
Hui Li relied on 1988 Deshan to become popular, and after leading the whole group, he was framed for playing a big name, and the relationship between the group for 10 years was excellent

author:Yi Yi talks about the world
Hui Li relied on 1988 Deshan to become popular, and after leading the whole group, he was framed for playing a big name, and the relationship between the group for 10 years was excellent
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Hui Li relied on 1988 Deshan to become popular, and after leading the whole group, he was framed for playing a big name, and the relationship between the group for 10 years was excellent

In January 2016, there was an uproar in the Korean entertainment industry. Lee Hye-ri, who just became popular with the role of Deshan in "Please Answer 1988", suddenly fell into the whirlpool of controversy of playing a big name.

Posts circulating online accuse her of being arrogant in public events and ignoring others. This news is like a hammer, shattering the gentle and lovely image of "virtue and goodness" in the hearts of fans.

"Can fame really change a person?" Doubts have arisen one after another, and Lee's public image is in jeopardy. But what is the truth of the matter? What hardships and twists and turns did this young girl go through on her way to fame? Let's unravel this mystery together and explore Lee Hye-ri's legendary journey from obscurity to the limelight.

In 2010, the Korean entertainment industry ushered in a new force - Girl's Day. The girl group, crafted by DreamTea, embarked on a journey to chase their dreams with great anticipation.

Hui Li relied on 1988 Deshan to become popular, and after leading the whole group, he was framed for playing a big name, and the relationship between the group for 10 years was excellent

However, the cruelty of reality soon gave them a blow in the face.

In the bitterly cold winter of South Korea, the members of Girl's Day had to endure the freezing cold of minus 20 degrees Celsius and perform outdoors in thin crop tops.

Their cheeks were red from the cold, and their hands were shaking slightly from the cold, but they still managed to maintain a professional smile. Such a pay, in exchange for only a casual glance from passers-by and a cold reaction from the audience.

Just as Girl's Day was on the verge of disbanding, 16-year-old Lee Hye-ri joined the team. This girl from a poor family, with the determination to change her fate, resolutely stepped into this world full of unknowns.

Hui Li relied on 1988 Deshan to become popular, and after leading the whole group, he was framed for playing a big name, and the relationship between the group for 10 years was excellent

Lee Hye-ri's family situation is not optimistic, her mother works in a factory to make ends meet, and her young sister needs to be taken care of. In order to improve her family life as soon as possible, she mustered up the courage to sign an acting contract.

Lee Hye-ri's addition has breathed new life into Girl's Day, but success still seems out of reach. The team continues to struggle on the fringes of the entertainment industry, trying to find opportunities to break through.

They participated in various small gigs and tried to raise their profile, but with little success.

However, a turning point in fate crept in. In 2014, at the handover ceremony of the Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia, Girl's Day was given a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Hui Li relied on 1988 Deshan to become popular, and after leading the whole group, he was framed for playing a big name, and the relationship between the group for 10 years was excellent

As one of the representatives of Korean culture, they have stepped onto the world-class stage. Although their performances were controversial at the time – wearing sexy black gowns with slits to the thighs and dance moves deemed too daring – the experience undoubtedly opened the door to their popularity.

This controversial performance reflects the embarrassing situation of idol groups in the Korean entertainment industry. They often lack a voice and must obey the arrangements of the top, even if they are a top girl group like Girls' Generation.

This is even more true for small groups like Girl's Day.

Despite a difficult start, the members of Girl's Day didn't give up. They are working tirelessly and looking forward to their own shining moment.

Hui Li relied on 1988 Deshan to become popular, and after leading the whole group, he was framed for playing a big name, and the relationship between the group for 10 years was excellent

And this moment, with the addition of Li Huili and the continuous growth of the team, is quietly approaching.

2014 was a year full of challenges and opportunities for Lee Wai Lee. When other idols flinched, Lee Hye-ri bravely accepted the invitation to participate in a South Korean military variety show.

This decision became a turning point in her career.

Lee Hye-li, who was only a teenager, stepped into the harsh training camp with his suitcase full of enthusiasm and longing. When she first arrived in an unfamiliar environment, she inevitably looked delicate and helpless.

Hui Li relied on 1988 Deshan to become popular, and after leading the whole group, he was framed for playing a big name, and the relationship between the group for 10 years was excellent

Whenever she encounters difficulties, she always subconsciously seeks comfort, which made her once criticized by the audience as "pampered". However, as time passed, Lee Hyeri gradually showed tenacity and courage that did not match his age.

Growing up in the countryside, Lee Wai-ri has long been accustomed to heavy farm work. This hard-working spirit has been fully reflected in the show. In the face of hard training and heavy tasks, she is undaunted and always pushes forward.

Her performance gradually won the recognition and love of the audience. People were surprised to find that this seemingly weak girl was able to stand up at a critical moment and show her strong side.

Lee Hye-ri's contrasting charm quickly attracted the audience's attention. She can not only show a resolute and decisive side when performing tasks, but also exude the cute and cute of a girl in daily life.

Hui Li relied on 1988 Deshan to become popular, and after leading the whole group, he was framed for playing a big name, and the relationship between the group for 10 years was excellent

This unique charm made her quickly become the focus of the show.

Taking advantage of the east wind of variety shows, Lee Hye-ri successfully got the opportunity to star in "Please Answer 1988". In the play, she plays the kind and simple Deshan, a character that is very similar to her own personality.

Lee Hye-ri perfectly integrated his love for life and dedication to his dreams into the role of Deshan. Her performance is natural and sincere, making the audience feel as if they have seen the girl next door in their lives.

The broadcast of "Please Answer 1988" made Lee Hye-ri popular overnight. Her popularity soared like a rocket and was hailed as the "second Suzy". The audience was moved by the innocence and enthusiasm she showed in the play, and the role of Deshan was also deeply imprinted in the hearts of the audience.

Hui Li relied on 1988 Deshan to become popular, and after leading the whole group, he was framed for playing a big name, and the relationship between the group for 10 years was excellent

Lee Hye-ri's success is not only a personal victory, but also a driving force for the entire Girl's Day team. With the increase in Lee Hye-ri's popularity, Girl's Day has gradually entered the public eye.

Their music began to attract more attention, and invitations to perform increased.

It can be said that Lee Wai-ri has led the development and growth of the entire team with his own strength. Her success not only did not distance herself from her teammates, but instead became the driving force for the team to move forward.

The rest of Girl's Day also benefited, and the popularity of the entire team increased significantly.

Hui Li relied on 1988 Deshan to become popular, and after leading the whole group, he was framed for playing a big name, and the relationship between the group for 10 years was excellent

From an obscure newcomer to a high-profile star, Lee Hye-ri and Girl's Day's rise to prominence has been full of hardships and sweat. However, just as they are about to reach the peak of their careers, an unexpected storm quietly comes, testing the young girl and her team.

In January 2016, just when Li Huili's career was in full swing, a sudden turmoil pushed her to the forefront of public opinion. Posts accusing Lee of playing a big name suddenly appeared on the Internet, claiming that she was arrogant in public activities and ignored others.

This news was like a bombshell, causing an uproar on the Internet.

The poster indignantly asked Lee Wai-ri why he became so cold and casual after becoming famous overnight. The post claimed that Lee Hye-ri did not even bother to make basic waves on many occasions, in stark contrast to the other enthusiastic and friendly team members.

Hui Li relied on 1988 Deshan to become popular, and after leading the whole group, he was framed for playing a big name, and the relationship between the group for 10 years was excellent

The accusations quickly spread online, sparking widespread discussion.

Fans began to question: Does fame really change a person? That once warm and kind Deshan, has really become cold and arrogant? For a time, the public image that Lee Huili had worked so hard to build was in jeopardy.

However, just when public opinion was almost one-sided, the truth finally surfaced. A large number of on-site photos were made public, showing Lee Hye-ri's real performance at the event from different angles.

It turned out that those expressions that were misunderstood as indifferent were just Lee Hye-ri's attentive demeanor when he listened carefully to what others were saying. Those so-called "no greeting" pictures are just the result of malicious editing.

Hui Li relied on 1988 Deshan to become popular, and after leading the whole group, he was framed for playing a big name, and the relationship between the group for 10 years was excellent

This turmoil has made people aware of the terrible power of online public opinion and the misunderstanding that one-sided information can cause. At the same time, it also allows more people to see the true side of Lee Hye-ri - a young girl who still maintains her original intention and works hard.

With the truth clarified, Lee Hyeri not only defused the crisis, but also won the understanding and support of more people. This experience also made her cherish her career more and be more cautious about her public image.

In the highly competitive arena of the Korean entertainment industry, Girl's Day stands out with its unique charm and has become a high-profile existence.

If we compare Girl's Day with Miss A, we will find an interesting and profound phenomenon.

Hui Li relied on 1988 Deshan to become popular, and after leading the whole group, he was framed for playing a big name, and the relationship between the group for 10 years was excellent

While both groups have members who shine on their individual causes, the atmosphere inside them presents a very different picture. Miss A's team relationship is relatively estranged, and even on an important day like the third anniversary, the members can't hide their estrangement from each other.

For example, in the group photo released by member Meng Jia, the face of the popular member Xiuzhi was covered; And when the group returned for the last time, Suzy only barely smiled, keeping a polite and unfamiliar distance from the rest of his teammates.

In contrast, the members of Girl's Day have maintained a close relationship. Even though Lee Hye-ri became popular with "Please Answer 1988", the relationship between the members was not affected in the slightest.

On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of Girl's Day's debut, even though the members have gone their separate ways, they still work together to take a precious group photo.

Hui Li relied on 1988 Deshan to become popular, and after leading the whole group, he was framed for playing a big name, and the relationship between the group for 10 years was excellent

In this photo, we see not only the five beautiful girls, but also the deep friendship between them that has been precipitated for ten years.

What's even more touching is that even though they did not renew their contracts with the original agency, the members of Girl's Day still stuck to their promise that the group would not disband. This kind of persistence is undoubtedly the best interpretation of each other's feelings.

The secret to Girl's Day's ability to maintain such a harmonious relationship in the highly competitive entertainment industry may be hidden in their daily interactions. Some fans once witnessed such a scene: during an outdoor recording of the show, one member expressed hunger, and the other team member immediately bought a cake for her, and carefully reminded her to pay attention to food hygiene.

This caring and considerate atmosphere is the key to the long-term harmony of Girl's Day.

Hui Li relied on 1988 Deshan to become popular, and after leading the whole group, he was framed for playing a big name, and the relationship between the group for 10 years was excellent

The members of Girl's Day are gentle and get along well with each other. Even if some people are popular and some people are unknown, they can still support each other and grow together.

This spirit of unity has not only made them successful in their careers, but also won the love of fans and the respect of the industry.

The story of Girl's Day teaches us the importance of not forgetting the importance of teamwork while pursuing individual success. Only when the team and the individual grow together can we create truly lasting brilliance.

This may be the real reason why Girl's Day has been able to flourish in the Korean entertainment industry.

Hui Li relied on 1988 Deshan to become popular, and after leading the whole group, he was framed for playing a big name, and the relationship between the group for 10 years was excellent

The success story of Girl's Day is not only a legend of the rise of an idol group, but also a vivid lesson in the balance between team development and personal growth.

In this competitive and seductive entertainment industry, Girl's Day shows the rare wisdom of how to maintain individuality while tolerating and supporting each other.

Lee Wai-lee's personal success is a case in point. She became popular with the role of Deshan in "Please Answer 1988", but she did not forget the team because of this. On the contrary, her success has led to the development of the entire group, forming a virtuous circle.

This model of growing together as an individual and a team has become an important reason why Girl's Day can flourish for a long time.

Hui Li relied on 1988 Deshan to become popular, and after leading the whole group, he was framed for playing a big name, and the relationship between the group for 10 years was excellent

The personality traits of the members play a key role in team harmony. The members of Girl's Day have a gentle personality and get along well, which lays a solid foundation for the harmonious development of the team.

This harmony is not only reflected in public, but also permeates daily life, allowing them to support each other in the stressful entertainment industry.

In addition, Girl's Day's path to success also reveals the delicate balance between the speed of popularity and the relationship between the members. Compared with the huge gap that may be brought about by overnight fame, the gradual growth process experienced by Girl's Day has allowed them to better adapt to the changes brought about by fame and always maintain their original intentions.

The story of Girl's Day teaches us the importance of not forgetting the importance of teamwork while pursuing individual success. Only when the team and the individual grow together and promote each other can we create truly lasting brilliance.

Hui Li relied on 1988 Deshan to become popular, and after leading the whole group, he was framed for playing a big name, and the relationship between the group for 10 years was excellent

This balance is not only applicable to the entertainment industry, but also provides valuable inspiration for teamwork in other fields.

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