
Singer Wang Kun: Two months after her husband passed away, she also passed away, and she untied the knot in her heart when she was dying

author:Jia Jia Literature Hall
Singer Wang Kun: Two months after her husband passed away, she also passed away, and she untied the knot in her heart when she was dying
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Singer Wang Kun: Two months after her husband passed away, she also passed away, and she untied the knot in her heart when she was dying

On November 21, 2014, in a hospital ward in Beijing, 89-year-old Wang Kun lay on a hospital bed, breathing weakly. Her two sons stood by the bedside, tears welling up in their eyes.

Suddenly, Wang Kun opened his eyes and weakly held his sons' hands.

The sons choked up and expressed their understanding and relief to their mothers, especially for those difficult years. These words seemed to have magical power, and a trace of relief flashed in Wang Kun's eyes, and the guilt and pain of years seemed to disappear at this moment.

A long-lost smile appeared on her face, she gently closed her eyes, and passed away peacefully.

Singer Wang Kun: Two months after her husband passed away, she also passed away, and she untied the knot in her heart when she was dying

This touching scene became the last footnote to Wang Kun's ups and downs in life, and also made her complete the curtain call of her life with relief and warmth.

Wang Kun's artistic career began in 1939, a seemingly ordinary encounter that changed her life. That year, Zhou Weizhi, the head of the art troupe of the talented North China United University, came to Tang County to select newcomers.

Although the young and beautiful Wang Kun is not yet fully mature, her singing voice has spread locally. Zhou Weizhi was attracted by Wang Kun's talent and invited her to join the art troupe.

This decision opened the door to art for Wang Kun and opened her brilliant artistic life.

Singer Wang Kun: Two months after her husband passed away, she also passed away, and she untied the knot in her heart when she was dying

However, what really made Wang Kun famous was an unexpected opportunity in 1945. At that time, the high-profile national opera "The White-Haired Girl" was about to be staged, but the original heroine Lin Bai was unable to appear due to pregnancy.

Faced with this sudden predicament, the crew decided to take the risk of using Wang Kun, who had never appeared on the big stage. Despite his apprehension, with the encouragement of the crew, Wang Kun mustered up the courage to accept the challenge.

The results surprised everyone. Wang Kun's performance far exceeded expectations, and she successfully portrayed the heroine "Xi'er" with her superb acting skills, winning warm applause from the audience.

This performance not only established Wang Kun's status in the Chinese music industry, but also injected new vitality and meaning into her life.

Singer Wang Kun: Two months after her husband passed away, she also passed away, and she untied the knot in her heart when she was dying

Since then, Wang Kun's career has been in full swing. She became a well-known soprano singer, serving as the head of the Oriental Song and Dance Troupe and the director of the Artistic Committee.

She has contributed many classic works to the Chinese music industry, and "The White-Haired Girl" has become her most shining masterpiece.

However, there is a price to be paid for success. In order to pursue the pinnacle of art, Wang Kun had to sacrifice a lot of time to spend with his family. Especially for her son, who has grown up, she is often unable to accompany her due to her busy work, which has become an indelible regret in her heart.

Despite this, Wang Kun still devotes herself to her beloved acting career. Her efforts and talent have not only enriched the art of music in China, but also inspired countless followers.

Singer Wang Kun: Two months after her husband passed away, she also passed away, and she untied the knot in her heart when she was dying

Wang Kun's story tells us that opportunity always favors those who are prepared, and success often requires hard work and great sacrifice.

Wang Kun's artistic career is a microcosm of the development of modern music in China. From obscurity to fame, from newcomer to the stage to a respected artist, every step of her way is condensed with sweat and enthusiasm.

With her talent and persistence, she has left a strong mark in the history of Chinese music and has become an artistic giant admired by future generations.

The acquaintance of Wang Kun and Zhou Weizhi can be called a good story in the art world, their relationship has experienced the baptism of time, and has also witnessed the vicissitudes of China's literary and artistic career. The first meeting in Tang County in 1939 planted the seeds of their love.

Singer Wang Kun: Two months after her husband passed away, she also passed away, and she untied the knot in her heart when she was dying

From acquaintance to acquaintance, to love, and finally to 71 years of married life together, their relationship is like a mellow old wine, which lasts for a long time.

For Wang Kun, Zhou Weizhi is not only a husband, but also a mentor and close friend in life. Whenever Wang Kun encountered a bottleneck or confusion on his artistic path, Zhou Weizhi always listened patiently and gave pertinent advice and encouragement.

Their tacit cooperation is not only reflected in life, but also in artistic creation, which has yielded fruitful results, and jointly created many popular music works.

However, their married life was not all smooth sailing. As artists, they have to face the dilemma of career and family. Especially when the children were young, Wang Kun was often busy with work and could not give enough company, which became an unrelieved regret in her heart.

Singer Wang Kun: Two months after her husband passed away, she also passed away, and she untied the knot in her heart when she was dying

Despite this, Zhou Weizhi has always silently supported his wife and maintained the warmth of the family in his own way.

Even in those turbulent times, their relationship remained rock-solid. They supported each other, faced all kinds of difficulties in life together, and resolved all kinds of tests brought by the times with love.

In his old age, Zhou's health deteriorated and he had to be hospitalized for a long time. At this time, Wang Kun, although his body began to have problems, he still did not give up, and always insisted on taking care of his husband.

This deep affection touched all those who knew their story.

Singer Wang Kun: Two months after her husband passed away, she also passed away, and she untied the knot in her heart when she was dying

The love legend between Wang Kun and Zhou Weizhi is not only a personal story, but also the epitome of that special era. They have used their life's work to interpret the true meaning of art, love and responsibility, and have left valuable spiritual wealth for future generations.

Their stories tell us that sincere feelings can transcend time and space, withstand the test of time, and shine brighter in difficult circumstances.

Although Wang Kun's artistic career has been brilliant, he has also experienced a period of heartbreaking darkness. In the mid-60s of the 20th century, the political situation changed abruptly, and the once high-profile singer suffered a merciless blow of fate.

She was treated unjustifiably, wrongly labeled politically, and even put her life in danger at one point.

Singer Wang Kun: Two months after her husband passed away, she also passed away, and she untied the knot in her heart when she was dying

This political turmoil not only affected Wang Kun personally, but also was like a sudden hurricane, which swept the entire family into the whirlpool. Her husband, Zhou Weizhi, was not spared and was forced to leave his familiar environment and move to a remote village for labor reform.

However, the most heart-wrenching thing is that their eldest son, Zhou Qiyue, was also implicated and imprisoned, facing ten years in prison.

Wang Kun himself did not escape his fate. She is being held in prison and also faces up to 10 years in prison. In that dark, damp cell, the once radiant singer had to endure both physical and mental torture.

Every day is an ordeal, and every moment is a test of will.

Singer Wang Kun: Two months after her husband passed away, she also passed away, and she untied the knot in her heart when she was dying

However, even in the darkest moments, Wang Kun never completely despaired. She supports herself with a strong will, and at the same time, she is always concerned about the safety of her family.

Although this experience was painful, it also sharpened her will and made her cherish the preciousness of life and freedom even more.

Ten years later, when the prison door finally opened, Wang Kun, who had regained his freedom, hugged and cried with his family. At that moment, there was both the joy of reunion and the regret of the lost years in the tears.

Although this painful experience has passed, its impact has been deeply imprinted in Wang Kun's heart and has become an important turning point in her life since then.

Singer Wang Kun: Two months after her husband passed away, she also passed away, and she untied the knot in her heart when she was dying

This catastrophe not only tested Wang Kun's will, but also tested her relationship with Zhou Weizhi. They went through this disaster together, supported each other, and finally walked out of the low point of life together.

This experience became the most difficult but also the most precious memory of their marriage, witnessing the steadfastness of their relationship.

Wang Kun's story teaches us that even in the most difficult moments, the human spirit can radiate with amazing strength. She used her own experience to explain what it means to be truly strong and what it means to be dignified in the face of adversity.

The ten years of hardships not only did not destroy her, but instead forged her more tenacious character and added profound connotations to her subsequent life.

Singer Wang Kun: Two months after her husband passed away, she also passed away, and she untied the knot in her heart when she was dying

After regaining his freedom, Wang Kun faced the enormous challenge of readjusting to society and rebuilding his cause. Her once brilliant artistic career was severely devastated by this catastrophe, but her love for music has never been extinguished.

During this difficult turning period, Wang Kun began to re-examine his life values and strive to find a balance between career and family. She is particularly concerned about her son Zhou Qiyue's passion for art and is determined to support him in pursuing his dreams.

Under the careful guidance of Wang Kun and Zhou Weizhi, Zhou Qiyue gradually grew into an outstanding screenwriter and participated in the creation of many excellent film and television works.

Wang Kun is deeply aware of the regret of insufficient care for his children in the past due to his busy work. Although she can't change what has happened, she is determined to give her family more companionship and care in the days to come.

Singer Wang Kun: Two months after her husband passed away, she also passed away, and she untied the knot in her heart when she was dying

This decision has made her family life more warm and harmonious.

Despite his reduced exposure to the public eye, Wang Kun's pursuit of art has never stopped. She began to participate in art in new ways, while also passing on her experience and wisdom to the younger generation of artists.

This attitude of silent cultivation shows the true character of a true artist.

Life gradually calmed down, but Wang Kun still cherished the guilt of the past, especially the regret of the lack of companionship for the growth of his children. This became the biggest knot in her later years, which haunted her until the last moments of her life.

Singer Wang Kun: Two months after her husband passed away, she also passed away, and she untied the knot in her heart when she was dying

Wang Kun's experience tells us that the road of life is not always smooth, but as long as we maintain our love for life and the pursuit of art, we can rediscover our own value in the face of adversity.

She used her actions to explain how to rebalance career and family in a difficult situation, leaving a valuable spiritual wealth for future generations.

As they grew older, Wang Kun and Zhou's health gradually deteriorated. Especially Zhou Weizhi, who has been bedridden for a long time and needs to be taken care of. Although Wang Kun herself began to have health problems, she still insisted on staying by her husband's side, interpreting the true meaning of "getting along with each other" with her actions.

On September 12, 2014, 98-year-old Zhou Weizhi passed away, ending this 71-year marriage. For Wang Kun, this is undoubtedly a huge blow.

Singer Wang Kun: Two months after her husband passed away, she also passed away, and she untied the knot in her heart when she was dying

However, fate seems to have arranged for a long time, and only two months later, 89-year-old Wang Kun died on November 21 due to a sudden cerebral hemorrhage, as if to reunite with her beloved husband.

Wang Kun's life has experienced glory and tribulation, and finally came to an end in the interweaving of art and family affection. Her story is not only a personal legend, but also a microcosm of the Chinese artists of that era, which is worthy of deep thought and memory for future generations.

Wang Kun used her life to explain what is the persistent pursuit of art, what is the tenacity in the face of difficulties, and how to find a balance between art and life.

Her spiritual legacy will forever inspire those who come after her to continue on the path of art.

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