
In 2003, the young man Xu Xin borrowed 280,000 yuan to buy stones, and four years later, one of them was sold for 4.8 million

author:Jia Jia Literature Hall
In 2003, the young man Xu Xin borrowed 280,000 yuan to buy stones, and four years later, one of them was sold for 4.8 million
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and take a walk, get rich forever, pay attention to the like, it is difficult to get rich if you don't want to
In 2003, the young man Xu Xin borrowed 280,000 yuan to buy stones, and four years later, one of them was sold for 4.8 million

In 2003, in a remote town in Jiangsu Province, Xu Xin, a young man, made a shocking decision. He borrowed 280,000 yuan and bought four seemingly ordinary stones.

This move made everyone around him think he was crazy. However, fate always favors the brave. Four years later, this seemingly reckless decision paid off in an unexpected way – one of the stones was sold for a whopping 4.8 million yuan.

How did this young man from the countryside achieve such an astonishing counterattack? His story not only shows the importance of opportunity, but also highlights the critical role that perseverance and expertise can play in life's turns.

Xu Xin's experience can be called a realistic version of the legend of "turning stones into gold".

In 2003, the young man Xu Xin borrowed 280,000 yuan to buy stones, and four years later, one of them was sold for 4.8 million

Xu Xin's childhood was not easy. He was born in a remote town in Jiangsu Province to a poor family. Unfortunately, his mother died in childbirth when she gave birth to him, leaving his father alone to raise the newborn baby.

The weight of life weighed down the family.

Whenever he saw children of the same age happily walking towards school with schoolbags on their backs, the young Xu Xin could only stand at the door of his house, his eyes full of longing and envy. The family's financial situation did not allow him to receive a formal education, a reality that was like an invisible wall separating him from the temple of knowledge.

However, fate always surprises people inadvertently. One day, Xu Xin, who was playing in front of his house, met an old man who was scavenging. The old man told him that he could also get money by picking up discarded items.

In 2003, the young man Xu Xin borrowed 280,000 yuan to buy stones, and four years later, one of them was sold for 4.8 million

This chance encounter opened a new door for Xu Xin.

From that day on, Xu Xin began his career as a waste picker. Like an industrious ant, he shuttles through the streets and alleys, searching for "treasures" discarded by others. With the accumulation of experience, Xu Xin gradually discovered that not only empty bottles can be exchanged for money, but also waste cardboard, scrap copper and rotten iron and other items also contain business opportunities.

With keen insight and unremitting efforts, Xu Xin began to specialize in recycling and trading. His business gradually improved, but his income was still limited, and it was difficult to accumulate wealth.

Nonetheless, this experience set the stage for his future success, developing his unique ability to identify value.

In 2003, the young man Xu Xin borrowed 280,000 yuan to buy stones, and four years later, one of them was sold for 4.8 million

In this process, Xu Xin deeply realized that even things that are regarded as waste by others can create value through rational use. This way of thinking played an important role in his later life.

Although the work of waste recycling is hard and the income is limited, Xu Xin has not given up. He believes that as long as he works hard, he will one day wait for the opportunity to change his fate.

This persistence and belief laid a solid foundation for his future success.

Through this experience, Xu Xin not only exercised his eyesight, learned how to find value from seemingly useless things, but also cultivated the spirit of hardship and hard work.

In 2003, the young man Xu Xin borrowed 280,000 yuan to buy stones, and four years later, one of them was sold for 4.8 million

These qualities have become valuable assets on his future life path.

In 2003, an opportunity to change Xu Xin's fate quietly came. One of his cousins brought four ordinary-looking stones, which he swore to claim had great potential value.

Xu Xin stared at these stones, and his heart rippled. Years of experience in recycling have given him a keen eye, and an inexplicable intuition tells him that these stones may really be different.

However, the price of 280,000 yuan is undoubtedly an astronomical amount for Xu Xin. He fell into a deep hesitation, weighing the risks and opportunities that this decision might bring.

In 2003, the young man Xu Xin borrowed 280,000 yuan to buy stones, and four years later, one of them was sold for 4.8 million

In the end, Xu Xin made up his mind, resolutely took out all his savings, borrowed from relatives and friends, and scraped together 280,000 yuan to buy these four stones.

This decision caused a huge shock in Xu Xin's family. His wife couldn't accept it, and with tears in her eyes, she asked him why he had put years of hard work on a few inconspicuous stones.

Relatives and friends also shook their heads and sighed, thinking that Xu Xin was blinded by a momentary greed.

In the face of doubts and incomprehension, Xu Xin's heart was also shaken. In the dead of night, he would sit in front of the four stones, caressing them with trembling hands, silently praying that his decision was the right one.

In 2003, the young man Xu Xin borrowed 280,000 yuan to buy stones, and four years later, one of them was sold for 4.8 million

However, the reality is harsh. Time passed, and the stones were never noticed. As the family's financial situation deteriorated, they had to not only repay their loans, but also start accumulating wealth again.

During these difficult days, Xu Xin was under unprecedented pressure. He began to question his own judgment, wondering if he really had the ability to identify treasures.

However, whenever he wanted to give up, there was always a voice in his heart that encouraged him: keep going, and these stones will eventually shine.

In this way, Xu Xin gritted his teeth and persevered for four years. He uses every free moment to learn about strange stones, study the market, and look forward to meeting someone who really knows how to do it one day.

In 2003, the young man Xu Xin borrowed 280,000 yuan to buy stones, and four years later, one of them was sold for 4.8 million

In the past four years, he has experienced countless sleepless nights, endured tremendous financial pressure and mental torture.

Xu Xin's persistence is not only reflected in his belief in the value of stones, but also in his determination to continuously learn and improve himself. He began to read books on jade extensively, attended various lectures and exhibitions, and even met some experts in the industry.

While these efforts seemed futile at the time, they actually laid the foundation for his later success in the industry.

During this period, Xu Xin's life can be said to be worrying. Every day, he fears that his creditors will come to his door or that his family will persuade him to give up again. But he always believes that as long as he persists, he will eventually be able to see the moon.

In 2003, the young man Xu Xin borrowed 280,000 yuan to buy stones, and four years later, one of them was sold for 4.8 million

It is this perseverance that allows Xu Xin to maintain hope in the most difficult moments and lay the groundwork for future success.

In 2007, Xu Xin's persistence finally ushered in a turning point. On this day, he took the four stones again to visit his cousin who had introduced him to buy them. This time, the god of fate finally smiled at him.

The cousin introduced him to several experienced jewelers. When these connoisseurs recognized at a glance that the stone in Xu Xin's hand was actually a high-quality jade rough stone, the scene suddenly boiled.

Xu Xin's heart was beating violently, and he looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief. Those "ordinary stones" that have been ridiculed by family and friends for four years turned out to be priceless jade! His hands trembled slightly, and he carefully stroked the stones, as if he were afraid that they would suddenly disappear.

In 2003, the young man Xu Xin borrowed 280,000 yuan to buy stones, and four years later, one of them was sold for 4.8 million

The news spread quickly and attracted the attention of many jewelers. In the midst of a lively discussion, a discerning jade merchant came to the fore. At an astonishing price of 4.8 million yuan, he purchased a new piece of top jadeite rough.

When Xu Xin heard this number, his mind went blank, as if he was in a dream.

This transaction was like a timely rain, which not only helped Xu Xin pay off all his debts, but also completely changed the trajectory of his life. He could finally breathe a sigh of relief, and a smile appeared on his face that he had not seen in a long time.

However, Xu Xin was not carried away by the sudden wealth. He is well aware that this success is not only the result of luck, but also the result of his perseverance and learning over the years.

In 2003, the young man Xu Xin borrowed 280,000 yuan to buy stones, and four years later, one of them was sold for 4.8 million

In the following days, Xu Xin successfully sold the remaining three pieces of jade. Although the price is not as amazing as the first piece, it has also brought him considerable benefits.

Faced with sudden wealth, Xu Xin did not choose to squander his pleasures. Instead, he began to delve deeper into jadeite and strive to learn the art of identifying jade.

Xu Xin's transformation caused the amazement of those around him. Those who once laughed at him now turn to him for advice. However, Xu Xin did not get carried away because of this.

He knows that his success is not easy to come by, and he must cherish this hard-won opportunity.

In 2003, the young man Xu Xin borrowed 280,000 yuan to buy stones, and four years later, one of them was sold for 4.8 million

Xu Xin's store quickly became famous in the local area. People are not only attracted by the exquisite jade jewelry in the store, but also by Xu Xin's professional knowledge and honesty and trustworthiness.

Many people come here, not only to buy jadeite, but also to ask Xu Xin for advice on jade identification skills.

This experience not only changed Xu Xin's financial situation, but more importantly, changed his attitude towards life. He is keenly aware that opportunity always favors those who are prepared.

Those four years of perseverance and learning seemed futile, but in fact laid the foundation for his future success.

In 2003, the young man Xu Xin borrowed 280,000 yuan to buy stones, and four years later, one of them was sold for 4.8 million

Xu Xin often recalls those difficult days, and his heart is full of gratitude. He thanked himself for his perseverance and for those who supported him in his most difficult times.

This experience taught him that success requires not only luck, but also perseverance and hard work.

Today's Xu Xin has transformed from an ordinary waste recycler to a well-known jadeite expert. His story has become a local story, inspiring many to chase their dreams.

Xu Xinchang said that his success is not accidental, but stems from his perseverance and unremitting efforts to his dreams.

In 2003, the young man Xu Xin borrowed 280,000 yuan to buy stones, and four years later, one of them was sold for 4.8 million

Xu Xin's success did not stop him. He knows that luck alone is not enough to gain a foothold in the jadeite industry. With a strong interest in jadeite, Xu Xin began to learn more professional knowledge with hunger.

From the formation principle of jadeite to the identification skills, from the historical and cultural background to the analysis of market conditions, he has studied everything.

After unremitting efforts, Xu Xin gradually transformed from a "lucky nouveau riche" into a real jade expert. He has developed a unique approach to jade identification, including careful observation of color and smell, accurate weight determination, careful examination of internal texture, and listening to percussion sounds.

These methods have not only helped him achieve greater business success, but also earned him the respect of his peers in the industry.

In 2003, the young man Xu Xin borrowed 280,000 yuan to buy stones, and four years later, one of them was sold for 4.8 million

Xu Xin's story, from 280,000 yuan to buy stones to an astonishing return of 4.8 million yuan 4 years later, can be called a realistic version of the legend of "turning stones into gold". However, if we take a closer look, we will find that Xu Xin's success is no accident.

His experience has taught us that opportunity always favors those who are prepared. Xu Xin's insight into recycling laid the foundation for him to identify jadeite. His courage to take risks and hold on to his dreams allowed him to persist in the difficult situation for four years.

And after his success, he did not rest on his laurels, but continued to learn and eventually became a true expert.

Xu Xin's story enlightens us: The turning point of life is often just a thought, but whether we can seize the opportunity and turn the crisis into safety requires our daily accumulation and unremitting efforts.

In 2003, the young man Xu Xin borrowed 280,000 yuan to buy stones, and four years later, one of them was sold for 4.8 million

Only by remaining diligent and persistent, can we firmly grasp the opportunity when it comes.

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