
Jia Ling once again directed the Hundred Flowers Award, which is the greatest sorrow of this era!

author:Old Mo

With the movie "Hot and Hot", Jia Ling was nominated for Best Director and Best Actress at the Hundred Flowers Award at the same time.

This is Jia Ling's second double nomination after entering the film and television industry, and the last time was "Hello, Li Huanying"!

Jia Ling once again directed the Hundred Flowers Award, which is the greatest sorrow of this era!

We are not surprised by such a result, because whether it is the box office or word of mouth, "Hot and Hot" is all good, and this movie has ushered in tens of millions or even more onlookers from the finalization to the release, and then to the broadcast of the documentary, which is phenomenal!

But some people also questioned: "Hot and Hot", which relies on marketing, and the "Hundred Flowers Award" with high gold content are not the same level!

Jia Ling once again directed the Hundred Flowers Award, which is the greatest sorrow of this era!

There are five awards with high gold content in the film industry, namely the Golden Rooster Award, the Golden Image Award, the Golden Horse Award, the Hundred Flowers Award and the Huabiao Award.

Friends who often pay attention to Jia Ling or Jia Ling's movies know that "Hot and Hot" is not an original work, it is a remake of the Japanese movie "100 Yuan Love", although Jia Ling bought the copyright and the plot in the play has also made some modifications, but the basic structure has not changed!

Jia Ling once again directed the Hundred Flowers Award, which is the greatest sorrow of this era!

From an audience's point of view, it is a bit unreasonable for the remake of the film to win the Hundred Flowers Award for Best Director, if such a work finally wins the award, will anyone make original works in the future?

In terms of Best Actress, the biggest selling point of the movie "Hot and Hot", or the publicity point of the investor, is that Jia Ling lost 100 pounds, and the reason why the audience walked into the cinema was to see what Jia Ling became after losing weight, no one cared who Jia Ling played and how she acted!

At that time, when Lao Mo watched "Hot and Hot", he didn't feel how superb Jia Ling's acting skills were, and the focus was on the second half of the movie, that is, the part after Jia Ling lost weight!

Jia Ling once again directed the Hundred Flowers Award, which is the greatest sorrow of this era!

Is it a bit child's play for an actress with almost negligible acting skills to be nominated for the "Hundred Flowers Award for Best Actress"?

As a newcomer who has not been making movies for a long time, Jia Ling's two works can get a box office of more than 8 billion, which is worthy of our praise, but the point of praise is not how good she is as a director, or how superb her acting skills are, but her accurate capture of the audience's aesthetics!

Jia Ling once again directed the Hundred Flowers Award, which is the greatest sorrow of this era!

A few years ago, when the famous Hong Kong director Wang Jing participated in "Round Table Pie", he said: In the future, comedy films will take the route of "comedy plus human touch"! Come to think of it, aren't Jia Ling's two high-grossing movies just like that? One is comedy plus family affection, and the other is comedy plus love and friendship!

Jia Ling once again directed the Hundred Flowers Award, which is the greatest sorrow of this era!

Whether it is the Hundred Flowers Award or other high-value film awards, you shouldn't put all your energy on the box office of the movie, acting, plot, and script are what the people care about the most!

Of course, we do not rule out that Jia Ling will continue to climb upwards in the future, her aesthetics, her ability, and her acting skills will improve, but as far as her performance at this moment is concerned, it is not enough to win awards such as Best Director and Best Actress!

Jia Ling once again directed the Hundred Flowers Award, which is the greatest sorrow of this era!

Finally, I hope that in the coming years, filmmakers can focus on film production and acting improvement, less gimmicks, and more sincerity!

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