
Midea's building technology is behind the "smart hospital partner".

author:Medical Valley Network

In 1978, the General Hospital of Nanjing Military Region introduced the domestic DJS-130 small computer for drug management and other aspects, opening the earliest attempt of domestic hospital information system. After more than 40 years of development, with the rapid development of big data, cloud computing, Internet of Things, artificial intelligence and other technologies, and at the same time, superimposed on the positive guidance of national policies, the construction of smart hospitals in China has begun to enter the "large infrastructure period" of rapid development from the "embryonic period" of initial exploration, breaking the traditional medical service system and reconstructing a more efficient, convenient, personalized and precise medical and health service model.

However, problems have also followed, including the lack of top-level design, unclear positioning requirements, inconsistent technical standards, the existence of information islands, and the difficulty of data integration, etc., so that the construction of domestic smart hospitals is still facing multiple challenges. With deep strength in the fields of building automation control, elevator technology and clean engineering, we have launched "all-in-one" solutions, opening up new horizons and creating more possibilities for the construction of smart hospitals.

The "Blue Book of HEST Four-Dimensional Smart Hospital Construction" was released to create a general template for the construction of smart hospitals

On June 27, the "Blue Book of HEST Four-Dimensional Smart Hospital Construction" (hereinafter referred to as the Blue Book) jointly edited by the Logistics Management Research Institute of Fudan Hospital, Midea Building Technology and Meikong Smart Building was officially released, which started from the research on the definition and evaluation dimension of smart hospitals, summarized the general formula for the definition of smart hospitals, and extracted the four core elements in the formula, namely humanistic philosophy (Humanism), economics (Economy), and sociology (Society) and Engineering (Technology) to deduce the four-dimensional evaluation system of smart hospitals-HEST.

Specifically, technology provides technical support for the implementation of smart hospitals, so as to meet the core needs of medical roles in different scenarios from the perspective of humanistic philosophy, generate generalized economic value for individuals, and finally realize social contributions to public health, aging and urbanization at the social level. At the same time, on the basis of forming a consensus on the four-dimensional concept of smart hospitals, the "Blue Book" gradually improves the idea of the ideal smart hospital by dismantling the smart hospital into the innovative practice of "large platform construction" and "small scene local application", and provides a richer path reference and reference for the progress and development of the industry. It should be pointed out that the "Blue Book" is also the only professional research report in China that explores the practice of smart hospital construction.

Midea's building technology is behind the "smart hospital partner".

Talking about the original intention of releasing the "Blue Book", Dr. Sun Jing, general manager of Midea Building Technology Meikong Smart Building, said in an interview with Medical Valley: "Previously, all walks of life have different definitions of smart hospitals from their own perspectives and professional fields, and 'wisdom' itself is a very general definition, 1,000 people may have 1,000 different smart hospitals in their eyes, there is no unified standard, the "Blue Book" lasted two and a half years from planning to completion, bringing together multiple academic authorities and professional forcesAfter systematically combing more than 300 literature and industry reports from more than 50 institutions, the definition formula of smart hospitals is proposed, and through practical innovation cases, from theory to practice, in order to provide a general reference standard for the construction of smart hospitals in China. ”

According to the understanding of Medical Valley at the press conference, the "Blue Book" believes that smart hospitals solve "core needs" for "medical roles" and achieve broader "social value" through the integration of HEST four-dimensional evaluation system, and take this as the underlying logic, by showing multiple practical application cases of Shanghai Tongji Hospital, Shanxi Provincial People's Hospital, Hongqiao Campus of Huashan Hospital Affiliated to Fudan University, Shanghai Medical Emergency Center, Shanghai First People's Hospital, and Heyou Hospital. It interprets the smart hospital construction concept of "big platform and small scene" that Midea Building Technology has been advocating.

Relying on the strategic idea of "big platform, small scene", Midea Building Technology has been positioned as a "partner of smart hospitals", abandoning the fragmented construction idea of "changing modules, adding equipment, and replacing software" that is common in hospital intelligence, and instead starts from a global perspective, by empowering various medical spaces, realizing the transformation and upgrading from a single system integration to specific application scenarios, and helping smart hospitals build future-oriented capabilities.

According to Dr. Sun, "The services of different scenarios in the hospital can be shared and data exchange is also required, so there is no need to spend a lot of time building all the subsystems and services for each scenario separately. The role of the large platform is to shield the heterogeneity of the underlying system, so that each scenario can transparently call various data, share basic system functions and public technical services, so as to efficiently complete the construction and flexible iteration of modular smart scenarios. At the same time, the hospital is also the most complex building, with a number of different 'small scenes', including public building features (such as outpatient areas), hotel features (such as inpatient areas), and craft building features (such as surgical areas), doctors and patients have different needs in different scenarios, which also makes it difficult to generalize about hospital smart construction, which must be treated in different scenarios, and gradually form different modular smart scenes, which can be quickly replicated and iterated within and between hospitals. ”

It is also under the architecture of "big platform, small scene", all technologies and resources are centered on scenario requirements, regional processes and end users, and the flat integration of technologies and resources is realized through the digital platform, and when the scene changes, each subsystem can be quickly decoupled, and then recombined to form a new application to flexibly serve the end user. "More generally, the large platform is equivalent to a built highway, and the small scene is like a car driving on it, and the car can be continuously updated and iterated according to the actual situation, but the highway does not need to be re-excavated again and again." Sun Jing said.

The whole life cycle of Heyou Hospital is a model practice of building the application of "big platform and small scene".

On June 28, Shunde Heyou Hospital, invested by Midea Holdings, officially started operation, and Heyou fully introduced Midea Building Technology's smart hospital LIFE solution during the construction process, integrating the "HDT five-step method" methodology and the construction concept of "large platform and small scene" into the construction of the whole life cycle of the hospital, and becoming a comprehensive smart medical representative hospital integrating smart medical care, smart service, smart management, smart operation and maintenance and smart logistics in China.

Midea's building technology is behind the "smart hospital partner".

According to Yigu, under the guidance of the construction concept of "big platform and small scene", the construction of Heyou Hospital's infrastructure system is guided by the needs of different medical scenarios, and each scenario can transparently call various data, share basic system functions and public technical services through the digital "big platform". Based on the overall architecture of the smart hospital of the iBUILDING digital platform, it takes the iBUILDING building digital platform as the platform foundation for the construction of the smart hospital, integrates all intelligent subsystems and IoT equipment according to the top-level plan, and connects with the medical clinical information integration platform to access, clean and unify the structure of all building equipment operation data, safety and operation situation data, as well as medical intelligent data. Through the iBUILDING building digital platform, the operation and maintenance management efficiency of Heyou Hospital has been greatly improved, the overall operation is more intelligent and efficient, and the efficiency of hospital operation and maintenance management, equipment asset management, and work order maintenance can be increased by more than 30%.

Midea's building technology is behind the "smart hospital partner".

At the same time, Midea Building Technology has created solutions such as smart outpatient clinics and smart wards for different "small scenarios" of Heyou Hospital. In the outpatient scenario, Midea Building Technology proposed the "1+NEXT Transparent Outpatient Clinic" solution for Heyou Hospital, which pushes the diagnosis and treatment process, queuing information, intelligent optimization, test results, and billing information in the medical information system to patients, and combines various medical intelligent assistance systems to create patient portable medical assistants to achieve transparent medical treatment. The mobile app enters the queue sequence in advance, and the test results and billing information are pushed in time, which will greatly improve the medical experience and efficiency.

For another core scenario in the hospital's medical system, the ward, Midea Building Technology introduced the "Wukong" smart ward solution to Heyou Hospital, taking the ward as the basic smart unit of the ward, integrating and linking all intelligent systems in the ward, and setting up integrated control terminals according to the needs of different groups of people, and obtaining services through a unified interface. For the key application scenarios of ward safety, a series of solutions have been created, such as intelligent infusion, anti-falling, anti-lost, anti-theft of infants, anti-extubation in ICU, and nearby rescue by medical care, to build a safe and continuous diagnosis and treatment of smart wards.

In addition, in response to the demand for elevator dispatch in the administrative building, general outpatient building, infection outpatient building, and administrative building of Heyou Hospital, Midea Building Technology has given full play to its technical advantages in digital intelligent elevators, and tailored a set of elevator solutions in the hospital, creating an intelligent traffic environment for each journey. Specifically, relying on the iBUILDING building digital platform, Midea's LINVOL digital elevator opens up the ecosystem of the entire hospital building under the high integration of software and hardware, realizes the interconnection between the elevator and everything in the building, and empowers the digital intelligence management of the whole life cycle of the elevator. In Midea Building Technology's digital intelligent elevator solution, the intelligent scheduling of elevator groups is realized through advanced Internet of Things technology, which reduces the waiting time of patients and medical staff, and effectively improves the operational efficiency of the hospital. With the help of advanced sensor and data analysis technology, LINVOL Digital Intelligence Elevator can provide predictive maintenance services to ensure real-time monitoring and fault warning of elevator operation status. In addition, Midea Building Technology also pays attention to the personalized experience of the elevator, and through intelligent functions such as the contactless elevator system, the elevator becomes a warm interface connecting people and space, bringing convenient and comfortable feelings to doctors and patients. The elevator is equipped with automatic induction ultraviolet disinfection and positive and negative ion disinfection devices, which effectively ensure the cleanliness and hygiene of the hospital environment and provide a safer treatment environment for patients.

It is also worth mentioning that, considering that many IoT hardware and applications in hospitals are often self-contained, different applications not only need to repeatedly build hardware such as IoT signal coverage base stations, but also software applications are difficult to apply continuously and efficiently due to inconsistencies in entrance, interactive experience, upgrade and maintenance, etc. Midea Building Technology has established a unified IoT platform signal coverage system for Heyou Hospital in the whole hospital, which is divided into three levels: IoT application scenarios, IoT platforms and IoT subsystems, which can meet the application and interaction of IoT in different scenarios, and create 12 IoT subsystems including asset management, mobile nursing, personnel positioning, one-key alarm, indoor navigation, baby anti-theft, infusion monitoring, medical waste management, equipment energy efficiency management, etc., which not only improves the patient experience, but also improves the response speed of medical care. It also lays the foundation for data exchange for efficient operation and maintenance.

Dr. Sun Jing gave an example that can be quantified by data, if the electricity bill of the entire hospital is expected to be 60 million yuan a year after the opening of the hospital, Midea's building technology solution will save about 20% of the energy for it, which is expected to save 12 million yuan. "For a hospital whose business will be in the ramp-up period, it is equivalent to the profit that can only be brought by 200 million yuan in revenue, and from an economic point of view, the significance of this indicator is self-evident." Sun Jing said.

The integration of the whole link creates core competitiveness

With the in-depth implementation of the "Healthy China" strategy and the strong promotion of Internet +, the market space for smart medical care is fully opened, according to the "2024-2029 China Smart Hospital Industry Industry Prospect Forecast and Market Research Report" released by the China Business Industry Research Institute, the market size of China's smart hospitals will reach 5.845 billion yuan in 2023, with an average annual compound growth rate of 53.31% in the past five years. In 2024, the market size of the industry will increase to 10.248 billion yuan.

Attracted by the market full of infinite imagination, more and more enterprises have begun to pour into the field of smart hospital construction, from the strong cross-border of giants, to the steady layout of established enterprises, and then to the flexible innovation of start-ups, they have jointly built a dynamic and creative smart hospital construction ecology, opening up a new path for the construction of smart hospitals.

Midea's building technology is behind the "smart hospital partner".

Zeng Libo, sales director of Midea building technology public industry, said in an interview with the media: "In recent years, Midea has carried out a far-reaching layout in the field of building technology, starting from hardware equipment, extending to the development of intelligent software, and then to the deep cultivation of digitalization and information technology, simultaneously promoting the development of hardware, software and intelligent technology, and realizing the integration and innovation of the whole link. This also enables us to have a unique core competitiveness in the market competition. ”

"In addition, from the group level, in addition to Midea Building Technology, Midea Medical's subsidiaries also cover Wandong Medical, KUKA Medical, Midea Biomedical and Swisslog Medical, providing multi-scenario smart solutions through the integration of medical imaging and intelligent imaging cloud platforms, robots, in-hospital logistics, drug management, cryogenic storage and other field systems, which also demonstrates the group's cross-field comprehensive strength and diversified development strategy." Zeng Li Bo said.

According to Yigu, based on the deep accumulation of hard technology and software systems, Midea Building Technology has successfully applied its intelligent solutions to more than 2,000 hospitals across the country, distributed in more than 300 cities across the country, including both large public tertiary hospitals and private high-end medical institutions. Zeng Libo revealed: "Guided by market demand, Midea Building Technology's next business focus is still dominated by public hospitals, because the market share of public hospitals has accounted for more than 80% of the business. ”

Undoubtedly, Midea building technology has played a pivotal role in the construction of smart hospitals in China, and the value contained in its solutions will also be gradually reflected in the practical application of hospitals, providing strong support for the intelligent transformation of the medical industry.

Source: Author: Shi Shiyun

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