
It's not a mouthful of fragrance, it turns out that there really are sand coins Have you ever seen a real sand coin?

author:The sky is high and the earth is wide, and I want to see it

This article is in no way scolding!

"Sand coin" is by no means a curse word or a synonym for money, but a real creature in the world.

It's not a mouthful of fragrance, it turns out that there really are sand coins Have you ever seen a real sand coin?

There are all kinds of creatures in the sea, there are many species that we have never seen before, and for the sea, we humans have not explored all of them clearly, and even the pace of exploring space is more than exploring the deep sea, so many things in the deep sea, some of which have not even been seen.

It's not a mouthful of fragrance, it turns out that there really are sand coins Have you ever seen a real sand coin?

Sand coin is a kind of sea creature, also known as sand money, sea money, according to the orthodox classification method of the academic school to issue an identity card, it should be the animal kingdom, echinoderms, echinida, true echinoids, subclass, and the order Cyniformes. It is divided into four suborders, namely the biscuit echinidium suborder that began in the Cretaceous period, the Eocene to the present, the Eocene to the present, and the Miocene to the present. Sea urchins are round, spherical, or heart-shaped, with wart processes and long movable spines, while sand flattened bodies have short spines that appear to be hairy and inconspicuous forked spines.

It's not a mouthful of fragrance, it turns out that there really are sand coins Have you ever seen a real sand coin?

The name of the sand coin comes from the fact that after its death, it was flat and round, and the diameter was generally no more than 10 centimeters. The obverse has a distinct pattern lined up in the shape of five flowers, which looks like the pattern on a "silver coin" from a distance, so it looks like a coin in the sun. This creature is often exposed to the beach after the tide recedes, becoming the object of human collection and becoming a specimen. But if you don't particularly like it, it's better not to pick it up. 因为纱 币‬的嘴和肛 门是相对着长的,位于薄薄的身体的两面,所以两者离得非常近,所以闻起来味道非常“刺 激”。

It's not a mouthful of fragrance, it turns out that there really are sand coins Have you ever seen a real sand coin?

Sand coins, in fact, are close relatives of sea urchins (although both are covered with dense spikes). However, the spikes of sand coins are very short, not as hard as the tips of sea urchins, and they can hurt if they touch it slightly. The spikes on the sand coin are thin, soft, and comfortable to the touch, like a fluffy doll. Their distribution in China is mainly concentrated in the South China Sea, preferring to live on the surface of the beach in the intertidal or subtidal zone, or burying themselves in the sand, and some species will also be distributed on the seabed at a depth of 3,000 meters, which shows that their survival range is still very wide.

It's not a mouthful of fragrance, it turns out that there really are sand coins Have you ever seen a real sand coin?

In fact, the official name of the sand coin is cake urchin, which is also literally translated from the English name "cake urchin". However, there are many other names for sand coins, which are basically named after their shape: coin-like and with thin edges, they are called sand coins or sand coins. The yellow or purple skid-edged sea urchin, which grows off the coast of East Africa, is larger and thinner among its siblings, and has a very Chinese name, the sea pancake. The shape of the suborder sea urchin resembles a slightly raised "mushroom canopy", and the members of the suborder Biscuit Urchin, such as the biscuit urchin, are shaped like a cookie.

Since ordinary people can't tell the difference so clearly, all the cakes and sea urchins are collectively called sand coins or sand coins.

Sand coins feed on small animals and plants mixed in the mud and sand, generally living in groups, because of poor mobility, in order not to starve to death, in the seabed will dig sand, adjust the position, put the body upright, when the sea water passes by, it will use the tube foot to catch plankton or organic debris, and then through the wriggling of the spines to the ventral mouth will occasionally eat magnetite particles to increase the weight of the body, so as not to be washed away by the current.

Sand coins are dioecious creatures that feel the call of duty when their reproductive glands mature, expelling eggs and sperm simultaneously into the sea on a dark and windy night. The egg and sperm combine in the seawater to form a new individual in the shape of a small rocket.

It's not a mouthful of fragrance, it turns out that there really are sand coins Have you ever seen a real sand coin?

Don't look at the weak sand coins, there is no meat, and they are generally not used as food, but there are still natural predators. So they have their own unique survival strategy – Cron. When Sand Coin larvae sense danger, they perform Cloon in two ways to increase their chances of survival. One is to quickly produce a small bud on the body, which will soon develop into a new larva after leaving the mother; The other is more brutal and direct, splitting itself in half to produce two selves. Currently, Sand Coin is the only creature observed to self-protect itself by asexual breeding.

It's not a mouthful of fragrance, it turns out that there really are sand coins Have you ever seen a real sand coin?

We all know that the sea is very vast, and how many mysterious sea creatures are there at the bottom of the sea that we have not seen? Research has shown that only 5% of the underwater creatures have been explored, and the remaining 95% are hidden in the depths of the sea. How many unknown creatures are there in the deep sea?

It's not a mouthful of fragrance, it turns out that there really are sand coins Have you ever seen a real sand coin?
