
5 villages jointly sell "Golden Flower" with an annual output value of more than 500,000 yuan

author:Guizi agricultural brand

On June 25, Dawang Village, Malu Town, Dongxing City, ushered in good news in the rain, and the person in charge of Dongwang Zhenxing Agricultural Company braved the rain to bring back an order for 200 cans of Jinhua tea, which was quickly packaged and sent to Xiamen in Jinhua Tea Industrial Park.

5 villages jointly sell "Golden Flower" with an annual output value of more than 500,000 yuan

In recent years, the general party branch of Dawang Village has focused on rural revitalization, with Jinhua tea as the leading industry, and built a 300-acre planting base and processing point through the model of "party branch + cooperative + farmer" to promote the income of villagers. This year, the planting area of Jinhua tea in the village reached more than 4,000 mu, with an annual output of 28,000 kilograms and an average household income of nearly 20,000 yuan.

5 villages jointly sell "Golden Flower" with an annual output value of more than 500,000 yuan

In order to further develop the industry, Dawang Village and many villages applied for support funds to build Dawang Jinhua Tea Industrial Park, and created the "Jinhua Party Building Alliance" to integrate resources and jointly promote the development of Jinhua tea industry. This year, the output of Jinhua tea in the member villages of the alliance is about 60,000 kilograms, and the output value has exceeded 500,000 yuan through the acquisition and processing of the industrial park.

5 villages jointly sell "Golden Flower" with an annual output value of more than 500,000 yuan

In order to continue to build the Dawang Jinhua tea brand, at the end of 2023, after the discussion of the "Jinhua Party Building Alliance", it was decided to establish a village-level platform company - Dongxing Dongwang Zhenxing Agriculture Co., Ltd. Dongxing Dongwang Zhenxing Agriculture Co., Ltd. is actively registering trademarks, building an integrated industrial system, and exploring e-commerce cooperation to achieve online and offline dual-channel sales and enhance brand awareness. Malu Town will continue to play the role of the party building alliance, research and develop new products, apply for geographical indications, expand the market, help the collective economy improve quality and efficiency, and realize rural revitalization.

5 villages jointly sell "Golden Flower" with an annual output value of more than 500,000 yuan

Source: Fangchenggang City News Network-Fangchenggang Daily