
Heavy! CCTV's first sister Zhou Tao's 12-year marriage was broken, and the new direction attracted the attention of netizens

Heavy! CCTV's first sister Zhou Tao's 12-year marriage was broken, and the new direction attracted the attention of netizens

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Between light, shadow and sound, she painted an extraordinary - Zhou Tao's cross-border journey

In the vast starry sky of the land of China, there are always some names, like bright stars, illuminating the trajectory of the times with their unique light.

Heavy! CCTV's first sister Zhou Tao's 12-year marriage was broken, and the new direction attracted the attention of netizens

Zhou Tao, this name, is not only synonymous with an excellent host, but also a unique existence in the cross-border cultural field, using sound as a pen to draw a long scroll of history.

Heavy! CCTV's first sister Zhou Tao's 12-year marriage was broken, and the new direction attracted the attention of netizens

Her story is like an epic of ups and downs, and each chapter is full of challenges and transformations, which makes people marvel and admire.

1. Cross-border voices awaken the soul of history

Heavy! CCTV's first sister Zhou Tao's 12-year marriage was broken, and the new direction attracted the attention of netizens

When the dust of history was gently brushed away, a documentary called "China" quietly came out, and Zhou Tao, the former CCTV celebrity, entered the public's field of vision with a new identity - a voice actor.

Her voice, like a messenger through time and space, spans thousands of years of wind and frost, and hits the depths of every audience's heart.

Heavy! CCTV's first sister Zhou Tao's 12-year marriage was broken, and the new direction attracted the attention of netizens

"The moment I received the dubbing assignment for "China", I felt as if I had been given a sacred mission." Zhou Tao said this in an interview.

There was an unprecedented light in her eyes, which was the desire for unknown challenges and the transcendence of her own limits.

Heavy! CCTV's first sister Zhou Tao's 12-year marriage was broken, and the new direction attracted the attention of netizens

In the dubbing process, she strives to be precise in every word and every line, and strives to perfectly present the emotions and thoughts of historical figures through her voice.

"In those days, I almost immersed myself in the long river of history." Zhou Tao recalled that time, and the corners of his mouth rose unconsciously.

Heavy! CCTV's first sister Zhou Tao's 12-year marriage was broken, and the new direction attracted the attention of netizens

In order to better understand the character, she read a lot of historical materials, had in-depth exchanges with directors and screenwriters, and even went to historical sites in person to feel the precipitation of the years.

In the recording studio, she is sometimes low, sometimes passionate, and uses her voice to sketch vivid historical pictures, making people feel as if they have traveled through time and space and had a dialogue with the ancients.

Heavy! CCTV's first sister Zhou Tao's 12-year marriage was broken, and the new direction attracted the attention of netizens

"The most difficult thing is how to grasp the emotional changes of historical figures." Zhou Tao said frankly.

When dubbing Li Bai's poems, she pondered repeatedly, trying to convey the poet's detached and heroic feelings through her voice.

When she finally finished the dubbing, there was a moment of silence in the studio, and then there was a round of applause.

At that moment, she knew that she had done it.

Heavy! CCTV's first sister Zhou Tao's 12-year marriage was broken, and the new direction attracted the attention of netizens

Second, from the stage to behind the scenes, what remains unchanged is love

Looking back on Zhou Tao's career, from an ordinary girl in a small town in Anhui to the leading Hua Dan of CCTV, and then to today's cultural crossover, every step has been firm and powerful.

Her hosting career is like a wonderful series, and every scene is still fresh in people's memories.

Heavy! CCTV's first sister Zhou Tao's 12-year marriage was broken, and the new direction attracted the attention of netizens

On the stage of "Variety Show", she is the smiling, witty and humorous host, who has conquered the hearts of countless audiences with her talent and charm.

And when the bell of the Spring Festival Gala rang, she accompanied hundreds of millions of families to spend the festival with that calmness and confidence.

For Zhou Tao, these honors are just milestones on her life path, and she is always striving for higher peaks.

Heavy! CCTV's first sister Zhou Tao's 12-year marriage was broken, and the new direction attracted the attention of netizens

When the flame of the Beijing Olympic Games was burning, Zhou Tao stood in the center of the bird's nest and used her gentle and firm voice to convey China's voice and power to the world.

At that moment, she was not only a host, but also a disseminator of culture, using her voice to connect the past and the future, the East and the West.

Heavy! CCTV's first sister Zhou Tao's 12-year marriage was broken, and the new direction attracted the attention of netizens

3. Marriage and love, the other side of life

Behind the brilliance of his career, Zhou Tao's married life is also interesting.

She had a 12-year marriage, which ended in a breakup.

This experience is undoubtedly a profound emotional baptism for her.

It was this experience that made her cherish her later encounter - Lu Yun even more.

Heavy! CCTV's first sister Zhou Tao's 12-year marriage was broken, and the new direction attracted the attention of netizens

"The appearance of Lu Yun is like a beam of light in my life." Zhou Tao described Lu Yun in an interview.

They met by chance, but the tacit understanding and understanding seemed to be predestined.

Lu Yun's silent protection and sincerity moved Zhou Tao and made her believe in love again.

In their married life, they support each other, face the ups and downs of life together, and enjoy each other's companionship and warmth together.

Heavy! CCTV's first sister Zhou Tao's 12-year marriage was broken, and the new direction attracted the attention of netizens

With Lu Yun's company, Zhou Tao not only found an emotional home, but also gained more support in his career.

She continues to work hard in her field, constantly challenging herself, and interpreting her love and dedication to art with her voice and actions.

Fourth, the road of cross-border, the brave are fearless

From a CCTV host to a cultural crossover, Zhou Tao has been so firm and brave in every step.

Heavy! CCTV's first sister Zhou Tao's 12-year marriage was broken, and the new direction attracted the attention of netizens

She knows that crossing borders is not an easy task, and it requires more effort and sweat.

But it was this curiosity and desire to explore the unknown that made her take that step bravely.

In the process of dubbing "China", she encountered many difficulties and challenges, but she never flinched.

She proved a truth with her actions: as long as there is a dream in her heart, there is a road under her feet.

Heavy! CCTV's first sister Zhou Tao's 12-year marriage was broken, and the new direction attracted the attention of netizens

Her voice is not only a pile of notes, but also her perception and understanding of life, and the inheritance and promotion of culture.

Today, Zhou Tao has become a bright star in the cultural field.

Her voice is like a link between the past and the present, the East and the West.

In her own way, she tells China's story and conveys China's voice.

Heavy! CCTV's first sister Zhou Tao's 12-year marriage was broken, and the new direction attracted the attention of netizens

In the days to come, I believe she will continue to use her talent and charm to bring us more surprises and touches.

Between the light and shadow and the sound, Zhou Tao uses her story to tell us: no matter where we are, no matter what challenges we face, as long as we maintain a heart of love and perseverance, we will be able to paint a beautiful picture.

Heavy! CCTV's first sister Zhou Tao's 12-year marriage was broken, and the new direction attracted the attention of netizens

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