
This stone that he threw away, after hearing that it was sold for 1.48 million, he could no longer be calm

This stone that he threw away, after hearing that it was sold for 1.48 million, he could no longer be calm

In Jiang'an County, there is a Shi friend surnamed Tan, who completely collapsed on April 8, 2015.

Obviously, he could pick up 148,000 yuan for nothing with a stone, but as a result, he threw it away in vain and didn't earn a penny.

On the same day, there was also a Shi friend surnamed Li, who drank a few catties of liquor in a row, drank drunk, and shouted loudly that the stinky woman misunderstood me.

Originally, the 148,000 should have belonged to him, but the stone was sold by him at a low price of 400 yuan.

The sky, the earth, the Yangtze River stones full of river beaches, which one is a priceless treasure!

What's going on? Uncle Se took strange stone lovers from all over the world to the excavation site of this strange stone and went to learn about it together.

Location: Yibin, Sichuan, Jiang'an County, Erlongkou's goldfish moraine.

Lao Tan was the first person to pick up this stone, and he held it in his hand and looked at it for a long time, but at that time he felt that he didn't look at it at all, so he threw it away.

A few days later, Lao Tan and Xiao Li picked up stones here again.

After Xiao Li picked it up, he felt a little interesting, and immediately called Lao Tan to come and have a look.

Lao Tan's family pickled some sauerkraut and sold it in the local vegetable market, and everyone called him Tan sauerkraut.

"Tan sauerkraut, I picked up a very beautiful stone, it seems that there is a tree, and I really want to have an old stump."

Lao Tan ran over to take a look, revealing a series of disdain: "Xiao Li, this is what I threw away a few days ago, and it doesn't look good." ”

Xiao Li said stubbornly: "I personally feel good." ”

"You can't sell it for money when you pick it up, and playing with stones is to play with boutiques, and one is carrying a basket behind you." Xiao Li was also engaged in not a taste.

But he didn't throw it away because of Lao Tan's ridicule, and took it home directly.

After returning home, when Xiao Li was sorting out the stone, he saw this stone again, and he was originally in a beautiful mood, but he was suddenly lost again.

And he threw the stone on the pile of stones in the yard.

This stone that he threw away, after hearing that it was sold for 1.48 million, he could no longer be calm

Half a month later.

Xiao Li is in the frying business, and the business is also very good, but in addition to making money to support his family, he is usually a good stone.

"Shimin, people call this name, that is to be the emperor, but your name is set up on the street, and you are still full every day to pick up stones, so you can't help me wear some skewers?"

Xiao Li originally planned to be lazy and ran out to pick up stones, but he was blocked by his wife at the door of the house.

"Let me tell you, if I grab a random stone, I can sell it for money, such as this one, there seem to be two trees on it, one sells for 200, and this one sells for 400 yuan, isn't it too much?"

“400? You're stupid with a door clip in your head. "His wife is almost going to die laughing, and I'll talk about it when you sell it.

Xiao Li looked at the piece in his hand, and he himself felt incredible, it was the piece he threw here a few days ago.

"If you sell it, you're going to give me a son!"

"If this broken stone in your hand can be sold for 400 yuan, I will give you twin sons!"

Xiao Li's family has three daughters, and he dreams of having a son to inherit the lineage.

Hearing his daughter-in-law say this, Xiao Li was full of enthusiasm and must sell this stone for 400 yuan, so he kept boasting exaggerated in the circle of stone friends, saying that he had picked up a stone from a money tree.

The informed faction led by Lao Tan is all laughing and laughing, this melon is really delicious.

Some people even criticized behind Xiao Lizi's back, this young man is young, but he has a bad head and is stupid by his wife.

There are also stone friends who think that this is fooling around, and 400 yuan can buy a stone with a very good theme at that time.

This matter gradually fermented in the circle of stone friends.

If you believe, you will have, and if you don't believe, you will not.

But everyone is willing to eat this big melon, and they also believe in the day when the true face of Lushan is revealed.

This stone that he threw away, after hearing that it was sold for 1.48 million, he could no longer be calm

The popularity of this stone was inexplicably beaten out in this way, which was unexpected by everyone.

Half a month later, this news actually reached the ears of Li Chaojun, the bigwig of the stone world in Jiang'an City.

He felt that there was no wind or waves, so that evening, he drove to find out.

As soon as Li Chaojun looked at the stone, he felt confident in his heart.

"This boss, this stone is not sold for less than 400 yuan."

"400 yuan?" Li Chaojun felt that God had deliberately let him pick up the leaks, "It's not the dollar?" ”

"400 RMB!"

As soon as Li Chaojun saw this stone, he hugged it in his arms and never put it down.

He didn't say much, and quickly took out four hundred yuan red coins from his trouser pocket and handed them to the stone friend in front of him.

"After collecting the money, I'll go home first, don't send it." After Li Chaojun finished speaking, he "ran" without looking back.

Ran away? And so fast? Neurotic, right?

This stone that he threw away, after hearing that it was sold for 1.48 million, he could no longer be calm

The next year, Xiao Li's wife really gave birth to twin sons, and he felt that his life had reached the pinnacle of life.

After Li Chaojun got this strange stone, he liked it very much, and he was a big boss in his circle.

A certain owner of the foot bath business increased the price 3 times in a month, and almost knelt down to ask for a transfer.

Li Chaojun just kept himself to play and whetted other people's appetites.

Later, Mr. Lin Tongbin, a stone appreciator in Taiwan, overheard this stone during a dinner.

After he saw the real thing, he was even more like a demon, and kept increasing the price, hoping that Li Chaojun could let him play with it

In the next five years, Mr. Lin Tongbin came to the door several times to ask for purchases.

Because of the price problem, it will drag the traffic for five years.

This stone that he threw away, after hearing that it was sold for 1.48 million, he could no longer be calm

One day in April 2015, Lin Tongbin was already almost lovesick, and directly offered a price of 148,000.

In addition, in the past five years, he has purchased many other strange stones from Li Chaojun several times.

The price is in place, the friendship is also in place, Li Chaojun finally reluctantly and reluctantly, and gave this stone that has accompanied him for five years to Mr. Lin Tongbin in Taiwan.

At that time, this stone was sold, which shocked the Yangtze River stone world, and Lin Tongbin named it: a lifetime together.

Later, this 148,000 "Together for a Life" was invited away again by Mr. Li Minghua, a famous collector in Hubei.

There are unconvinced sources that say the price is at least 1.48 million, and some reports say it's 1.48 million.

Some people also say that it is impossible to have 1.48 million, it is all false rumors, and it is all rumors, but there are definitely hundreds of thousands.

This stone that he threw away, after hearing that it was sold for 1.48 million, he could no longer be calm

True and false, false and true, the most important thing in the stone world is the news of high-priced transactions.

At this moment, Lao Tan is still selling sauerkraut in the vegetable market, looking at the strange stone transaction news that broke the news on his mobile phone, he slapped himself hard, 1.48 million, Lao Tzu has 1.48 million and still sells hammer sauerkraut!

Xiao Li, who was leading his twin sons, happened to see this scene and also saw the news of the 1.48 million transaction, and instantly felt that the two sons were not fragrant.

This is what he sold for 400 yuan, thief God, you play with me!

Although he has two sons in the past few years, he has a little more pain and joy, but the burden of life still weighs on him, and his decision to have a son is wrong, and he already has three daughters, isn't it fragrant?

Now that there are five babies, the burden of life pressure is really overwhelming Xiao Li.

Finally, is there an insider who broke the news, how much money did Mr. Li Minghua collect "Together for a Life"? Is it the rumored 1.48 million?

This stone that he threw away, after hearing that it was sold for 1.48 million, he could no longer be calm

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