
Falling in love for 52 years has become a good story, the son of the "second generation of stars" has a chance, what more can a 78-year-old Gao Mingfu ask for?

author:Cereal bars talk about the past and the present
Falling in love for 52 years has become a good story, the son of the "second generation of stars" has a chance, what more can a 78-year-old Gao Mingfu ask for?
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Falling in love for 52 years has become a good story, the son of the "second generation of stars" has a chance, what more can a 78-year-old Gao Mingfu ask for?

In the Chinese film and television industry, there is such an admirable old artist. His life is like a movie with ups and downs, he joined the army at the age of 17 and spent 25 years of ordinary military career.

It wasn't until he was 43 years old that he made his mark on the screen and played the role of factory director Li Chongren. Surprisingly, in just a few years, he reached the pinnacle of his acting career, and won many awards such as the Huabiao Award, the Golden Rooster Award, and the Hundred Flowers Award with "Kong Fansen".

He is a national first-class actor Gao Ming. Today, let's unveil the legendary life story of the 78-year-old artist and explore how he fulfilled his life in his career, love and family.

In the spring of 1960, Gao Ming, who was only 17 years old, stepped into the barracks with enthusiasm. In that special era, the army had strict control over love. However, fate arranged an unforgettable encounter for him in his first year in the army.

Falling in love for 52 years has become a good story, the son of the "second generation of stars" has a chance, what more can a 78-year-old Gao Mingfu ask for?

Gao Ming met the gentle and lovely Duan Ruifen. The two young men quickly fell in love, but the iron laws of the military camp forced them to keep this feeling deep in their hearts. Gao Ming's indomitable character and upright and resolute character deeply attracted Duan Ruifen, and Duan Ruifen's gentleness and thoughtfulness also made Gao Ming unable to extricate himself.

However, the road to love has not been easy. In order not to affect the life of the army, Gao Ming worked hard to balance his love for Duan Ruifen and his responsibility to the army. Even so, this underground romance brought him punishment.

But instead of shaking their feelings, this made the hearts of the two get closer and closer.

The long wait of seven years is undoubtedly a severe test for young lovers. They used letters to maintain their feelings for each other, and in each brief meeting, they strengthened their faith in the future.

Falling in love for 52 years has become a good story, the son of the "second generation of stars" has a chance, what more can a 78-year-old Gao Mingfu ask for?

The love between Gao Ming and Duan Ruifen not only contains strong love, but also integrates the deep friendship between comrades-in-arms.

Finally, in 1968, 26-year-old Gao Ming ushered in an important moment in his life. He and Duan Ruifen, who had been thinking about it for a long time, walked into the palace of marriage hand in hand and made a promise to stay together for a lifetime.

This love, which has been tempered for seven years, has come to fruition and laid a solid emotional foundation for their future lives.

Looking back on the past, Gao Ming often sighed that it was this deep affection nurtured in the military camp that allowed him and Duan Ruifen to share joys and sorrows and spend every difficulty in life hand in hand in the years to come.

Falling in love for 52 years has become a good story, the son of the "second generation of stars" has a chance, what more can a 78-year-old Gao Mingfu ask for?

This unforgettable military love story is not only the most precious memory in Gao Ming's life, but also a source of strength for the couple to face future challenges.

During his 25 years in the army, Gao Ming has always played the role of a literary soldier, but he has not achieved significant results in his acting career. However, the gears of fate always turn quietly and inadvertently.

In 1986, Gao Ming, who was 44 years old, ushered in a major turning point in his life.

That year, with his performance experience in the General Political Repertory Troupe, Gao Ming got the opportunity to audition at the Xi'an Film Studio. With apprehension and anticipation, he took his wife Duan Ruifen to Xi'an.

Falling in love for 52 years has become a good story, the son of the "second generation of stars" has a chance, what more can a 78-year-old Gao Mingfu ask for?

The encouragement of Wu Tianming, the director of Western Film Studio, gave Gao Ming great confidence, and he resolutely decided to stay and start his career as a film actor.

In the movie "Black Cannon Incident", Gao Ming played the role of factory director Li Chongren. The role seemed to be tailor-made for him, and Gao Ming poured all the experience he had accumulated over the years in the army and life.

He delicately portrayed the image of a factory director who was both stern and humane, and won wide acclaim from the audience. This successful attempt not only brought more performance opportunities to Gao Ming, but also strengthened his determination to continue to move forward on the road of acting.

In 1995, the broadcast of the TV series "Kong Fansen" brought Gao Ming's acting career to a new peak. In this drama, the protagonist Kong Fansen played by Gao Ming is a cadre who selflessly dedicates himself to the development of Tibet.

Falling in love for 52 years has become a good story, the son of the "second generation of stars" has a chance, what more can a 78-year-old Gao Mingfu ask for?

Gao Ming deeply understands the role and vividly shows Kong Fansen's patriotic feelings and dedication. His performance touched countless audiences and won the unanimous approval of the judges.

This year, Gao Ming won many awards such as Best Actor at the Huabiao Awards, the Best Actor at the Golden Rooster Award and the Best Actor at the Hundred Flowers Award for "Kong Fansen".

These honors are not only an affirmation of Gao Ming's perseverance over the years, but also inspire him to continue to explore and innovate on the road of acting.

After that, Gao Ming's role as Xu Zifeng in the TV series "Silent Oath" once again proved his strength. The success of this role not only cemented Gao Ming's position in the hearts of the audience, but also allowed him to win two heavyweight awards again in 2002.

Falling in love for 52 years has become a good story, the son of the "second generation of stars" has a chance, what more can a 78-year-old Gao Mingfu ask for?

Looking back on Gao Ming's acting career, the years of Xiying are undoubtedly the most precious and unforgettable memories. He often said that being able to join Xiying was a blessing of fate for him.

It was here that he realized his gorgeous transformation from a soldier to an actor and started a brilliant acting life.

From the age of 44 to the age of 50 when he won a number of awards, Gao Ming used his own experience to interpret the true meaning of "late bloomer". His success is not only a personal victory, but also an inspiration to all middle-aged people - as long as you stick to your dreams, life is a stage everywhere.

Gao Ming's story tells us that there is no age limit for the profession of actor. He proved with his practical actions that as long as he has enough enthusiasm and perseverance, even in the second half of his life, he can shine brightly.

Falling in love for 52 years has become a good story, the son of the "second generation of stars" has a chance, what more can a 78-year-old Gao Mingfu ask for?

His experience has inspired countless people with acting dreams, regardless of age, to bravely follow their hearts and work hard for their dreams.

Today's Gao Ming has become a well-deserved "old drama bone" in the hearts of the audience. Every time he appears, it is an interpretation of acting skills and a deep understanding of the role.

With his own persistence and hard work, he has written a legend of his own acting, and has also added a touch of color to the Chinese film and television industry.

On the stage of Gao Ming's wonderful life, his wife Duan Ruifen is undoubtedly the most solid backing and the most loyal audience. Their love story can be called a perfect interpretation of "young couples and old companions".

Falling in love for 52 years has become a good story, the son of the "second generation of stars" has a chance, what more can a 78-year-old Gao Mingfu ask for?

In the 52-year marriage run, the relationship between Gao Ming and Duan Ruifen has not only not been smoothed out by the years, but has become more mellow. Duan Ruifen used to be a promising actor, but in order to fully support her husband's career, she resolutely gave up her acting dream and became Gao Ming's full-time assistant instead.

She takes care of her day-to-day affairs with great care, allowing him to devote himself to the performance. This silent dedication has provided a solid backing for Gaoming's career to take off.

However, life is not always smooth sailing. During the difficult period when Gao Ming's career was at a start, the family experienced serious financial difficulties. Sometimes you can't even pay the nanny's salary, and you need to borrow money from the nanny at the end of the month.

Faced with such a dilemma, Duan Ruifen never complained. When asked why she insisted, she always smiled and said, "I married him, not because I was poor or rich, but because I really liked this person and liked that pure love."

Falling in love for 52 years has become a good story, the son of the "second generation of stars" has a chance, what more can a 78-year-old Gao Mingfu ask for?

This unwavering love has supported them through the low point of their lives.

As he grew older, Gao Ming also had confusion about his acting career. When deciding whether or not to continue with his acting career, he sincerely asked his wife's opinion.

Duan Ruifen did not hesitate at all and gave her husband the firmest support. "I want to stand behind you and cheer for every success you make, because your success is my pride," she said.

It is this understanding and encouragement that has allowed Gao Ming to maintain his strong creative enthusiasm even after the age of 60 and continue to challenge new roles.

Falling in love for 52 years has become a good story, the son of the "second generation of stars" has a chance, what more can a 78-year-old Gao Mingfu ask for?

In the recent works "The Most Beautiful Youth" and "Red Sun Pavilion", Gao Ming still showed convincing acting skills and won the applause of the audience. Behind these successes, Duan Ruifen's hard work and dedication are all condensed.

The love story of Gao Ming and Duan Ruifen explains what it is to really grow old together. Their relationship has gone through the baptism of the years, but it has always been as pure as their first love.

This 52-year deep relationship is not only a strong support for Gao Ming's career, but also the most precious wealth of his life.

In Gao Ming's colorful acting career, the cooperation with his son Gao Liang is undoubtedly a beautiful landscape. As a "second generation star", Gao Liang not only inherited his father's acting talent, but also walked out of his own path under the guidance of his father.

Falling in love for 52 years has become a good story, the son of the "second generation of stars" has a chance, what more can a 78-year-old Gao Mingfu ask for?

The father and son first performed on the same stage in the TV series "Dog Stick". Gao Ming played a complex role in the play - Dai Hanting. This character is both a loving father who worries about his son, and a stubborn old man who resolutely opposes braiding during the Republic of China.

Gao Ming portrayed the ambivalence of the characters very well, especially in the face of the Japanese invaders, the scene of his heroic death in front of the Lizheng Gate showed the noble sentiments of a patriot and moved the audience.

And Gao Liang played the big axe in the play, although there are not many scenes, but the image of loyalty, courage and responsibility he created has also won the love of the audience. Although the father and son have no direct rivalry in the play, their outstanding performances add a lot to this drama.

Later, in the TV series "Dad Arrives", Gao Ming and Gao Liang worked together again, this time they played a father and son. The tacit cooperation between the two in the play not only shows superb acting skills, but also reveals the true father-son relationship.

Falling in love for 52 years has become a good story, the son of the "second generation of stars" has a chance, what more can a 78-year-old Gao Mingfu ask for?

Today, the 78-year-old Gao Ming can be called a winner in life. He has not only made brilliant achievements in his acting career, but also has a happy family. Gao Ming has always maintained a low-key and simple style of life, and his professionalism and persistent pursuit of art have set an example for the younger generation.

"Only indifference has no clear ambition, only tranquility has no far-reaching." This famous sentence of Zhuge Liang seems to be a portrayal of Gao Ming's life. On the road of art, he has always maintained his original intention and kept forging ahead.

In life, he is even more strict with himself with the standards of both virtue and art.

Gao Ming's story tells us that as long as we have dreams and keep persevering, life is never too late to start. Whether it is a loving couple of 52 years or a son of the "second generation of stars" with a successful career, it is a perfect footnote in his life.

Falling in love for 52 years has become a good story, the son of the "second generation of stars" has a chance, what more can a 78-year-old Gao Mingfu ask for?

For the 78-year-old Gao Ming, perhaps his greatest wish is to continue to contribute more wonderful works to the audience on the stage he loves.

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