
Doctors advise the elderly: It is better not to drink water for 1 day when you are old, and not to drink water during these 2 time periods

author:Traditional Chinese Medicine Physician Shen

65-year-old Aunt Zhang, after retirement, insisted on morning exercise every day, and developed the habit of drinking a large glass of water before going to bed.

She thinks it will keep her body hydrated at night and avoid thirst.

Recently, however, she found herself waking up frequently at night, and even injured her leg a few times when she accidentally fell while waking up at night.

Waking up often in the middle of the night greatly reduces her sleep quality and makes her lack of energy during the day.

Doctors advise the elderly: It is better not to drink water for 1 day when you are old, and not to drink water during these 2 time periods

The doctor repeatedly told her that the elderly should pay special attention to the time of drinking water, especially to avoid drinking water at certain times.

Only then did Aunt Zhang realize that the seemingly healthy drinking habits may also hide hidden health risks.

The time period when it is not advisable to drink water

As we age, the physical condition and functioning of older people change, and one of the most obvious changes is the decline of kidney function and changes in the digestive system.

Drinking water wisely is especially important for older people, but drinking water at certain times can have adverse health effects.

Doctors advise the elderly: It is better not to drink water for 1 day when you are old, and not to drink water during these 2 time periods

Here are two times of doctor advice for older adults to avoid drinking water.

1. 1 hour before bedtime

Many people have the habit of drinking a glass of water before bedtime, believing that it will keep their body hydrated at night and avoid thirst.

However, for older people, drinking water before bed can pose several problems:

Frequent wake-ups at night

As older people age, bladder capacity and control decline, leading to frequent waking up at night to go to the toilet.

Doctors advise the elderly: It is better not to drink water for 1 day when you are old, and not to drink water during these 2 time periods

Affects the burden on the heart

The heart function of the elderly gradually weakens, and drinking a lot of water before bed can increase the burden on the heart at night.

2. Drink water immediately after eating

Drinking water immediately after a meal is a habit for many people, believing that it will help digestion.

However, for older people, this habit can pose several problems:

Dilute stomach acid

Drinking water immediately after a meal can dilute stomach acid and affect the digestion of food.

Doctors advise the elderly: It is better not to drink water for 1 day when you are old, and not to drink water during these 2 time periods

Promotes reflux of gastric contents

The gastrointestinal muscles of the elderly are weakened, and drinking water immediately after meals will increase the pressure in the stomach, promote the reflux of gastric contents, and easily cause uncomfortable symptoms such as acid reflux and heartburn.

How to drink water scientifically

Knowing the above two time periods that are not suitable for drinking water, how can the elderly scientifically arrange the drinking time?

Here are a few tips from doctors:

After waking up in the morning

Drinking a glass of warm water on an empty stomach after waking up in the morning can help clear the stomach, promote metabolism and detoxification, and help relieve constipation.

Doctors advise the elderly: It is better not to drink water for 1 day when you are old, and not to drink water during these 2 time periods

Drinking water during this time can also replenish the water lost overnight and kick-start the metabolism of the day.

Between meals

Drinking water between meals can help your body maintain its water balance while avoiding indigestion problems caused by drinking water immediately after a meal.

It is recommended to drink water 1 hour after a meal, which will not affect digestion and ensure the body's water needs.

After exercise

Moderate exercise in the elderly is very beneficial to health, and it is especially important to stay hydrated after exercise.

During exercise, the body loses a lot of water through sweat, and timely hydration can help restore physical strength and maintain the normal function of the body.

Doctors advise the elderly: It is better not to drink water for 1 day when you are old, and not to drink water during these 2 time periods

The temperature at which the water is drunk

In addition to the timing of water drinking, the temperature of water drinking is equally important for older adults.

Older adults are advised to drink warm water and avoid drinking too cold or too hot water.

Warm boiled water

Warm water is more easily absorbed by the body, gently promotes blood circulation and metabolism, and does not irritate the digestive system.

Especially for the elderly with sensitive stomachs, warm water is the best choice.

Avoid ice water

Drinking ice water can cause blood vessels to constrict, affect blood circulation, and may cause gastrointestinal cramps, leading to abdominal pain and indigestion.

Especially in the summer, the elderly should also try to avoid drinking ice water to protect their gastrointestinal health.

Doctors advise the elderly: It is better not to drink water for 1 day when you are old, and not to drink water during these 2 time periods

Conclusion: Drink water reasonably to protect your health

Scientific and reasonable drinking habits are very important for the health of the elderly.

Avoiding drinking water 1 hour before bedtime and immediately after meals can reduce the negative effects on sleep and digestion.

Choosing the right time and temperature to drink can help maintain your body's water balance, boost your metabolism, and maintain overall health.

With reasonable drinking habits, seniors can better manage their health and avoid unnecessary health risks.

Remember, a healthy life starts with drinking water scientifically to protect your health.

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