
The world's first highway wonder|It took 7 years to build 99 curves, and even the old drivers were afraid to look at it.

author:The sky is high and the earth is wide, and I want to see it

More than 5 million kilometers of highways are spread across the land of China, intertwined into a dense web that is enough to circle the earth 130 times. China is a country of mountains, and the mountainous area accounts for about 1/3 of the total land area of the country.

Tianmen Mountain Panshan Highway is located in Tianmen Mountain, Zhangjiajie, Hunan, has the name of "Tongtian Avenue" (to here, only to know what is called Wanzhang Cliff), the total length of the Panshan Highway is 10.77 kilometers, the altitude rises sharply from 200 meters to 1300 meters, the cliffs on both sides of the avenue are thousands, the road is swayed up by the mountain, the empty valley is deep, there are ninety-nine thrilling sharp bends hidden, 180 degrees of sharp bends are eliminated from the other, so that the highway is stacked on top of each other, like a flying dragon circling, straight to the sky, breathtaking, it is said to be the limit of the world's highway.

The world's first highway wonder|It took 7 years to build 99 curves, and even the old drivers were afraid to look at it.

These bends go from cliffs to cols, from cols to cliffs, and from cliffs to canyons...... It's turning your head around. This highway is so crooked that I can't see the head and tail clearly, and I can't see the ins and outs clearly. It is by no means something that can be described in words like "nine curved ileums." You say that it is built according to the mountains and the peaks and circuits, but it is not all, it seems that there is a deliberate factor. The design of this highway cannot be completed by technology alone, it is a work of art!

The road is world-famous for its unique design and rugged road conditions. Every bend is like a great challenge,

The world's first highway wonder|It took 7 years to build 99 curves, and even the old drivers were afraid to look at it.

Waiting for the motorist to conquer. Even the most seasoned driver can hardly walk the entire way without feeling his legs shivering. But it is precisely this kind of hardship and irritation that has made the Tianmen Mountain Winding Mountain Highway a driving mecca that countless motorists dream of. They came to try their skills and feel the glory and thrill of conquering the heavenly path.

The world's first highway wonder|It took 7 years to build 99 curves, and even the old drivers were afraid to look at it.

Construction began in 1998 and was not completed until 2005, costing more than 100 million yuan and lasting seven years. The construction of the Tianmen Mountain Winding Road is a major challenge in the history of highways, starting with the elevation: the lowest point is 200 meters, and the highest point is close to 1,300 meters, which is quite a high increase. The second is the number of turns: there are 99 turns in a distance of 10 km, and they are next to each other. It is precisely because of these two points that the Tianmen Mountain Panshan Highway has the reputation of "the world's first highway wonder".

The world's first highway wonder|It took 7 years to build 99 curves, and even the old drivers were afraid to look at it.

The Tianmen Mountain Panshan Road was originally built for the Tianmen Mountain scenic spot, and now it has become a check-in attraction for scenic spots. In that year, Tianmen Mountain was developed, and the winding mountain road was built first, which went through many difficulties and dangers. Nowadays, the winding mountain road is not commonly used anymore, there are cableways up and down the mountain, the downhill cableway is the longest, there are more than 7,000 meters, it is the longest cableway in the world, and it can directly reach the urban area of Wulingyuan from the top of the mountain. There are also nine elevators on the mountain, which can reach Tianmen Cave from under the Tianmen Cave and then to the glass plank road at the summit. Modern tourist facilities have improved the tourism of the scenic spot and made it more convenient for tourists.

The world's first highway wonder|It took 7 years to build 99 curves, and even the old drivers were afraid to look at it.

Tianmen Mountain, known as Songliang Mountain in ancient times, is located in the southern suburbs of Zhangjiajie City, 8 kilometers, with an altitude of 1518.6 meters, and is a mountain-type natural scenic spot. The lone peak of Tianmen Mountain is towering and magnificent, surrounded by cliffs, as if a huge gate of heaven stands between heaven and earth.

The world's first highway wonder|It took 7 years to build 99 curves, and even the old drivers were afraid to look at it.

The formation of Tianmen Mountain began with the Yanshan movement, and then through the shaping of the Himalayan orogeny, the current karst mountain landform was formed. This area has undergone intense denudation and leaching, resulting in the present-day karst mountain landform. Tianmen Mountain belongs to the central subtropical mountain prototype monsoon climate, the mountaintop forest is a primitive secondary forest, with a variety of precious tree species, but also rich wildlife resources.


The world's first highway wonder|It took 7 years to build 99 curves, and even the old drivers were afraid to look at it.