
Korean aunt travels to China: I was worried that I would not have food to eat and bring my own kimchi, but when I entered the restaurant, I found that I was thinking too much

author:Minimalist Science 2022


Come on, let's rise together and see what is called a boar that can't eat fine chaff. Several Korean artists brought their mothers to Shanghai to play. A few aunts from the kimchi country instantly showed what it means to be disgusted and honest. Before leaving, I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to eat well, so I even brought my own kimchi. Can our great motherland disappoint them? That must be to teach them how to be human beings. Thus, a fantastic journey about food began.

Korean aunt travels to China: I was worried that I would not have food to eat and bring my own kimchi, but when I entered the restaurant, I found that I was thinking too much

Don't talk too much, or you'll flash your tongue. This sentence is probably a true portrayal of this group of Korean aunts. Before they entered the Shanghai restaurant, they were worried about the heavy taste and the lack of food. They even bring their own kimchi so they don't go hungry.

However, the next scene directly swollen their faces. These artists who participate in Korean variety shows have a budget threshold on their bodies. But after all, it's the mothers who are here, so they have to eat something good. Of course, the high-end restaurant in their eyes is actually a Sichuan snack collection restaurant.

Korean aunt travels to China: I was worried that I would not have food to eat and bring my own kimchi, but when I entered the restaurant, I found that I was thinking too much

Considering that there are four men in the company, the protagonist Sister Comedy has no restraint when ordering. It's always a trip from afar, and you can't let people be overfed. So her mother dedicated the first emoji of the day, with a worried smile to stop her daughter from ordering too much.

Good guy, I don't know, I think I have a whole set of Manchurian seats! In fact, it's just a few servings of fried rice, dandan noodles, and some classic Sichuan dishes. To be honest, we ordinary people dislike her for being too vegetarian, and the only meat dish is just shredded pork in Beijing sauce.

Korean aunt travels to China: I was worried that I would not have food to eat and bring my own kimchi, but when I entered the restaurant, I found that I was thinking too much

I didn't expect it, I didn't expect that Koreans usually have a really miserable life, and just a few dishes were directly shocked. What mapo tofu and cold cucumber, this kind of small dish is just an appetizer in our eyes, and when it comes to their mouths, it is a super delicacy like a god-shattering ghost.

Even the dandan noodles that Sichuan and Chongqing people eat every day make them eat the feeling of millet stewed sea cucumber. After all, I have never seen a bowl of noodles that can drink all the soup with a spoon. Seeing this bowl of noodles, several mothers who had been holding it all the time finally couldn't hold it anymore, took out their spoons and began to drink the soup in one gulp.

Korean aunt travels to China: I was worried that I would not have food to eat and bring my own kimchi, but when I entered the restaurant, I found that I was thinking too much

The loss is that the netizens were not at the scene, otherwise they would have to be reminded that this is all seasoning soup! The gap with our serious soup is not a star and a half. Not to mention the shredded pork in Beijing sauce that was served later, which directly made a table of Korean friends eat star eyes. Table manners and mutual humility were all left behind, and everyone was stuffing their mouths wildly while shouting, "It's delicious, it's delicious!" ”

Korean aunt travels to China: I was worried that I would not have food to eat and bring my own kimchi, but when I entered the restaurant, I found that I was thinking too much

When everyone was full of food and drink, there was obvious embarrassment on the face of an aunt. The hard work of the co-authors became a joke. It turned out that she was worried that everyone would not have enough to eat in China in the morning, so she actually got up early to make a big box of kimchi for everyone. Seeing that a table of people was so satisfied, this box of cold side dishes really couldn't be handled. Let's just say, isn't South Korea a developed country? Why can't you eat something good?

Of course, this is only the first step for them to be shocked, and the next dinner and supper time really let them know what is called big and rich, what is called delicious everywhere, and what is good quality and low price!

Korean aunt travels to China: I was worried that I would not have food to eat and bring my own kimchi, but when I entered the restaurant, I found that I was thinking too much

Was it Liang Jingru who gave her courage? actually made a Korean complain that Chinese rice is not delicious, and the spice flavor is too strong! Of course, can our eight major Chinese cuisines disappoint her? It is inevitable to teach hard-mouthed international friends a good lesson, so that they know how good Chinese recipes are like encyclopedias!

Korean aunt travels to China: I was worried that I would not have food to eat and bring my own kimchi, but when I entered the restaurant, I found that I was thinking too much

We don't know what Korean variety shows are all about, so we have to let these Koreans who have never been to China comment on Chinese food. No, it's a foreign appearance. One second he said that Chinese food was not light enough, and the next second he was taken to a Sichuan restaurant by the children.

Of course, dealing with these hard-mouthed guys is also very simple, all you need is a dish of white meat with garlic and a can of braised prawns in oil. The Korean artist who said that pork would smell fishy one second, opened his big mouth and showed off the next second. There is also an aunt who said before that she likes to eat light, but at this time, she was unceremonious and frantically put meat in her mouth.

Korean aunt travels to China: I was worried that I would not have food to eat and bring my own kimchi, but when I entered the restaurant, I found that I was thinking too much

To be honest, with the geographical location of South Korea, it's not a casual thing to eat live shrimp? Why were they shocked and speechless after tasting the Chinese braised prawns? He even kept complimenting, "It's fresh, like it was just caught from the sea!" ”

We don't know what South Korea's fishing industry has been busy with for so many years, obviously it is surrounded by the sea, and it is so difficult to give the Chinese people some delicious food? Of course, there is also the aunt who brings her own kimchi, and her heart to eat pickles with rice is also completely crushed. Still, she was struck by the attitude of the Chinese restaurant, which made it clear that they were allowed to bring their own food.

Korean aunt travels to China: I was worried that I would not have food to eat and bring my own kimchi, but when I entered the restaurant, I found that I was thinking too much

Let's just say that what you have to lose is Shanghai, where every inch of land is valuable. If you go to our three northeastern provinces, these delicacies you bring belong to the things that you are all mixed with. There was once a tourist who traveled there and wanted to try the local small kimchi, but the boss not only gave them all, but even gave a whole plate of small sea shrimp as an appetizer.

As soon as I saw this scene, I felt a sense of sobriety in my heart. Fortunately, we are all Chinese, otherwise this mouth would have to be lost. Of course, the adventures of Korean aunts in China are not over, and the encounter in the fruit store is really unforgettable for them.

On the one hand, there is a Korean aunt who is only willing to buy oranges, and on the other hand, there is a Chinese boss who brings out all kinds of high-end fruits for people to try. In this comparison, isn't the gap coming out? Several Korean artists took their mothers to China, and what happened in the fruit store made many Chinese people laugh off their big teeth. The developed countries that say they are good, and the rich aunts who say they are good, why are they not even willing to buy a fruit, and they keep eating and tasting it? What they have been through, let's move on.

Korean aunt travels to China: I was worried that I would not have food to eat and bring my own kimchi, but when I entered the restaurant, I found that I was thinking too much

This wave of operations by the Koreans really stunned everyone, who has ever seen buying fruit as a snack at night? But from their chat, it is not difficult to find that this matter was taken with great determination, probably because they were reluctant to eat in their own country, so they chose to go out to play extravagantly.

However, in the next second, they were stunned by the generosity of the Chinese store. Before they could consume it, the owner of the fruit shop brought out a plate of cut cantaloupe and invited them to taste it. To be honest, this is not a matter at all in the eyes of our people, who goes to buy fruit and not taste it?

Korean aunt travels to China: I was worried that I would not have food to eat and bring my own kimchi, but when I entered the restaurant, I found that I was thinking too much

But in the eyes of this group of Korean aunts, this move of the boss can be called a god! Cantaloupe is such an expensive thing that can be eaten for free, and it is left at the door of the store to take it casually. At this moment, it was as if they had opened the door to a new world, and they put them in their mouths one after another. Of course, while eating, I looked at the boss's eyes, for fear that the other party would be unhappy after eating too much. But this is really too much, and the boss has said that this is what you can eat here.

Korean aunt travels to China: I was worried that I would not have food to eat and bring my own kimchi, but when I entered the restaurant, I found that I was thinking too much

In the end, they still bought grapes, mangoes and other high-end fruits that they were usually reluctant to buy; Only one aunt was still distressed about her wallet and chose only the most common oranges. Of course, there was another wave of sighs at the checkout, after all, what do we want in our country, cheap and delicious, it is still easy to shock these distant neighbors.

Korean aunt travels to China: I was worried that I would not have food to eat and bring my own kimchi, but when I entered the restaurant, I found that I was thinking too much

The above is the culinary journey of Korean aunts in China. It's really from a hard mouth to a shock, and you can be satisfied with whatever you eat. We also hope that they will come to China more often. After all, in the world, it's not a matter of always wronging one's mouth. Do you agree with the editor's point of view? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to discuss.

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