
World of Warcraft: WLK everyone breathes thunder and fire for what, it's because it's unfair!

author:Mushan game recommendation

With the reopening of Wrath of the Lich King's national server, many veteran players have returned, and four or five of my friends on are now online almost every day. Recently, the super helicopter service launched by Thunderfire has undoubtedly become the focus of discussion among players. However, although this direct upgrade service can be directly upgraded to level 80, the 213 outfits and other equipment that come with it have caused many players to be dissatisfied.

World of Warcraft: WLK everyone breathes thunder and fire for what, it's because it's unfair!

I'm tired enough to go to work, I want to play a game after work, I just hope to be easy and relaxed, open the game and see that I can't beat others without spending money, and playing a game is more tiring than going to work. However, the old player's base is based on the fun - sea - star - game, there are most of the support versions of the mobile game, and there are 30 internal number places on the daily official network, so that players can have 5000 starting resources and 500-2000 real chong every day, so that they can get a better game experience.

These players believe that selling gear directly as a commodity is contrary to the concept of World of Warcraft. Whether it's out of jealousy or jealousy, it's a reflection of players' concern for the balance of the game. Previously, many players spent a lot of time and energy in the PI stage, but still did not get the equipment they wanted, especially those rare trinkets and weapons. Now, new players can easily get these equipment through the helicopter service, which is undoubtedly unfair to veteran players.

World of Warcraft: WLK everyone breathes thunder and fire for what, it's because it's unfair!

In fact, there is no essential difference between the purchase of equipment by opening a gold group and the official sale, except that the official is more direct, while the gold group requires players to bear higher risks and costs. At the heart of the game's dissatisfaction is the questioning of the game's balance. If Thunderfire can take into account the feelings of old players more thoughtfully, such as giving out some tokens to each old player to check for gaps, it may be able to calm the turmoil.

World of Warcraft: WLK everyone breathes thunder and fire for what, it's because it's unfair!

Of course, there are also some players who question why veteran players are so biased against newcomers. But we have to admit that novice players are likely to be suppressed by veteran players in high-level areas due to their lack of gaming experience. This isn't because of the new players themselves, but because it takes time for them to get used to and understand the game.

For Thunderfire's catch-up mechanic, many players suggested that it be exchanged for equipment through Hero Brands instead. This keeps the game balanced and gives players more choice. Selling equipment as a commodity will undoubtedly destroy the game's ecological environment and the player's gaming experience.

World of Warcraft: WLK everyone breathes thunder and fire for what, it's because it's unfair!

In general, Thunderfire should pay more attention to the needs and feelings of players when launching new services. Only by truly respecting players and paying attention to the balance of the game can we win the trust and love of players. What do you think about this, please leave a message in the message area to discuss. #魔兽世界 ##游戏杂谈#

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