
Zhang Zhijie's uncle-in-law spoke: Zhijie's father died when he was very young, and his mother fell ill and was hospitalized last night when he heard the bad news

author:The Legend of Ah Lang 00
Zhang Zhijie's uncle-in-law spoke: Zhijie's father died when he was very young, and his mother fell ill and was hospitalized last night when he heard the bad news


17-year-old Zhang Zhijie, a badminton genius who came out of rural Anhui, died suddenly at the most brilliant moment of his life......


01.A new badminton star passed away at the age of 17

On July 1, 2024, a summer day that should have been full of hope turned into a dark moment in the Chinese sports world due to an accident. At the Asian Youth Badminton Championships in Indonesia, 17-year-old Chinese teenager Zhang Zhijie suddenly collapsed and left the badminton court forever.

Zhang Zhijie's uncle-in-law spoke: Zhijie's father died when he was very young, and his mother fell ill and was hospitalized last night when he heard the bad news

It was a mixed team group stage, and the match was in full swing, and all eyes were on the young player. Who would have thought that just when everyone was expecting him to achieve another great result, fate played a cruel joke.

Zhang Zhijie's uncle-in-law spoke: Zhijie's father died when he was very young, and his mother fell ill and was hospitalized last night when he heard the bad news

Zhang Zhijie suddenly fainted on the field, and this scene stunned everyone. The scene was chaotic, and the coach and teammates rushed to the field. Medics were urgently called, but it seemed that everything came too late. Despite his efforts, he was unable to save his life.

Zhang Zhijie's uncle-in-law spoke: Zhijie's father died when he was very young, and his mother fell ill and was hospitalized last night when he heard the bad news

17 years old is the age of prosperity. Zhang Zhijie should have a bright future, he has just obtained the qualification for university admission, and his badminton career is also thriving. But at this age when he should have bloomed, his life came to an abrupt end. This harsh reality is hard to accept.

Zhang Zhijie's uncle-in-law spoke: Zhijie's father died when he was very young, and his mother fell ill and was hospitalized last night when he heard the bad news

When the news spread, the entire sports world was plunged into grief. Zhang Zhijie's teammates, coaches, and even opponents couldn't believe that this sunny and cheerful teenager left like this. On social media, people expressed their grief and #永远的17岁#的话题迅速登上热搜.

Zhang Zhijie's uncle-in-law spoke: Zhijie's father died when he was very young, and his mother fell ill and was hospitalized last night when he heard the bad news

The tragedy has also raised concerns about the safety of teenage athletes. Why is this happening? Is medical coverage in place on the field? Is the physical condition of young athletes given adequate attention? These are questions that need to be answered urgently.

Zhang Zhijie's departure is a wake-up call to the entire sports world. It reminds us that the safety of athletes is paramount in the pursuit of excellence.

Zhang Zhijie's uncle-in-law spoke: Zhijie's father died when he was very young, and his mother fell ill and was hospitalized last night when he heard the bad news

The tragedy continues to unfold. How did Zhang Zhijie's family accept this sad news? How will the tournament organisers respond? And what is the path of this 17-year-old boy in badminton? Let's continue to look down and restore the life trajectory of this genius boy together.

Zhang Zhijie's uncle-in-law spoke: Zhijie's father died when he was very young, and his mother fell ill and was hospitalized last night when he heard the bad news

02. From the countryside to the national team

Zhang Zhijie's story is an inspirational legend from rural Anhui to the national team. His starting point in life was not glamorous, he was born in an ordinary rural family in Anhui, and fate seemed to test this little boy from the beginning.

When he was young, Zhang Zhijie experienced the biggest blow in his life - the death of his father. The crushing blow could have broken the family, but his mother chose to be strong. In order to give her children a better life, she took Zhang Zhijie and his sister to Jiaxing, Zhejiang Province alone to work in a local shopping mall. The hardships of life did not wear out the hope of this family, but made the little Zhang Zhijie more sensible.

Zhang Zhijie's uncle-in-law spoke: Zhijie's father died when he was very young, and his mother fell ill and was hospitalized last night when he heard the bad news

The turning point of fate came when Zhang Zhijie was in kindergarten. His first exposure to badminton was like finding the other half of his life. Since then, badminton has become the center of his life. In the third grade of primary school, his talent was recognized and he was sent to the Zhejiang provincial team. This opportunity became a turning point in his life.

Life in the provincial team was not easy. The daily high-intensity training, away from the thoughts of his family, is a test for this little boy. But Zhang Zhijie showed extraordinary self-discipline and hard work. His coach once said: "Zhijie is one of the hardest working kids I've ever met, he always trains until the last one leaves." "

Zhang Zhijie's uncle-in-law spoke: Zhijie's father died when he was very young, and his mother fell ill and was hospitalized last night when he heard the bad news

Hard work pays off. Zhang Zhijie has won the men's singles championship of the 15-year-old group in the U15-17 finals of the national U-series badminton competition, and many other honors. In 2023, he finally ushered in the highlight of his career - entering the national youth team.

Zhang Zhijie's uncle-in-law spoke: Zhijie's father died when he was very young, and his mother fell ill and was hospitalized last night when he heard the bad news

But Zhang Zhijie was not carried away by these achievements. Despite the intense training, he still maintains his love of learning. In 2024, he received an acceptance letter from the university, which made the whole family extremely proud.

Zhang Zhijie's story shows the extraordinary life of an ordinary teenager. From the countryside of Anhui to the national team, from obscurity to young genius, he used his own efforts to interpret what "God rewards hard work".

Zhang Zhijie's uncle-in-law spoke: Zhijie's father died when he was very young, and his mother fell ill and was hospitalized last night when he heard the bad news

03. Mother fell ill and was admitted to the hospital

Zhang Zhijie's mother, Ms. Jiang, a strong woman who raised two children alone, fell ill and was hospitalized on the spot after hearing the news of her son's death. She couldn't accept that her son, who had been raised with hard work, left forever. Zhang Zhijie's sister, who had just graduated from college, had to rush to Indonesia to deal with her brother's funeral. The siblings were supposed to meet a bright future together, who would have thought that fate would be so cruel.

Zhang Zhijie's uncle-in-law spoke: Zhijie's father died when he was very young, and his mother fell ill and was hospitalized last night when he heard the bad news

However, in the midst of grief, a wave of doubts began to spread online. People began to pay attention to the rescue process at the time of the incident. Some witnesses said that after Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground, the on-site treatment did not seem to be timely. Even more shocking, the video shows Zhang Zhijie lying on the ground for about two minutes before being lifted out on a stretcher, during which time no one appears to be performing CPR or using first aid equipment such as AEDs.

Zhang Zhijie's uncle-in-law spoke: Zhijie's father died when he was very young, and his mother fell ill and was hospitalized last night when he heard the bad news

These details sparked a public backlash. Many have questioned why such a medical lapse could occur at such an important international event. The "golden four minutes" are so important for patients in cardiac arrest that they are wasted?

Zhang Zhijie's sister spoke out on social media, questioning the lack of rescue at the scene. Her words were full of grief and anger: "He is still so young, if he had been rescued in the first place, would the result have been different?" "This question is like a sharp knife that stabs everyone who cares about it.

Zhang Zhijie's uncle-in-law spoke: Zhijie's father died when he was very young, and his mother fell ill and was hospitalized last night when he heard the bad news

The tragedy has also sparked widespread discussion in society about the safety and security of young athletes. People are beginning to reflect on whether the physical and mental health of athletes is neglected while striving for excellence. How does high-intensity training affect young athletes' bodies? Are the event organizers medically prepared?

Zhang Zhijie's uncle-in-law spoke: Zhijie's father died when he was very young, and his mother fell ill and was hospitalized last night when he heard the bad news


Looking ahead, we expect to see more positive changes. Perhaps one day, we will build a world-class sports safety and security system, so that every athlete can chase their dreams without worry. Perhaps one day, Zhang Zhijie's story will become an important page in the promotion of sports reform, and his life is short but significant.

Let us work together for a better future of sports in China. I believe that in the near future, we will see a safer, healthier and more vibrant world of sports. Zhang Zhijie's dream will be realized by us together.

Zhang Zhijie's uncle-in-law spoke: Zhijie's father died when he was very young, and his mother fell ill and was hospitalized last night when he heard the bad news