
Let's judge! Is it wrong to let my child go to work after the college entrance examination? Do you have to lie down and brush your phone to hurt him?

author:CiCi sees the world
Let's judge! Is it wrong to let my child go to work after the college entrance examination? Do you have to lie down and brush your phone to hurt him?

Text| CiCi sees the world

Edit | CiCi sees the world

My child is now a sophomore in high school, and I have discussed with her that as soon as she finishes the college entrance examination, she will find a summer job to do it, not expecting her to earn much money, but just wanting her to experience that it is not easy to make money! It doesn't matter if she can't persevere, at least understand the truth of life and avoid going into society in the future!

I originally thought this kind of thinking was normal, but I didn't expect to see a post on the Internet, which is also a parent who wants to find a summer job for his child who has completed the college entrance examination, and thinks it is better than him lying at home and swiping his mobile phone every day!

Unexpectedly, most of the netizens in the comment area scolded this parent!

Let's judge! Is it wrong to let my child go to work after the college entrance examination? Do you have to lie down and brush your phone to hurt him?

Here's the thing, a parent in a community group asked if there were any summer jobs available! Her child has just finished the college entrance examination and wants to find a job close to home nearby, and it can be seen that this parent is not in a hurry to let the child go out to work because of money, but just wants the child to have a positive life!

Let's judge! Is it wrong to let my child go to work after the college entrance examination? Do you have to lie down and brush your phone to hurt him?

Parents raise their children on the one hand, and it is also one of the responsibilities of parents to want their children to be independent in adulthood, so it is understandable to worry about raising children to be high-eyed and lazy! After the children's college entrance examination is over, after resting for a while, let them feel the real society is also part of the child's growth and education!

Let's judge! Is it wrong to let my child go to work after the college entrance examination? Do you have to lie down and brush your phone to hurt him?

However, seeing the statements of most netizens in the comment area and this community group, it seems that they do not agree with this statement! Everyone's speeches in the group are still relatively tactful, everyone feels that they will have time to work in the future, not in a hurry, now is the time for them to enjoy!

Let's judge! Is it wrong to let my child go to work after the college entrance examination? Do you have to lie down and brush your phone to hurt him?

After the end of the college entrance examination, the child will usher in the longest summer vacation during the school year, which lasts for about three months! During this time, it is normal for children to learn a driver's license and travel to the places they want to go! But in addition to learning a driver's license and traveling, if you still have time to experience life and get a job, I feel that it is understandable!

I don't know why most people are so opposed?

Let's judge! Is it wrong to let my child go to work after the college entrance examination? Do you have to lie down and brush your phone to hurt him?
Let's judge! Is it wrong to let my child go to work after the college entrance examination? Do you have to lie down and brush your phone to hurt him?

↓ There is no contradiction between giving children money to go out to play and letting children have a sense of independence, I don't know why today's children feel that their parents owe them the same idea! If the normal job is to endure hardship, then why should your parents endure hardships to support your adult lying there swiping your mobile phone? ↓

Let's judge! Is it wrong to let my child go to work after the college entrance examination? Do you have to lie down and brush your phone to hurt him?

↓ So may I ask the following netizen, if it is really poor, what interest should you cultivate in children? A hard-working and down-to-earth child who faces reality is better than a child who is low-eyed and lazy, right? ↓

Let's judge! Is it wrong to let my child go to work after the college entrance examination? Do you have to lie down and brush your phone to hurt him?

↓ I can understand the logic of this netizen, of course, parents and children should work hard! It is not advisable for parents to lie flat and expect their children to work hard or for their children to gnaw at the old with confidence! ↓

Let's judge! Is it wrong to let my child go to work after the college entrance examination? Do you have to lie down and brush your phone to hurt him?

↓The older generation has indeed suffered too much, has no sense of security, and always feels that they can live a good life by enduring hardships! There is a saying that Oriental people are like bees, they work hard all their lives, but in winter they will survive on the honey they usually store! And Westerners are like butterflies, walking around beautifully every day, and it's over in winter!

Now times have changed, and the younger generation no longer wants to be bees!

Let's judge! Is it wrong to let my child go to work after the college entrance examination? Do you have to lie down and brush your phone to hurt him?

↓ It is said that Cantonese people are the most pragmatic, maybe Cantonese people are really not so much in reading and education, it turns out that they are all skills to make money? ↓

Let's judge! Is it wrong to let my child go to work after the college entrance examination? Do you have to lie down and brush your phone to hurt him?

↓ After reading so many comments, I really feel that the thinking of the younger generation is indeed different from ours! Maybe they are the sober generation who have understood the meaninglessness of life, and that living a lifetime is nothing more than coming to the world to be a donkey carrying money!

Let's judge! Is it wrong to let my child go to work after the college entrance examination? Do you have to lie down and brush your phone to hurt him?

↓ Regarding the question of going to school or going to work, it depends on what class you are in! When you go to school, you may have a hard working environment, and when you go to school, you will be relaxed, but the working environment may not be so easy! The bitterness of parents may not be worth the actual experience, and it is true that some children understand the importance of learning after tasting the hardships of work!

Let's judge! Is it wrong to let my child go to work after the college entrance examination? Do you have to lie down and brush your phone to hurt him?
Let's judge! Is it wrong to let my child go to work after the college entrance examination? Do you have to lie down and brush your phone to hurt him?

↓ It's really hard to do grassroots work, after the college entrance examination to experience it, can you study seriously in college?

Let's judge! Is it wrong to let my child go to work after the college entrance examination? Do you have to lie down and brush your phone to hurt him?

↓The children of rich families experience the life of the grassroots level, and the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, right? Sometimes parents let their children experience life more, and what they value is not the salary, but the experience and experience they learn from life!

Let's judge! Is it wrong to let my child go to work after the college entrance examination? Do you have to lie down and brush your phone to hurt him?

After reading the comment area, I really felt that maybe it was really because the times had changed, and diligence no longer seemed to be a virtue! Of course, you don't have to go out to work after graduating from the college entrance examination, but as an adult, even if you find a summer job, it doesn't mean that your parents don't love your children, right?

Dear friends, do you think it is wrong for this mother to want her child to find a summer job after her child's college entrance examination, and not to lie at home and swipe her mobile phone every day?

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