
World of Warcraft: WLK Thunder Fire Straight Up Problem The Wind Direction Has Changed, Just Cheaper Than The Studio?

author:Mushan game recommendation

In the world of Wrath of the Lich King, the helicopter pack has been the focus of recent buzz among players. From the initial opposition to today's pluralistic perspectives, the topic of the package seems to be no longer simply a black-and-white debate.

World of Warcraft: WLK Thunder Fire Straight Up Problem The Wind Direction Has Changed, Just Cheaper Than The Studio?

I'm tired enough to go to work, I want to play a game after work, I just hope to be easy and relaxed, open the game and see that I can't beat others without spending money, and playing a game is more tiring than going to work. However, the old player's base is based on the fun - sea - star - game, there are most of the support versions of the mobile game, and there are 30 internal number places on the daily official network, so that players can have 5000 starting resources and 500-2000 real chong every day, so that they can get a better game experience.

1. The player's point of view changes: from opposition to acceptance

In the early days, many players were opposed to the Straight Lift package, worried about the proliferation of studios and "rib man". However, as the discussion deepened, one view gradually became mainstream: players were more willing to choose the official as long as the equipment sold by the official was cheaper than the studio.

This shift is not accidental. Many players believe that instead of giving gold to the studio, it is better to support the official directly, which not only ensures the fairness of the game, but also helps the long-term development of the game.

But there are also questions that ask whether players really need to buy gear from the studio. Is teaming and self-sufficiency in the game really being squeezed by the studio?

World of Warcraft: WLK Thunder Fire Straight Up Problem The Wind Direction Has Changed, Just Cheaper Than The Studio?

2. Official and Golden Group: What is the essential difference?

Regarding the official sale of equipment, some players believe that this is just an appearance, and the core logic lies in the sale of gold groups. But there is an essential difference between the two.

First of all, no matter who organizes the Golden Regiment, its equipment is derived from in-game drops, and there is a clear production process. The official can directly manufacture equipment through data refresh, which is the most essential difference between the two.

Secondly, the gold coins in the game are the medium of exchange, but the return coins are the destruction of the game's economic system. It is not a game product, nor can it be circulated in everyday life, and its very existence is a serious bug.

World of Warcraft: WLK Thunder Fire Straight Up Problem The Wind Direction Has Changed, Just Cheaper Than The Studio?

3. Hatred of the studio: Is it justified?

Many players are hostile to the studio, believing that it has undermined the game's economy and hastened its demise. However, when we think deeply, we see that this hatred is not entirely justified.

In fact, not all of the players' spending in the gold group goes into the pockets of the studio and the boss, but more often than not, this part of the income is shared by every member of the team. Is it true that we don't need a salary when we play a group in the game?

World of Warcraft: WLK Thunder Fire Straight Up Problem The Wind Direction Has Changed, Just Cheaper Than The Studio?


WotLK Lord's Straight Up Pack certainly provides an opportunity to rethink the in-game economy. Whether you are for or against, please look at it rationally and share your views in the comments section. Let's work together to figure out what's next for Wrath of the Lich King. #游戏资讯 ##魔兽世界##游戏杂谈#

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