
can't laugh anymore, Liu Xiaoqing said that it's no problem for young people to act! I died laughing in Jiang Wenli's comment area

author:Yong Ti said entertainment
can't laugh anymore, Liu Xiaoqing said that it's no problem for young people to act! I died laughing in Jiang Wenli's comment area

Liu Xiaoqing, a legend in the film and television industry, has entered his 70s, but he still shows boldness and confidence that does not match his age. Recently, she has once again aroused heated discussions and ridicule on the Internet, let's take a look at the story of this old artist.

Liu Xiaoqing has always dared to accept the challenges of various roles, especially young characters. She recommended herself, claiming that she could easily play the role of a teenager or twentie, and even dared to imagine herself playing the role of Daji in "Fengshen Bang", showing the confidence and courage of the ceiling.

Some netizens couldn't help but laugh after hearing this, and ridiculed Liu Xiaoqing's bold remarks. Someone suggested that she play Fang Taichu in the rose drama "The Story of Rose", and the comparison with Jiang Wenli also became a topic. Netizens reacted to her bold words full of humor and ridicule, but also expressed a certain admiration for her self-confidence.

Liu Xiaoqing has a deep relationship with film and television dramas. It was rumored that she almost played the role of Haoyue in "The Legend of Zhen Huan", and in addition, she was also imagined by netizens to be able to play roles such as Fang Xiewen in "The Story of Rose", showing her wide attention and love in film and television dramas.

can't laugh anymore, Liu Xiaoqing said that it's no problem for young people to act! I died laughing in Jiang Wenli's comment area

Netizens launched a humorous discussion about the age gap between Liu Xiaoqing and the young actors. On social media, someone joked: "Liu Xiaoqing's bamboo horse is more than forty years younger than her? What a young friendship! It seems that friendships with a large age gap are also okay. This humorous point of view sparked a burst of laughter, and netizens commented.

In addition, some people joked about the ages of Ming Dao and Jiang Wenli: "Ming Dao is 43 years old, Jiang Wenli is 57 years old, these two people are exactly 100 years old together, so the play they want to play is called "Half a Hundred Love"!" Such humorous comments not only show the recognition of the age gap between Ming Dao and Jiang Wenli, but also reflect a kind of ridiculous attention to their acting careers.

Some netizens discussed the comparison between Liu Xiaoqing and other young actors in terms of appearance and age from another angle: "Grandma Liu looks younger than those young actors, maybe she really has some special effects secrets, right?" Such speculation and ridicule show the audience's different views on the appearance and age of celebrities.

Some netizens also expressed their appreciation for Liu Xiaoqing's courage: "Liu Xiaoqing's grandma's acting skills have always been online, no matter how old she is, as long as she dares to think and dare to do, there will be audiences to support her!" "This support and recognition shows how tolerant the audience is of the actors' personalities and the choice of production.

can't laugh anymore, Liu Xiaoqing said that it's no problem for young people to act! I died laughing in Jiang Wenli's comment area

Overall, the humorous discussion among netizens about the age gap between Liu Xiaoqing and the younger actor showcased the diversity and inclusiveness of social media perceptions about age and appearance. This kind of relaxed interaction not only adds to the entertainment fun of the audience, but also reflects the recognition and respect of modern society for the diverse expressions of the entertainment industry.

Netizens are full of speculation and discussion about Liu Xiaoqing's youthful appearance, and some even ridicule her for using special effects, technological means, etc. However, there is also a lot of sympathy for the idea that she looks younger than other young actors, reflecting the diverse views of society on the care and perception of age for the elderly.

Liu Xiaoqing, an old artist, has recently been on the hot search again, this time not because of her new film, but because she said that she wanted to play a role like Daji. This news quickly sparked heated discussions and discussions among netizens.

Some netizens ridiculed: "Grandma Liu, this is going to challenge the boundaries of age!" The role of Daji has always been synonymous with young beauty, can she hold it? This ridicule is full of a mocking praise for Liu Xiaoqing's courage and acting skills.

Some netizens agreed and looked forward to this: "Grandma Liu Xiaoqing is really an acting school, if she really plays Daji, she will definitely be able to bring out a different taste." Age is not a problem, the key is whether you can play the role alive. "These supportive voices show confidence in her acting skills and understanding of the role.

can't laugh anymore, Liu Xiaoqing said that it's no problem for young people to act! I died laughing in Jiang Wenli's comment area

Of course, some netizens are skeptical of her idea: "Liu Xiaoqing wants to play Daji? Isn't that too much? Isn't that going to ruin a classic image? This concern reflects the audience's conservative attitude towards classic roles and actors.

In addition, some netizens put forward some interesting angles: "If Liu Xiaoqing plays Daji, what role can other young actors play?" Could it be that young actors can only play the tricky youth in modern youth idol dramas? Perhaps this challenge will give new inspiration to the young actors. This kind of thinking shows a new perspective on the distribution of roles and the challenges of performance among actors.

Overall, Liu Xiaoqing's desire to play Daji not only shows her deep understanding of the role and her confidence in her acting skills, but also triggers extensive discussions among the audience about the choice of actors and the setting of the role. Her courage and pioneering spirit not only inspire the younger generations in the film and television industry, but also bring new thinking and entertainment experiences to the audience.

In summary, Liu Xiaoqing, as a veteran film and television star, has attracted widespread attention and heated discussions with his unbridled confidence and sense of humor. Her outspoken personality, as well as the funny reactions of netizens to her age and role assumptions, make for an entertaining and reflective social media topic.

In 2017, Liu Xiaoqing was honored to be hired as the honorary dean of the School of Film and Television Arts of Hebei University of Geosciences, which caused a lot of sensation and discussion in the film and television industry and netizen circles.

can't laugh anymore, Liu Xiaoqing said that it's no problem for young people to act! I died laughing in Jiang Wenli's comment area

Some netizens expressed their appreciation and congratulations on this: "Liu Xiaoqing is the honorary dean of the Academy of Film and Television Arts, which is really well deserved!" Her contributions to the film and television industry over the years speak for themselves, and this position is fully worthy of her. These praises show the affirmation and respect for Liu Xiaoqing's achievements in film and television.

In addition, some people put forward their own views on this appointment: "Liu Xiaoqing is the dean, does it mean that the school is going to increase the intensity of film and television art education?" It is hoped that she can lead the college to achieve greater achievements in teaching and artistic creation. This expectation demonstrates the expectation and trust in Liu Xiaoqing's influence in the field of education.

Some netizens who pay attention to the film and television industry are concerned from another angle: "Liu Xiaoqing is the dean, will it bring more film and television stars to give lectures in the school?" It's exciting to think about! This expectation and excitement expresses his views on the combination of academia and practice, as well as his ardent expectation for Liu Xiaoqing to promote the exchange of film and television art education.

In general, Liu Xiaoqing became the honorary dean of the School of Film and Television Arts of Hebei University of Geosciences, which is not only a recognition of her personal film and television career, but also an exploration and expectation of her potential in the field of education. This appointment not only demonstrates her authority and status in the film and television art world, but also injects new impetus and possibilities into the development of film and television art education.

can't laugh anymore, Liu Xiaoqing said that it's no problem for young people to act! I died laughing in Jiang Wenli's comment area

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