
Create a better home together|Cigarette butts for eggs and good habits of civilization

author:Jiang Han style

Jiang Hanfeng reported: In order to cultivate the new style of the times, advocate the concept of civilized, healthy, green and environmentally friendly life, and strive to create a strong atmosphere of "I know, I participate, and I dedicate to the creation of a national civilized city", recently, the Jingzhou Chuangwen Office has launched a new era of civilization practice activities in the central urban area of "cigarette butts do not fall to the ground, Jingzhou is more beautiful", and residents are very enthusiastic about participating.

Create a better home together|Cigarette butts for eggs and good habits of civilization

Residents and volunteers from Anlanmen Community, Xicheng Street, Jingzhou District, actively participated in the "search mode", picking up cigarette butts on the streets, corridors, and corners of the community, and then lined up in an orderly manner to exchange eggs for 20 cigarette butts under the guidance of community staff.

Gong Daoxiang, a resident of Anlanmen Community, Xicheng Street, Jingzhou District, said: "I do a small business, and there are a lot of people coming and going at the door.

Create a better home together|Cigarette butts for eggs and good habits of civilization

At the same time, the staff also publicized the knowledge of health and environmental protection to the residents, and guided everyone to develop the good habits of stressing civilization, hygiene, caring for the environment, and not littering cigarette butts, and striving to be the practitioners, disseminators and guardians of civilized behavior.

Cheng Yaqian, a member of the Anlanmen Community Neighborhood Committee of Xicheng Street, Jingzhou District, introduced: This cigarette butt for egg activity, after our early publicity, there are many residents and old aunts involved, through this activity as an opportunity to improve everyone's awareness of environmental protection, so that Chuangwen is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, starting from the side, starting from small things, and jointly maintaining our environment.

Create a better home together|Cigarette butts for eggs and good habits of civilization

At the gate of Yingximen Community, Jiefang Street, Shacheng District, residents have lined up with bags of cigarette butts to exchange for eggs, and the staff counted the number of cigarette butts while registering information.

Liu Lingling, a resident of Yingximen Community, Jiefang Street, Shacheng District, said: "I picked up 100 cigarette butts today and replaced them with 5 eggs, contributing to the creation of culture in our community, and I was very happy, so I scrambled and ate the eggs at noon." ”

Create a better home together|Cigarette butts for eggs and good habits of civilization

Fu Tianmei, a resident of Yingximen Community, Jiefang Street, Shacheng District, said: "Every day when we go out to buy vegetables, we pick up cigarette butts when we see them in the corridor and on the side of the road, and we are very happy to make some contributions to civilization." ”

Although the cigarette butt is small, it affects the civilized image of a city, and what is thrown away is the cigarette butt, and what is lost is civilization. At present, this new era civilization practice activity is also being carried out in many communities in the central urban area, calling on more citizens to bend down and stretch out their hands frequently, and pass on the great civilization with small actions, so that the roads are clean and the city is more beautiful.

Create a better home together|Cigarette butts for eggs and good habits of civilization

Huang Pingping, member of the Party Working Committee of Jiefang Street, Shacheng District, and deputy director of Xuantong Committee, introduced: Jingzhou Chuangwen Office distributed more than 200,000 eggs, more than 4,000 pieces of mineral water and other materials to 12 points in the central urban area in two batches to residents participating in the activity. The purpose of this activity is to mobilize our residents to participate in the creation of a national civilized city Through cigarette butts for eggs, exchange for civilized good habits, so that cigarette butts do not fall to the ground become the norm, and in the future, we will continue to carry out more civilized practice activities that residents like to see, so as to improve the happiness and sense of gain of residents.

(Reporter: Sun Yuyao, Guo Peiyue/Editor: Wang Xiangming/First Instance: Tang Jie/Second Instance: Wang Taofang/Third Instance: Jiang Min)

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