests and served it directly and re-served to the next batch of customers.

Korean restaurants also recycle this whole kimchi? All the leftovers of the customers are recycled and continue to be served!

This kind of "recycling" is so common in Korean restaurants that it is as high as 99%! The seemingly peaceful life is suddenly subverted, and it is difficult to accept. This "recycling" practice immediately sparked heated discussions online, with most people saying that it was absolutely unacceptable, and vowed never to eat at a Korean restaurant again. After all, no one wants to eat "recycled" leftovers.

Most people agree that this is a complete violation of food hygiene and safety. Some people also questioned whether such an operation violated South Korean regulations. If the reuse of leftover food from others is a concern in terms of hygiene, it is likely to lead to cross-infection. Unexpectedly, there are still voices "defending" this practice in Korean restaurants.

Korean restaurants also recycle this whole kimchi? All the leftovers of the customers are recycled and continue to be served!

They say this may be due to South Korea's own situation — the cost of living in South Korea is high, ingredients are expensive, and reusing leftovers is a means of "saving". The practice of "recycling" in Korean restaurants stems from the real pressure of survival, and also reflects that the development of the Korean catering industry still needs to be improved. This requires the continued development of South Korea's economy and the strengthening of the lives of ordinary people.

But no matter what, any country and any catering enterprise should put food hygiene in the first place, follow the scientific catering operation norms, and must not use saving as an excuse to reduce food and clothing, and reduce dietary hygiene standards. As consumers, we should also be vigilant and pay attention to the hygiene of any restaurant when dining to avoid possible health risks.

Korean restaurants also recycle this whole kimchi? All the leftovers of the customers are recycled and continue to be served!

While pursuing a convenient life, we also need to choose carefully, and we can't just want to be quick and convenient and ignore health. While criticizing this practice, we should also be aware that there are differences between different cultures. This may seem unacceptable in China, but it may be a common way of doing business in China.

We should not treat others as ourselves, but should be understanding and tolerant of different customs from the perspective of multiculturalism. Every culture is unique, and we can choose to accept or reject it, but we should not judge it lightly. We, respect the blessings, them, just be happy. But there is one thing to say, which does subvert the editor's perception of Korean catering culture, which is surprising.

Korean restaurants also recycle this whole kimchi? All the leftovers of the customers are recycled and continue to be served!

I still hope that the Korean catering industry can learn from it, improve the quality of hygiene, and let consumers eat with confidence [don't go crazy]. Regardless of whether we are in the East or the West, we all need a common vision of a healthy and hygienic diet.

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