
The 100-year-old temple can cause floods to detour, experts are difficult to explain, and in 2006 three high school students revealed the truth

author:Jia Jia Literature Hall
The 100-year-old temple can cause floods to detour, experts are difficult to explain, and in 2006 three high school students revealed the truth
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The 100-year-old temple can cause floods to detour, experts are difficult to explain, and in 2006 three high school students revealed the truth

In Ningshan County, Shaanxi Province, there is an amazing century-old temple that seems to possess incredible power to stand still in the midst of a monstrous flood. On June 9, 2002, a performance was dubbed "6. 9 Floods" swept in and razed four acres of land to the ground.

However, in this ruin, the City God Temple, which stands on the sandbar of the Chang'an River, is intact, as if it is protected by a mysterious force.

What's even more amazing is that the county records show that the temple has survived 47 floods over the past two centuries. In the face of such a bizarre phenomenon, many experts and scholars have come to explore, but they have never been able to uncover the mystery.

It wasn't until 2006 that the accidental discovery of three high school students finally gave an answer to this puzzle that had plagued him for many years.

The 100-year-old temple can cause floods to detour, experts are difficult to explain, and in 2006 three high school students revealed the truth

The magic of the Chenghuang Temple in Ningshan County is not only reflected in its ability to avoid water, but also in the many legends that circulate around it. These stories have been passed down from generation to generation and have become treasures of local culture.

The most well-known is the legend of the "Golden Duck Floating Boat". It is said that during the Jiajing period of the Ming Dynasty, every moonlit night, a pair of golden ducks would appear on the Chang'an River, frolicking on the sparkling river.

This spectacle attracted a greedy footwalking monk. He was greedy and tried to capture the golden ducks. However, whenever he approached, the Golden Duck always managed to deftly avoid it.

In the midst of laughter, the monk was embarrassed. Eventually, the two golden ducks suddenly flapped their wings and flew to the Guandi Temple in the city and the small island in the center of the Chang'an River, which is where the City God Temple is now located.

The 100-year-old temple can cause floods to detour, experts are difficult to explain, and in 2006 three high school students revealed the truth

Another popular story tells of the miraculous apparition of the god Chenghuang. Legend has it that there was a filial daughter-in-law who, in order to buy salt for her bedridden mother-in-law, was unfortunately swept away by the turbulent Chang'an River on the way back.

Her husband was so grief-stricken that he wept and fainted by the river. At this moment, the god of the city god entrusted him with a dream and instructed him to use ginger soup to save his wife. Sure enough, when he did what he was told, his wife miraculously woke up.

This story inspired the faith of the local people, who spontaneously raised funds to build the temple on the sand outside the city.

These legends not only explain the origin of the temple but also deepen people's reverence for the god God. However, the truth of history is often more unpretentious than the legend. According to the county annals, the reason why the temple was built outside the city was actually because there was not enough space inside the city to accommodate a new temple at that time.

The 100-year-old temple can cause floods to detour, experts are difficult to explain, and in 2006 three high school students revealed the truth

This interweaving of history and legend casts a veil of mystery over the temple.

Whether it's the magical golden duck or the apparition of the city god, these stories reflect people's yearning for a better life and their expectation of protection from the gods. While these legends may be difficult to explain scientifically, their value as a cultural heritage is irreplaceable.

They not only enrich the local folk culture, but also provide inspiration and motivation for future generations to explore the mystery of the City God's Temple to avoid water.

As the news spread that the temple had miraculously survived floods many times, many experts and scholars were deeply attracted by this phenomenon. With the enthusiasm to unravel the mystery, they came to Ningshan County to carry out investigation and research.

The 100-year-old temple can cause floods to detour, experts are difficult to explain, and in 2006 three high school students revealed the truth

These scholars hope to use rigorous scientific methods to reveal the secrets of this ancient building's escape from water.

The experts first focused their attention on the geographical location and architectural structure of the temple. They found that the temple was cleverly perched on several boulders more than a meter above the river, and the overall shape resembled a small boat.

This unique design appears to be able to disperse the flow of water to both sides, thereby reducing the direct impact of flooding on the building. With the eagerness to test this hypothesis, the experts carefully constructed a water flow simulation model and conducted a series of experiments.

However, the results were disappointing: although the structure did have some anti-flood effects, it was far from enough to explain the amazing performance of the temple in the face of a catastrophic flood.

The 100-year-old temple can cause floods to detour, experts are difficult to explain, and in 2006 three high school students revealed the truth

Faced with the failure of the first attempt, the experts were not discouraged. They turned their gaze to a huge rock in front of the temple. Affectionately known as the "back of the rhinoceros" by locals, the boulder is 7 meters tall and has 1 outcropping from the water. 4 meters high.

Experts speculate that the boulder may have played some sort of key protective role in the flood. With this new hypothesis, they conducted simulation experiments again.

However, frustratingly, even when the monolith is taken into account, the model still cannot explain the miraculous survival of the temple during the flood.

The successive failures left the experts frustrated and confused. They racked their brains and tried every possible avenue of explanation, from complex hydrological analysis to in-depth geological research, but they were never able to find a convincing answer.

The 100-year-old temple can cause floods to detour, experts are difficult to explain, and in 2006 three high school students revealed the truth

Over time, this seemingly simple puzzle gradually reveals its astonishing complexity, which seems beyond the scope of existing scientific knowledge.

After repeated setbacks, some experts turned to interviews with local residents, hoping to find a breakthrough in folk wisdom. However, this attempt also failed to bring the desired results.

While the older generation believes in the legend of the temple, the younger generation knows little about it. Far from providing new clues to research, this generational difference has made experts realize that if a scientific explanation is not found soon, this unique cultural phenomenon may fade away over time.

Faced with many difficulties, the experts eventually had to suspend the investigation. They left Ningshan County with a sense of frustration, leaving behind an unsolved puzzle. The failure of this investigation not only highlights the complexity of natural phenomena, but also exposes the limitations of existing scientific methods in explaining certain specific phenomena.

The 100-year-old temple can cause floods to detour, experts are difficult to explain, and in 2006 three high school students revealed the truth

However, it was this setback that laid the groundwork for the breakthrough discoveries that followed.

Just when the experts were in a difficult situation, in 2006, three curious high school students decided to take on the puzzle. These young people have an infinite love for nature and a desire to explore the unknown.

They firmly believe that there must be a scientific explanation for the mystery of the temple to avoid water.

The three students formed a small research group, and although they knew that the problem would be difficult for even experts to solve, they did not let it back down. On the contrary, the challenge inspires them to fight even more.

The 100-year-old temple can cause floods to detour, experts are difficult to explain, and in 2006 three high school students revealed the truth

Their enthusiasm and innovative spirit impressed the school leaders, who not only approved their research project, but also specially sent an experienced hydraulic engineer to assist them to ensure the professionalism and safety of the research.

Unlike the experts, these young people are not bound by established theories. They revisited the boulders along the river with a fresh perspective. In the process of observation, they suddenly thought of the Dujiangyan water conservancy project that they had learned about in the textbook.

With this assumption in mind, they began to investigate the base of the monolith. With the guidance and help of hydraulic engineers, they were surprised to find that the underground part of the boulder was much larger than the visible part of the earth's surface.

The young researchers were thrilled by this unexpected discovery. They realized that these seemingly randomly distributed boulders could together form a complex and elaborate system of water flow regulation.

The 100-year-old temple can cause floods to detour, experts are difficult to explain, and in 2006 three high school students revealed the truth

With awe and curiosity, they named the group of megaliths "Rooting Stone Group" and resolved to study it more deeply.

This discovery not only provides a new idea for solving the mystery of the City God's Temple to avoid water, but also reflects the unique observation angle and innovative thinking of young people. They are not limited by conventional thinking, dare to question, dare to try, and it is this spirit that allows them to build on the foundation of their predecessors and bring hope for the solution of this century-old problem.

After discovering the "Rooting Stone Group", this group of enthusiastic high school students couldn't wait to test their conjectures. However, they soon encountered a thorny problem: the sand table experiment to build such a huge stone group model cost hundreds of thousands of yuan, far exceeding their budget.

In the face of this seemingly insurmountable obstacle, the young researchers have shown amazing creativity and problem-solving skills.

The 100-year-old temple can cause floods to detour, experts are difficult to explain, and in 2006 three high school students revealed the truth

They decided to make their own experimental models. Using yellow clay and cement, they crafted a miniature model of the stone group. To ensure the accuracy of the model, they even brought in skilled local carpenters to assist them in creating part of the wooden model.

This self-reliance not only greatly reduced the cost of experimentation, but also gave them a deeper understanding of the subject of study.

In the days that followed, they conducted three detailed comparative experiments to simulate the presence and absence of "rooting stones". In each experiment, they carefully observed the changes in the water flow, recorded the data in detail, and repeatedly verified the results.

Eventually, their efforts paid off, and the results were encouraging.

The 100-year-old temple can cause floods to detour, experts are difficult to explain, and in 2006 three high school students revealed the truth

First of all, they noticed that the water in front of the temple and on the west side of the temple had a clear tendency to detour. Due to the ingenious design of the "rhinoceros back" boulder, the water flowing into the West Channel of the Chang'an River accounts for three-quarters of the total.

This discovery explains why the temple was able to stay strong during floods.

Secondly, they observed that under the influence of the thrust of the water flow bypass, the river water body formed a topography of high in the west and low in the east under the action of centrifugal force. This tilting phenomenon is especially obvious when the current increases, which provides a scientific explanation for the phenomenon of "golden duck floating boat".

Finally, when they simulated a catastrophic flood, they found that the centrifugal force effect on the west bank would make the temple appear to rise above the water level. This is the scientific essence of the legend of the "Golden Duck Floating Boat" – it is actually a visual effect caused by the violent centrifugal force of the water as it passes through the bend.

The 100-year-old temple can cause floods to detour, experts are difficult to explain, and in 2006 three high school students revealed the truth

This momentous discovery not only explains why the temple survived the flood, but also reveals the science behind the legend of the "Golden Duck Floating Boat". When the last set of data was confirmed, the young researchers' eyes flashed with triumphant joy.

They not only succeeded in solving this puzzle that had puzzled experts for many years, but also used the power of science to interpret a century-old folklore.

The story of three high school students who successfully unravel the mystery of the Temple to avoid water not only reveals the scientific truth behind an ancient legend, but also highlights the importance of young people's innovative spirit.

Their success reminds us of the importance of being open and curious in the face of the unknown. While the good intentions of traditional culture deserve our respect, in the end, only science can truly explain the strange phenomena in the world.

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